Cultivating immortals is a hard job

Chapter 170 Life and Death

Mo Xun couldn't help but touch his chin, took out the Qiankun Ring, took a few steps back, and then suddenly threw it out with another "boom".

This time it had some effect, but it only knocked down a rock the size of your head.

He shook his head secretly. Being underwater did limit the use of his strength.

However, it seems that through pure brute force, even if it is exhausted, it will not be able to knock down much!

A rough stone of this level would probably require at least a foundation-building or elixir-forming monk to be able to break it open.

No wonder Sister Li Qingying didn't take it away at that time, there was really nothing she could do!

After thinking about this, he looked at it reluctantly, then pushed hard with his feet and floated upward quickly.

"Brother Mo, how are you?"

Mo Xun wiped the water stains on his face, and in the blink of an eye, he used magic to dry the clothes on his body.

"I found it, but I can't take it with me yet. Let's go back first!"

Seeing that the Gu Yue Sect's disciples were approaching, he couldn't stay here for long. After simply leaving a mark nearby, the two of them embarked on their return journey.

Two days later, a stooped old man and his granddaughter with a pockmarked face came to the outside of Lantian City.

These two people were naturally Mo Xun and Li Qingying in disguise.

"Miss Qingying, you go home and make arrangements later. I'll go buy some things. We'll set off to Guyuemen tomorrow!"

The two then split up and left.

Half a month later, during the apprenticeship ceremony, many people had already left on the road, and the Blue Sky City suddenly became much quieter.

When he came to Funing Street, he randomly chose a larger store and walked in.

"Fellow Taoist, do you need anything?"

The shopkeeper is a kind-hearted middle-aged man, in his forties, with a tenth level of Qi refining. A smile appears on his face as he speaks.

Mo Xun bent over, holding a walking stick in his hand, hugging his fists, and said in a hoarse voice: "My granddaughter is going to participate in the sect selection. Do you have any recommendations?"

The shopkeeper smiled and sat down facing him, pouring another cup of tea.

"I wonder if Lingsun is participating alone, or if he has other companions?"

Mo Xun raised his head in confusion.

"Does this make a difference?"

"If you are alone, it is nothing more than preparing some corresponding magic weapons. If you have a team of fellow Taoists, I can recommend some other things."

When Mo Xun heard this, he became interested.

"I am new to your place, and I don't know much about it. It doesn't matter what it is like for one person or for many people. Please tell me, fellow Taoist, please!"

The shopkeeper smiled. Anyway, there weren't many customers today, so everything was fine.

"Lingsun is participating in the sect selection this time. I believe fellow Taoists should also understand some rules!"

When the shopkeeper saw him nodding, he continued: "According to the custom of previous years, the assessment is divided into three items. The first item is the spiritual root test. This is brought from the mother's womb. There is nothing to say, but the second item is the spell speed test. Made some preparations.”

Mo Xun nodded clearly again: "I hope you can teach me!"

The shopkeeper smiled slightly.

"In this category, if you draw an unfamiliar spell, because there is a time limit, many people are unfamiliar with it and have no time to practice, so it will be difficult to achieve high scores. Some people even have no time to understand it!"

When the shopkeeper said this, he glanced at Mo Xun.

“In previous years, many people have received zero points!”

Mo Xun thought about it, and based on his past experience in learning spells, one hour was indeed a little short.

Except for the Qi Condensation Technique that he had come across before, he had never learned a spell in a short period of time.

Of course, this may also be because he has not had much exposure to magic.

"When fellow Taoist mentioned this, there must be some solution, right?"

The shopkeeper smiled and waved his hand.

"Of course there is no complete solution, but I can give you some suggestions on some tricky methods. As for whether it can succeed, it also depends on Lingsun's luck."

"Appreciate further details!"

"Actually, it's very simple. Just prepare some talismans for different spells in advance. During the assessment, if you really can't cast the spell, you can secretly activate the talisman. The effect will be the same!"

Mo Xun frowned, wasn't this cheating?

"Isn't this difficult to implement? During the assessment, there should be foundation-building monks watching, using talismans instead of spells, which can be seen at a glance."

The shopkeeper smiled.

"It seems that this is really the first time for fellow Taoist to participate in this kind of sect selection!"

Mo Xun looked at him doubtfully. From what he meant, it seemed that there was another way inside.

"Oh? Can you be more straightforward?"

"Fellow Taoist is right about one thing just now. This kind of assessment is naturally conducted by high-level monks. However, at least one hundred and eighty people will participate in each round of assessment at the same time. Those monks in the foundation-building stage, even if they have hands and eyes that can reach the sky, It’s impossible to take care of so many people at the same time, so as long as you do it in a subtle way, it’s still possible to get through!”

Mo Xun was silent for a while. In fact, spells and talismans have something in common, so without knowing it, it is really difficult to distinguish the difference between the two.

"What would be the consequences if he were discovered on the spot?"

"Is this..."

After hesitating for a moment, the shopkeeper said truthfully: "If you are discovered, you will naturally be disqualified!"

Seeing Mo Xun's face darken, the shopkeeper hurriedly explained: "But fellow Taoist, don't worry, this method is just a precaution. After all, if you get zero points, it is not much different from being disqualified." !”

Mo Xun probably understood what the shopkeeper meant.

This kind of cheating is nothing more than a last resort.

The last resort here actually means that you can't cast any magic at all. In this case, you will naturally get zero points. It's better to take a risk and maybe pass by luck.

In fact, this is true. There is really no difference between getting zero points in the second assessment and being directly disqualified.

After a long time, Mo Xun said, "Besides this method, do you have any other means?"

The shopkeeper shook his head with a wry smile. If he could have a better way, he wouldn't have reached the tenth level of Qi Refining until now.

And the shopkeeper didn't mention a big disadvantage of this method, which is that the probability of being able to guess right by chance is too low.

There are thousands of magic spells in the world. How can we collect all the spells and the corresponding talismans?

Mo Xun then asked: "Fellow Daoist, please continue. I believe there should be some methods for the third assessment, right?"

"That's right. This third assessment is a joint assessment of comprehensive strength and Dao heart. After all, in the world of immortal cultivation, strength is the foundation of one's life. Even if one has high talent, without strength, one will eventually die under the sword. Therefore, this assessment is the only one among the three that may result in death, so it is also called the life and death test!"

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