In the black space, because they could not feel the outside world, everyone did not know how far they had flown.

But surprisingly, they could not feel any bumps in it, as if they were standing on the ground.

It was not known whether it was because Yin Jiaohe flew steadily or this place was also an independent space.

About an incense stick later, Yin Jiaohe suddenly opened his mouth and vomited, and then everyone fell to the ground in a daze.

Everyone rubbed their dizzy heads, and when they reacted, Yin Jiaohe had disappeared in the sky.

Mo Xun then began to observe the surroundings. The place where they were staying seemed to be in a jungle.

There were half-human-high weeds growing around his feet.

Not far away, there was a faint white mist.

This white mist was only about seven or eight feet wide, and it was very conspicuous in the green mountains.

On both sides of the white mist, there were several disciples of Gu Yue Sect.

Mo Xun raised his head and looked into the white mist, but apart from the vast white, he could not see anything inside.

A disciple wearing a blue and white Taoist uniform suddenly said, "This is the entrance to the Sunset Jungle. If you are ready, go in quickly!"

Everyone looked at the white mist in front of them, muttering one by one, and no one took a step for a long time.

"Brother Mo?"

Hearing Li Qingying's call again, Mo Xun turned his head to look at her, and was suddenly shocked.

"Miss Qingying, what's wrong with your face?"

Li Qingying then touched her hot cheeks shyly.

The girl who was originally white and clean had her face painted black because she was afraid of getting into trouble.

But at this moment, it was black with purple, as if she was poisoned.

No matter who saw this situation, they would probably be shocked.

Li Qingying looked at her grabbed left hand shyly, and didn't know how to speak for a while.

Mo Xun saw this and then looked down, and a touch of embarrassment appeared on his face.

He quickly let go of his hand and touched his nose a little embarrassedly.

However, this scene, in Li Qingying's eyes, was different.

She thought Mo Xun was smelling the smell of her hand in disguise, and in an instant, the shyness on her face became stronger.

Her whole head was about to bury in her neck.

If there was a crack under her feet at this moment, she would want to get in immediately!

Perhaps to ease the embarrassment, Mo Xun smiled and said: "After you go in later, you will find a safe place nearby to hide, and I will find you!"

Li Qingying said "hmm" as soft as a mosquito, but she was confused.

After a cup of tea, the disciple in charge of receiving the disciples next to him saw that no one moved, so he urged them twice again impatiently.

Then some people began to walk in boldly.

As soon as the man stepped into the white fog, the light flashed, and the whole person disappeared.

With the first one, the second and third ones began!

The people behind were afraid that they would be robbed of the opportunity, so they threw away their worries and rushed into the white fog one after another.

Then he saw that there were flashing spots of light next to the jungle, where the white fog was. Tens of thousands of monks went in after half an incense stick.

There were only a few people still watching outside.

Mo Xun nodded to Li Qingying, and the two walked in side by side.

As soon as he stepped into the white fog, Mo Xun felt his feet lighten, and then the whole person, like a small boat, seemed to have lost control of his body, and then his head began to dizzy.

Although he had been mentally prepared before, such a situation still made him show a little panic.

However, this panic did not last long, and he felt his feet solid and regained control of his body.

After the dizziness disappeared, he hurriedly looked around and found that he was standing on a hillside at this moment.

What he saw was bushes and weeds, and there were some scattered rocks under his feet.

Looking up at the sky again, he was shocked again.

Because the sky above his head showed a strange dim yellow, like sunset.

But he clearly remembered that before he came in, the sun was rising outside, and it was morning.

There are only two explanations for this situation.

Either the seemingly short teleportation just now actually passed a day, but he just didn't feel it!

The other is that this place is completely independent of the outside world and has its own stars, sun and moon.

Through Chu Qing's introduction just now, it is obvious that the latter is more likely.

The four words "Sunset Jungle" must also correspond to the celestial phenomena here.

Moreover, there are no clouds or sun in the dim sky, as if the space above his head is originally this color.

Of course, these are not what he should think about. The most urgent task is to complete the assessment.

Then he looked around for Li Qingying, but he couldn't see a single figure as far as he could see.

It seems that this teleportation array is indeed a random teleportation!

Then he took out Qianli Xiao again. Fortunately, he bought this item, and it can finally come in handy.

However, when he activated it, he was surprised to find that Li Qingying was nowhere to be found.

There could only be two reasons for this result.

Either the two were too far apart, beyond Qianli Xiao's sensing range.

Or there was a formation restriction here, which interfered with the sensing of this thing.

If it was the latter, it would be really bad.

He hurriedly took out the jade map and compared it with the nearby terrain. It took him half an hour to roughly determine his position.

There is a red dot in the center of the map, which is the purpose of the mission.

And he is at the edge of this space.

After a brief thought, he guessed that the white fog might have teleported everyone to the edge.

For the sake of fairness, everyone should be about the same distance from the center.

According to this logic, Li Qingying must also be in a corner of the edge.

As long as he looks along the edge, he will definitely find her.

But the scope of this space is obviously ridiculously large. If the two of them are unlucky and happen to be at the two ends of the map, I am afraid that he has not found each other before others have successfully reached the top.

For a while, Mo Xun was in a dilemma.

On the one hand, it is the promise to the little girl, and on the other hand, it is related to whether he can enter the Ancient Moon Gate.

If he had known this earlier, he would not let the little girl wait for him. The two of them would rely on their own abilities to break through the level alone.

But then again, with Li Qingying's cultivation, how far can he go?

Thinking of this, Mo Xun's heart can be said to be extremely entangled.

At this moment, he did have a few sound transmission notes in his storage bag, but the sound transmission distance of these notes was not even as good as Qianli Xiao.

After a long time, he sighed bitterly in his heart, and had to choose a direction, holding Qianli Xiao in one hand, and began to look for people along the edge.

It was not that he was soft-hearted, but he really took the promise too seriously.

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