Cultivating immortals is a hard job

Chapter 174: Opening the Mountain Gate

Mo Xun's eyes fell on the dark crowd again.

Among these Qigong practitioners, the ages of their cultivation levels are quite varied.

The lowest one is at the fourth level of Qigong, but he should have come with his elders. Otherwise, at this level, once he reaches the last life and death test, he is afraid that he will be sent to death.

There are naturally many peak Qigong practitioners. These people are as cautious as Mo Xun. They hide their heads and show their tails. They either wear masks or make up.

The ages are also young and old. The youngest is about eleven or twelve years old. The oldest looks like he is in his eighties. I don't know if he hides it with makeup.

In Mo Xun's opinion, once you are over forty or fifty years old, there is actually no need to come here.

After all, at this age, even if you have a foundation-building pill, the chance of successfully building a foundation is very slim.

It is better to find a place, rely on your cultivation, fight for glory, and enjoy your old age.

According to his understanding, things like foundation-building are better to be done early rather than late. The younger you are, the higher the success rate.

Of course, this conclusion is not so absolute. After all, who can say for sure about luck?

Tens of thousands of people waited outside for three days and three nights. After forty-nine melodious bells, the heavy mountain gate in the distance creaked and slowly opened.

Everyone's eyes were immediately focused on it.

Then, two rows of disciples in their twenties, wearing uniform blue and white Taoist robes, came out from inside. There were about a dozen people.

At the end, three foundation-building monks followed, and their clothes became red and white.

One of them had a three-inch long beard and looked like a middle-aged man in his forties. His momentum was extremely vast.

Among these people, it was obvious that this was the most respected!

Mo Xun glanced at him casually, and felt that the other party's cultivation was unfathomable. Because of the last loss, he did not dare to be too reckless. He immediately put away the magic and waited quietly below.

"Hello, fellow Taoists. I am Chu Qing, a disciple of Master Wuyou. I will preside over the entrance examination this time!"

Chu Qing looked down at everyone with sharp eyes from a high place. Without much effort, his vigorous voice was clearly heard by everyone, as if he was speaking beside him.

Mo Xun secretly guessed that this person's cultivation should have reached at least the middle stage of foundation building, or even the late stage.

From Chu Qing, he felt a more frightening strength than the Shang in the auction.

After a while, Chu Qing said loudly again: "Welcome the ancestor, offer three animals!"

He waved his hand, and a table appeared out of thin air in front of the mountain gate.

Then a Taoist boy carried three adult-sized roe deer, deer, and muntjac, and respectfully placed them on the table.

And Chu Qing himself held a large tablet and stood in the middle.

Nine thumb-thick incense sticks were lit.

After bowing three times and knocking nine times, the disciples of Gu Yue Sect took turns to perform the Taoist ritual again.

Chu Qing finished the tedious ceremony only after reading a long poem called "Taozu Jingyan".

After that, Chu Qing expressed his gratitude to all the cultivators who came to the meeting on behalf of the elders of Gu Yue Sect.

He also talked about the changes and development of Gu Yue Sect over thousands of years since the founding of the sect, the specific situation inside the sect, etc.

After a lot of tossing, more than two hours passed.

During this period, no one dared to show impatience.

With Chu Qing's "start", tens of thousands of people stepped onto the steps and entered the huge mountain gate one by one, and came to an extremely wide square.

Mo Xun and Li Qingying were sandwiched in the crowd. It was not until they entered the mountain gate that they truly felt the magnificent momentum of the great sect of immortal cultivation.

When they were there, it was not an exaggeration to describe it as magnificent.

Mo Xun had never seen a real palace, but he was sure that the magnificent palace in front of him would not be inferior to any palace.

"Gu Yue Palace..."

Looking at the three powerful characters in the distance, he couldn't help muttering to himself.

After Chu Qing gave an order, hundreds of Gu Yue disciples held pens and ink and registered everyone's names one by one, and distributed a green identity jade card.

Different numbers were engraved on it, and personal information was recorded inside.

Mo Xun held the jade card tightly, and while his heart was excited, he began to think about the next test.

Because there were so many people, it took another half a day after the registration.

The hundreds of registered disciples then lined up around the square, and in front of each person, there was a one-foot-sized disc.

Then tens of thousands of people were divided into hundreds of groups according to their numbers.

The first test was to be carried out through that disc.

When Mo Xun first came to Blue Sky City, he saw something similar at the city gate, but it was used to test cultivation at that time, and now it is just testing spiritual roots!

The two of them lined up quietly in the team. Fortunately, they were not disrupted when the numbers were assigned.

The spiritual root test was very simple. Just put your palm on the jade plate and inject a little spiritual power, and different colors will appear on it.

When it was their turn, Mo Xun secretly handed the jade card given by Qin Yi to the registered disciples. After the other party understood, he just nodded and asked them to wait for the second test.

Mo Xun smiled slightly. It seems that it really works!

It was not until the evening that all the spiritual root tests were completed.

Mo Xun thought that the second test would have to wait until tomorrow. Who knew that not long after, their group was divided into A, B, and C again, and was taken to a side hall in turn.

After passing through a dim passage, nearly a hundred people came to a wide hall. Because of the fluorescent beads arranged around, everyone's eyes suddenly became bright.

At the top of the hall, a foundation-building cultivator was standing.

"Excuse me, fellow Taoists. I am Qingya, the host of your magic test this time."

This is a middle-aged man with a gentle and elegant face. When he saw them, a group of low-level cultivators, he was not as high-handed as other foundation-building cultivators.

After a few greetings, Qingya went straight to the point and introduced: "This magic test is very simple. I believe that all fellow Taoists are well prepared."

After saying that, Qingya waved his sleeves, and a jade slip floated in front of everyone.

"The content of the test is in it. You have one hour. Please start!"

After Qingya said this, a puff of green smoke rose and disappeared on the spot.

Mo Xun sighed and opened his mouth. This kind of easy escape technique can probably only be performed when one reaches the foundation-building stage!

No one wanted to waste time, so they all picked up the jade slips, immersed themselves in them, and began to check the test content.

Mo Xun was no exception. To be honest, he became nervous from the beginning of this second test.

After all, in the past practice, it was quite difficult for him to improve his realm, and he didn't have much time to practice spells.

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