Cultivating immortals is a hard job

Chapter 169: Magical Sand Stone

This dead tree was the soul-nurturing tree he picked up in Tianxiang Valley. At this moment, a touch of new green appeared on the top of the branch.

Mo Xun felt happy, and his originally terrible mood finally relaxed a little.

If this soul-nurturing tree could really be revived, its value would probably be no less than the sum of these elixirs.

After half a day of sorting, Mo Xun made a rough calculation and found that the number of spiritual herbs in the medicine garden was at least 70% less.

Thinking of this number, his heart ached.

He then stayed here for another day, after assessing that the situation outside should have stabilized, he took Li Qingying out of the gourd.

He casually lit the firewood at his feet, and the dark cave suddenly became brighter.

He placed Li Qingying on the ground, took out a pill, and put it into her mouth.

Then he sat cross-legged in the corner and looked outside the dark cave.

There are dark clouds tonight, and there is no trace of moonlight.

Occasionally, there were a few insects chirping outside the cave.

After a cup of tea, soft murmuring sounded in the small cave.

Li Qingying slowly got up and rubbed her dizzy head. Through the dim light, it took a lot of effort to see the figures in the distance clearly.

"Brother Mo?"

Mo Xun nodded: "You're awake!"

Li Qingying looked around and saw that there was some shade in the small cave.

"What's going on? Where are we?"

"We were targeted before, so I have to stun you first and bring you here to avoid the limelight temporarily!"

The corners of Li Qingying's mouth moved. Although she had too many questions, since Mo Xun said so, she could only think so.

But when she saw the clothes on her body, she felt as if she had been shocked by an electric shock. After exclaiming in surprise, her face instantly turned pale.

Seeing her look like this, Mo Xun touched his nose with some guilt.

"I'm sorry. I was afraid that someone would plant a mark on me, so I took it upon myself to change your clothes. You know... you should follow the authority in emergencies!"

When he said this, he felt like he didn't even believe it!

I don’t know since when, his face has become so thick-skinned!

But then again, it is indeed the case!

Li Qingying was startled for a moment, and a blush quietly appeared on her originally pale face.

Even she herself didn't realize that in a short period of time, her mood changed from panic to a little joy.

After a long time, I heard her weak "Oh"!

The two of them were like this, one was looking out of the dark cave, the other was rubbing his clothes, not knowing what he was thinking.

The atmosphere fell into embarrassment for a moment!

Li Qingying suddenly asked: "Brother Mo, do you know who is going to harm us?"

Mo Xun shook his head. It wasn't that he didn't want to say it, but that he didn't want to worry about the little girl.

"It's just a guess on my part. It may not be accurate. We'll stay out for a few days and then go back."

Li Qingying nodded lightly, and the two fell into silence again.

Mo Xun was thinking about the next incident at the Gu Yue Sect, but Li Qingying was fantasizing about something, but it was unclear what exactly he was fantasizing about!

She suddenly thought that this seemed to be her first time spending time with Brother Mo late at night!

They stayed silent all night and left the cave early the next morning.

Since nothing happened, Mo Xun asked Li Qingying to take him to Tianqing Mountain.

Two days later, they came to a hidden mountain canyon.

In the deepest part of the canyon, surrounded by dense forests, there is a pool of water that spans thousands of feet.

Li Qingying led him to search for a while, and then suddenly said excitedly: "Brother Mo, it's just below here."

The sleeves of Mo Xun's robe were blown by, and the flowers, plants and trees around half a man's height were blown to and fro, revealing a path.

He picked up a stone and threw it into the pool.

After a splash of water, he closed his eyes and listened carefully!

After a while, he roughly made some judgments in his mind.

"You wait here, I'll go down and take a look!"

Before Li Qingying could react, he performed a breath-holding technique and jumped down with a plop.

As soon as he entered the water, his vision became blurred. He then injected some spiritual power into his eyes, and then he overcame the discomfort.

The further down you go, the darker it becomes gradually due to the light.

He took out a fluorescent bead, and the area around him was filled with a soft shimmer.

This kind of fluorescent beads is a relatively commonly used low-level lighting instrument in the world of immortality.

The first time he went to the underground black market, he saw exactly this thing.

When using it, you only need to inject a little spiritual power into it, and it can be used as lighting.

The last time Mo Xun was curious, he bought two of them from Qin Yi, but they never came into use.

After diving down for about a hundred feet, he felt something solid under his feet and reached the bottom of the pool.

According to the direction pointed by Li Qingying, he found Huangangsha with little effort.

It is true as the little girl said, this is a huge Huangangsha rough stone, estimated to be about six or seven feet in size.

According to the extraction ratio of one ten thousandth, if this thing is completely purified, at least hundreds of kilograms of Huan Gang Sand can be obtained.

I'm afraid that in terms of value alone, this thing is no less than a gold mountain!

But the problem is that the workload of depositing is not ordinary.

If he was the only one to do it, he wouldn't have to think about it for hundreds of years.

But then again, he didn't need so much Magic Sand!

It would take a few months to deposit a few taels, so it shouldn't be a big problem!

Then he circled around the raw stone again, but didn't find any traces of veins or anything like that.

In other words, the stone seemed to appear out of thin air at the bottom of the pond!

Of course, he wouldn't think about these boring questions.

What he needed to consider now was how to move this thing back. Even if he couldn't use so much, he could still exchange it for a lot of spiritual stones.

Since the destruction of the medicine garden, he has become very greedy. Whenever he sees something worth money, his eyes light up.

He would regret letting such a treasure slip away from his eyes!

Cultivation is really too resource-consuming!

He doesn't have such a large storage bag for such a huge raw stone. Even if he does, he can't put it in with his magic power.

Then there is only one way, which is to break it!

As soon as he said it, he gathered his spiritual power in his palm and slapped it out. The wind from his palm drove the surrounding water into a huge wave, which instantly moved towards the original stone.

After a loud "boom", the original stone did not move at all, but a fist-sized piece of gravel fell from the edge.

Mo Xun shook his head helplessly. Perhaps the water limited his strength, or this thing was harder than ordinary stones.

You know, with his current cultivation, if he was outside, this palm would definitely not be able to split a mountain, but it would be no problem to split a stone.

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