Cultivating immortals is a hard job

Chapter 171 Soul Cultivation

In the jade slip Qin Yi gave him, Mo Xun also roughly understood the content of this assessment.

It seems that all people are brought to a dangerous place, and the specific score is determined by the distance each person walks.

Since it is a dangerous place, it naturally has various unknown dangers.

Perhaps it is a monster, or a formation restriction. Once someone feels that he can't hold on, he can activate the teleportation talisman in his hand and leave. In this case, the assessment will naturally end.

Of course, danger means that there will be danger to life, which is inevitable.

In previous assessments, there have even been situations where 30% to 40% of the cultivators did not come out.

So this item is called the life and death test, which is not wrong.

However, the matter of cultivating immortals is to fight for life with the sky. If you want to be stable and comfortable, you might as well be a mortal.

"Just now I asked you, fellow Daoist, whether your grandson is going through the level alone or with a companion is related to this assessment!"

Mo Xun bowed his hands: "Please advise!"

The shopkeeper did not answer him directly, but asked: "Fellow Daoist, do you know that when entering this third level, it is a random teleportation!"

"Random teleportation?"

"That's right, all the cultivators will be in different positions after entering the assessment site designated by Gu Yue Sect. If your grandson has a companion, this store does have something that can quickly gather companions!"

Mo Xun frowned, he had never heard of this saying.

The shopkeeper took out a palm-sized white jade plate from behind the counter.

"This thing is called Qianli Xiao. As long as you are within a thousand miles, you can sense the location of your companions."

Mo Xun took it in his hand, looked around, and after injecting a little spiritual power, a light green light spot appeared on it.

After hearing what the shopkeeper said, he remembered his positioning symbol.

But the sensing distance of the positioning symbol is at most about a hundred miles, and it cannot reach that far.

However, this incident did serve as a reminder for him.

Since he was the one who brought Li Qingying to the selection, he was naturally responsible for the girl's safety.

If he hadn't come here today, I'm afraid the two would have separated at that time, and I don't know what happened.

Seeing Mo Xun nod with satisfaction, the shopkeeper continued: "In addition to this Qianli Xiao, our store also has a multi-person joint attack formation. Do you want to learn about it?"

Then, the shopkeeper took out several sets of formations and introduced them to Mo Xun.

At first, Mo Xun didn't pay much attention because he knew nothing about formations.

However, when he saw a set of formations that had both offensive and defensive functions, he was moved.

This formation has two formation eyes, which require two people to cooperate with the main formation at the same time. After activating it, it not only has offensive and defensive effects, but also can activate some illusions around it.

The key point is that it is easy to learn!

It is the most suitable for a formation novice like it.

Seeing that Mo Xun liked it, the shopkeeper continued to promote it: "Do you need any magic weapon?"

Mo Xun shook his head and smiled. This was taking advantage of him!

But since he was here, he might as well take a look. After all, he didn't have a magic weapon that suited him until now.

"My granddaughter is practicing fire-attributed skills. Does your store have any suitable ones?"

The shopkeeper was very happy and took out seven or eight magic weapons in succession, but most of them were low-level. Mo Xun picked for a long time and didn't like any of them.

Since he had used mid-level magic weapons, he really looked down on such low-level stuff.

As the saying goes, it's easy to go from frugality to luxury, but it's hard to go from luxury to frugality!

If it were a few years ago, even a bronze toad that could release smoke would make him happy for several days!

If he knew that many of the monks participating in the selection didn't even have magic weapons, I don't know what he would think!

The shopkeeper was not disappointed, and continued to say with all his might: "In fact, in addition to the magic weapon of fire attribute, you can also consider other things. After all, once you enter the test site, it is dangerous and unpredictable. With one more treasure, you can also have more security!"

The shopkeeper's words were correct, but he still shook his head. He still wanted a magic weapon of fire attribute. If it really didn't work, even buying a fire flag that he was familiar with would be fine.

The shopkeeper saw that he was so determined, and then said: "Do you need something to deal with the soul?"

"Soul?" Mo Xun looked at him puzzledly, and didn't understand what he meant for a while.

The shopkeeper smiled knowingly, as if he had found a business opportunity again.

"Looking at the look of the Taoist, I'm afraid you don't know that there are countless ghosts and souls in this test site?"

Mo Xun shook his head. He really didn't know!

"I hope the Taoist can teach me!"

The shopkeeper waved his hand.

"I don't dare to teach you, but it's not a secret. Just ask anyone and you'll know what's going on."

The shopkeeper waved his sleeves, and all the magic tools on the table disappeared, and then there appeared strange things.

There were spiral horns, bone-carved ornaments, gray wooden signs, and silver bells, etc.

Mo Xun glanced at it casually, waiting for the other party's next words.

"That assessment site has a history of at least tens of thousands of years. I don't know how many monks died there. Therefore, there are many wandering souls in it. If you encounter such things, if you are not prepared, it may cause a lot of trouble!"

Mo Xun was even more confused when he heard this.

"Are you joking, fellow Daoist? Gu Yue Sect only accepts disciples once every ten years. Even if it is the soul of the last dead, it should have been reincarnated or annihilated long ago. How could it be here until now?"

"My fellow Taoists don't know that the assessment place is actually a training place for the disciples of Gu Yue Sect. Therefore, it is not only opened every ten years!"

The corner of Mo Xun's mouth moved, he still didn't believe it.

Even if there are some lonely ghosts, they must be very few.

As far as he knows, after the soul and soul leave the body, they will gradually dissipate. How can it survive for a long time?

Otherwise, the Wuji Sankai back then would not have stayed in the soul-nurturing tree for hundreds of years.

He didn't believe that there were many soul-nurturing trees in that assessment place for wandering souls to live in. Otherwise, this thing wouldn't be called the Nine Sacred Trees!

After Mo Xun expressed his opinion, the shopkeeper smiled and asked, "Have you ever heard of soul cultivation?"

Soul cultivation?

Mo Xun touched his chin, feeling as if he had seen it in some book.

However, most of the books he had read were only marginal ones related to cultivating immortals, so it was very difficult to fully understand many things.

The shopkeeper did not show off, and explained: "Soul cultivators are a special kind of existence. We can say that they are monks, but not exactly. They are some souls who voluntarily cut off the way of reincarnation and through some means forcibly Just stay in the world!"

Mo Xun opened his mouth and was a little confused for a moment. Are there other ways to force the soul to stay in the world?

Isn’t that just eternal life in disguise?

If that's the case, why should the soul-nurturing tree be used?

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