Another point is that he has not practiced many spells!

However, when he saw the test content in the jade slip, he was stunned.

After separating his mind, he looked back at the others and found that everyone had an incredible look on their faces.

Mo Xun quickly sent a voice message to Li Qingying and asked: "Miss Qingying, what is the test question on yours?"

Li Qingying's mouth moved, but she did not speak, but handed the jade slip directly to him.

Mo Xun took it in his hand in confusion, and then checked it.

After a moment, he frowned, and the two were exactly the same.

What surprised him was that the content of this test was to cast a spell that he was best at!

Mo Xun couldn't help but be a little speechless. Isn't this too much of a joke?

If so, what kind of test is this?

According to what he had learned before, the second item is a comprehensive test of spiritual roots and magic power.

After all, the better the spiritual root aptitude, the higher the comprehension will be, and the more condensed the magic power, the more comfortable it will be to cast spells.

But if the test is about the spells that one already knows, how can one tell the spiritual roots and mana?

Mo Xun shook his head secretly, not knowing what the other party was up to.

Seeing the same look on the faces of the others, he knew that everyone probably had similar ideas.

For a moment, the hall became noisy, discussing with each other whether there was any other mystery.

Mo Xun smiled bitterly, it seemed that the previous preparations were in vain.

An hour passed quickly, and in the midst of green smoke, Qingya appeared again with a pen, ink and book in her hand.

The hall was quiet again!

"I think you are almost ready, so come one by one according to the number!"

As everyone looked at each other, they saw a tall woman, about seventeen or eighteen years old, who came out first.

"Junior Yan Ruxue, meet the senior!"

Qingya smiled and nodded, motioning everyone to step back two steps to make room for her.

"Fairy, you can start now!"

Yan Ruxue then closed her eyes, made a Taoist gesture with her hands, and began to recite a spell silently.

In a moment, an ice crystal lotus bloomed around her.

As the lotus slowly bloomed, the temperature nearby also dropped rapidly.

Almost in the time it took to breathe, people felt a suffocating cold.

Under this cold, most people activated a layer of spiritual power shield around their bodies.

Even a fire-attributed cultivator like Mo Xun felt extremely uncomfortable.

He even felt that if he was directly hit by the ice lotus, even if he didn't die, he would probably be frozen to death.

Seeing that Li Qingying was struggling, Mo Xun then transferred some spiritual power into her body.

After all, the little girl was only at the seventh level of Qi Refining, and compared with most people, her realm was really far behind.

After Yan Ruxue put away the spell, Qingying nodded with satisfaction, and also gave a few pointers, and then wrote a few words on the book, mostly scores and the like.

Yan Ruxue's mouth moved, as if she wanted to ask the result, but seeing that Qingya didn't mean to say anything, she could only stand back with some disappointment.

Then, according to the number, they went up one by one to cast spells.

Mo Xun stood aside, although his expression was indifferent, he secretly sighed in his heart.

Regardless of the power of these people's spells, the various mysteries really opened his eyes.

There were condensed wind blades, controlled lightning, pupils with flames, and a young boy who could actually transform into two identical selves.

The whole assessment seemed to have become a show of strange and bizarre spells!

At this moment, Mo Xun felt like a frog in a well, and his eyes were a little dazzled.

When a cultivator at the ninth level of Qi Refining finished a set of fire palms, Qingya seemed to look at it twice more, but Mo Xun didn't notice it because he was thinking about his own spells.

He couldn't help wondering if he should also perform a unique spell. If it was too ordinary, he might not get a high score.

But in a moment, he realized that he only knew a few spells.

Although he had obtained a book "Basic Spells" before, he had not practiced the contents well. If he failed, it would not be ashamed, but he would get zero points.

Thinking of this, he was somewhat frustrated.

He did not blame himself for having learned too few spells, but secretly hated his poor aptitude. Even if he was given a sophisticated spell, he might not be able to learn it well.

By the time he arrived, more than two hours had passed.

This examiner was quite patient. He would carefully evaluate each cultivator.

After Mo Xun came on stage, due to his cautious character, he only performed a fire control spell.

Through the careful control of spiritual power, the flames released in his hands were transformed into different shapes. This was also some of the little experience he had learned over the years.

If there is no outstanding place, practice makes perfect.

Li Qingying practiced the "Tianling Gong", which was a low-level skill, so he cast an ordinary wood-type spell.

It took almost half a day for everyone to finish the assessment.

Mo Xun estimated that it was probably midnight in the outside world.

However, for immortal cultivators, there is actually not much difference between day and night.

Qingya closed the registration book and said with a smile: "You all have a deep foundation in basic spells, and I will give you a fair evaluation."

At this time, everyone had guessed that the scores for the second assessment would not be announced.

Although there were some complaints in their hearts, no one dared to ask.

After Qingya scanned everyone, he continued: "The jade slip I gave you just now contains a map of the next assessment. The conspicuous mark on it is where you are going."

Everyone hurriedly took out the jade slip again to check and found that the content of the previous assessment had now become a map.

It was really amazing!

Qingya raised his hand casually, and the scene in the room suddenly changed, and everyone was shocked.

After a careful look, they found that there was no walled hall around them. The place under their feet turned into the square outside the Ancient Moon Palace.

The surroundings were full of monks who came to participate in the selection. Some of them had obviously waited for a long time, and some people were like them, ignorant and did not react.

Most people, because it was their first time to participate in the selection, saw such a magical change, and it was inevitable that they were amazed again.

Mo Xun was like a countryman who had never seen the world. He was secretly amazed. He didn't know whether they were originally in the square, but because of the illusion, they were not seen for a while, or they were collectively teleported out by some teleportation array.

The moon was bright tonight and the stars were sparse. Maybe it was an illusion. He always felt that the starry sky he saw in the Ancient Moon Gate was much brighter than the outside world.

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