This place looks no different from the mountains and forests outside.

Only the dim sky always brings a sense of oppression.

Following the map, he used the wind control technique under his feet. After walking for a stick of incense in the counterclockwise direction, he suddenly heard a slight movement in front of him.

He hurriedly slowed down his pace. This place was dangerous and unknown. No matter what he encountered, it was probably not a good thing.

He casually took out two magic tools to restrain soul cultivation and hung them around his waist.

Then he slowly followed the sound and walked over on tiptoe.

When he pushed aside a bush several feet high, his heart immediately shuddered, and he didn't even dare to breathe.

Under a big tree more than ten feet away, with its back facing him, crouched a wolf-like monster with three tails, about the size of an adult.

In front of the monster, there was a bloody corpse, which was eaten to only half of its body.

From its mouth, there was a constant sound of crisp bites.

Seeing such a bloody scene, Mo Xun felt his back go cold.

After silently mourning for this unfortunate fellow, he retreated slowly and lightly.

For a moment, he felt his heart rise to his throat.

If he remembered correctly, this thing should be called a multi-tailed beast.

A newborn cub has only one tail, and it will have one more tail every time it advances to a higher level.

In other words, this multi-tailed beast is a standard third-level monster.

Although he didn't know the magical powers of this place, the trip to Tianxiang Valley had left a deep impression on him.

Before this, he had inquired about the third assessment, but the specific situation of this place was rarely circulated in the outside world, and the jade slip Qin Yi gave him was also vague.

Presumably, Gu Yuemen should have taken some measures to keep this trial site secret.

It was unknown whether the multi-tailed beast had not discovered his trace, or was just busy filling its stomach and had no interest in dealing with him. This unexpected encounter was a thrilling one for Mo Xun.

Mo Xun fled for dozens of miles in a desperate manner before he came to his senses and let out a long breath. At the same time, he kept looking around with caution, and was extremely alert.

At this moment, he was wearing a Qiankun ring on his finger, and he also had several talismans in his other hand.

Not far away, he encountered another level 2 monster.

He wanted to avoid it from a distance, but who knew that this beast would take the initiative to come to him.

Mo Xun had to fight it and then kill it.

In the following half a day, he encountered several other monsters one after another.

He avoided those he couldn't fight, and even if he could, he didn't dare to waste time.

I don't know if it was because of the magic weapon on his body, but he didn't encounter any soul cultivators.

However, he gradually discovered that although there were occasional monsters at the edge of the jungle, most of them were still level one or two.

There were not many level three monsters like the multi-tailed beast.

After observing for most of the day, he was finally sure that there was no difference between day and night here. No matter how long it took, the sky was always dim and dark.

It seemed that this so-called sunset jungle was really like his green gourd, belonging to an independent cave.

After walking through the thorny jungle for a while, he actually found a piece of wild spiritual grass in a valley.

Although the age of the medicine was not long, such an unexpected surprise really made him happy for a while.

Unexpectedly, this place was not only dangerous, but also accompanied by opportunities.

After this discovery, he began to pay attention to his feet while being cautious.

After the last destruction of the medicine garden, he was unwilling to let go of anything of value.

Passing a stream, two corpses by the river stopped him again.

Since entering the sunset jungle, he rarely encountered other immortal cultivators.

He also analyzed the reasons for this.

After all, those who enter this place are all here for the assessment. Once they are teleported in, they will definitely go directly to the center and will not stay here for long.

The two corpses are a man and a woman, about twenty years old, and they look like they have been dead for a long time.

He thought that the two were unlucky and died from monsters, but after seeing their wounds, he frowned.

There was an obvious sword mark between the throats of both of them, and the storage bags or magic tools on their bodies were nowhere to be found.

Looking at the two people under his feet, he couldn't help but touch his chin.

It seems that some cultivators, in addition to the purpose of entering the Guyue Gate, also have the intention of killing people and stealing treasures.

After thinking for a while, he saw him pinching his fingers and throwing out two fireballs, and the two corpses on the ground were set on fire.

In order to prevent the monsters from being attracted, he moved his feet and disappeared from the spot.

Two more days passed in this way.

He did not encounter any major dangers during the period, but he did find dozens of corpses.

Some were killed by monsters, and some were murdered by other cultivators.

Fortunately, he also picked up a few storage bags.

However, except for a dozen spirit stones, they were all worthless things.

It seems that most casual cultivators are still very short of money.

Just when he was extremely anxious, a sensing light spot finally appeared on Qianli Xiao.

Although it was very weak, it also made him very happy.

You know, if he delays any longer, he may not have to participate in the assessment.

He hurriedly followed the instructions and rushed away quickly.

At his speed, it should take only one or two days to find it.

But half a day later, when he was looking forward to climbing over a hill, he suddenly felt a strong wind coming from behind.

His heart trembled, and the Fiery Fire Art in his body was running. In the blink of an eye, a layer of spiritual power shield was condensed around his body. He also hurriedly threw the several talismans in his hand behind him.

Just as he exerted force on his feet and prepared to jump high to avoid it, he suddenly felt a pain in his back, as if a big knife had chopped him hard.

Then he was lifted forward by this huge force, groaned in the air, and fell heavily to the ground one or two feet away.

After this fall, his whole head was confused!

When he reacted, a piercing pain spread from his back to his whole body.

Behind him, which he could not see, the blood had already dyed it red.

He almost didn't need to check, he knew that there must be a huge crack on his back.

Because he could clearly feel the pain of the torn skin and flesh.

Even the spine seemed to be broken.

He endured the huge pain and quickly climbed up. At the same time, he was holding a porcelain bottle in his hand and poured it into his mouth in panic.

In an instant, beads of sweat oozed out of his forehead.

All this seemed long, but it was just a breath!

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