Cultivating immortals is a hard job

Chapter 172 Soul-Calming Bell

"Doesn't that mean that soul cultivators can achieve immortality?"

The shopkeeper waved his hand.

"There is no such thing as immortality in this world. Those ghosts who choose to become soul cultivators are actually helpless, and there are many restrictions."

"Oh? Can you explain in detail, fellow Taoist? I haven't heard much about soul cultivation."

The shopkeeper stroked his short beard and smiled: "Once you step into soul cultivation, it is equivalent to cutting off the six reincarnations. Moreover, not all souls can cultivate. Only those with spirits that are different from ordinary people can do so."

In Mo Xun's opinion, the so-called reincarnation theory is too illusory. No one knows whether there is an afterlife or not. Most of them are just the imperfections of this life and the longing for the afterlife!

The shopkeeper continued: "And the way soul cultivators cultivate is completely different from us. After a long time, they will lose their original heart. When they reach a certain level, they will even forget who they are and become a completely thoughtless evil soul!"

Lose their original heart? Evil soul?

Mo Xun frowned immediately. According to the shopkeeper, it would be better to be a soul cultivator than to be reincarnated directly!

"With such disadvantages, why do some people choose to be soul cultivators?"

The shopkeeper smiled.

"Because some people have unfinished business in their lives and do not want to reincarnate, they hope to finish their life before losing their original intentions."

Mo Xun nodded in understanding. This explanation is somewhat similar to the folk saying of evil spirits!

But I don't know if there is any relationship between the two.

"I guess soul cultivators should also have some other weaknesses, right?"

"Daoyou is right. To cultivate the soul and refine the spirit, one must first have a strong spirit and soul. If it is an ordinary person, I am afraid that he will be scattered before he starts practicing!"

Mo Xun also learned a little about the theory of spirit and soul, but to be honest, this thing is more mysterious than spiritual roots, and almost no one can explain it clearly.

All that can be confirmed is that the strength of the spirit and soul is more from innate.

In other words, if you want to cultivate into a soul cultivator, you can't make it by hard work.

The shopkeeper continued, "Another point, although soul cultivators are extremely powerful in soul attacks, there are many things in the world that can restrain them. For example, these on the table can help fellow Taoists easily resist ordinary soul cultivators!"

Although Mo Xun didn't know whether the other party's words were true or not, he could guess that there should be few soul cultivators in this world.

Otherwise, why had he never heard of them?

Mo Xun set his eyes on the table, and the shopkeeper began to introduce them one by one.

"This thing is the horn of the Cangling Deer, which can drive away the soul and disperse the spirit. It is the best effect for soul cultivators..."

"This thing is made of the heart of the century-old Yangchen wood..."

"This thing is called the Soul-Calming Bell..."

Hearing this name, Mo Xun immediately thought of the Soul-Calming Tower at the bottom of Tianxiang Valley!

Looking at this silver bell again, it seems to be somewhat similar to the bell hanging on the Soul-Calming Tower.

Now he has another one in his storage bag.

Is there any relationship between the two?

With this in mind, Mo Xun picked up the bell and shook it gently.

A crisp bell sounded, not loud, and seemed to be no different from an ordinary bell. Then he slowly injected a little spiritual power into it, and there was another crisp "ding-ling-ling" sound.

However, this time the sound made people feel a little uncomfortable.

But he couldn't tell where he felt uncomfortable for a while, but he just felt a sense of irritation.

Mo Xun shook his head secretly. It seems that this thing does have some effect on people's souls.

The shopkeeper saw him holding the soul-soothing bell in a daze, and then smiled and explained: "Daoyou has a good eye. The soul-soothing sound emitted by this thing is most effective against soul cultivators!"

Mo Xun couldn't help rolling his eyes. Didn't he say that the horns of a deer were the best just now?

After a moment, Mo Xun suddenly asked: "I don't know, have you ever heard of the Soul-Soothing Tower?"

"Soul-Soothing Tower?"

The shopkeeper frowned and thought for a while, then shook his head.

"I've never heard of it. Where did you hear this name?"

Mo Xun waved his hand.

"I just saw it by chance in an ancient book!"

The shopkeeper looked at him strangely, and seeing that he didn't want to say anything, he didn't ask any more questions.

Mo Xun put down the Soul-Calming Bell and suddenly asked: "Does your store have a way to easily break the boulder?"

The shopkeeper was stunned for a moment, and then said meaningfully: "I think you found some raw stone mine somewhere?"

Mo Xun looked at him in confusion.

"Why do you think so?"

The shopkeeper smiled.

"I have encountered such a demand once or twice before.

In fact, it's not a big deal. There's no need to cover it up. As casual cultivators like us, we lack cultivation resources. If we find some mineral veins, we will definitely find ways to mine them ourselves."

Mo Xun smiled slightly, without admitting it, but not denying it either.

The shopkeeper continued: "I have several methods here. You can choose one!"


Coming out of the store, Mo Xun's mouth twitched, and he looked like he was in pain again.

Thanks to the shopkeeper's eloquence, he spent all his spiritual stones, plus several hundred-year-old spiritual herbs!

He couldn't help but shake his head, what a guy who knows how to do business!

This time, he not only bought dozens of different talismans, but also two Qianli Xiaos and the Twin Linglong Formation that was praised by the shopkeeper.

I even bought a few magic weapons for dealing with soul cultivators, and some maps.

As for the method of breaking open the original stone, Mo Xun chose a magical weapon called the Sky-Breaking Cone!

This thing has no other uses, except that it is hard!

Then he visited several spiritual medicine shops and exchanged enough spiritual stones and spiritual grass seeds. His medicinal field had to be taken care of from scratch.

Leaving Funing Street, he came to the black market again.

After the auction ended, he received a transmission note from Qin Yi.

An hour later, the two met in the restaurant.

"Brother Mo, you really make the people below me anxious to death! I thought you didn't plan to enter Gu Yue Sect!"

As he spoke, Qin Yi had already taken out two jade tablets and threw them on the table.

"This is a token of the two deacons and elders. During the first spiritual root test, you and your companions should hand it directly to the person who is testing it, and they will understand how to do it!"

Mo Xun took it in his hand and looked at it, then put it away in his storage bag with satisfaction.

"I ran into some trouble a few days ago and was delayed outside for a while. Brother Qin, please help me!"

Qin Yi raised his eyebrows and couldn't help but ask: "Could the trouble Brother Mo mentioned have something to do with the assassins who caused trouble in Wanbao Pavilion on the last day of the auction?"


"Why, didn't Brother Mo go to the auction? Don't you know this?"

Mo Xun said doubtfully: "I went, but I left in the middle of the journey, so I don't know much about what happened next."

After Qin Yi briefly told him what happened, Mo Xun fell into deep thought.

Unexpectedly, the man in black escaped under the siege of so many foundation-building monks!

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