Cultivating immortals is a hard job

Chapter 182 Dantian destroyed?

Mo Xun coughed twice and spat out several mouthfuls of bloody saliva. Such a severe injury made his whole body numb and his head dizzy. He felt that everything in front of him seemed to start to spin.

Just when he was in a daze, Wuji Sanren's cold voice sounded in his ears.

"Boy, you'd better be honest, otherwise I don't mind and end your life now."

Mo Xun lay on the ground weakly. It seemed that even breathing became extremely difficult for him.

He looked at the distance in despair. Wuji Sanren and Qi Shan were still fighting hard.

At this moment, he could not use any strength at all, and his hands, feet and limbs were completely unconscious.

He really didn't expect that Wuji Sanren, who was busy fighting the enemy, could still distract himself and attack him.

He couldn't help but feel bitter in his heart. He had been very careful, but he still underestimated the means of this old monster.

Wuji Sanren snorted coldly and ignored him, concentrating on activating the magic array.

Although Qi Shan's cultivation was higher than Wuji Sanren's after the promotion, he was at a disadvantage for a while because he was trapped in the array.

Qi Shan suddenly put away the red mace and took out a golden brick magic weapon in his hand.

He then threw the golden brick hard, quickly pinched the Taoist formula, and after reciting a few spells, the golden brick suddenly grew larger in mid-air, like a millstone, and smashed violently on the light shield.

There was another earth-shaking, and the surface of the Four Symbols and Two Yin-Yang Array was covered with fine lines visible to the naked eye.

Qi Shan was delighted and commanded the golden brick again without sparing his magic power to smash violently into the array light shield.

Wuji Sanren was distracted by these two consecutive attacks, and a trace of blood flowed from the corner of his mouth.

But strangely, although the golden light shield was densely packed with spider-web-like cracks, there was no sign of cracking.

Moreover, after one or two breaths, all the cracks gradually closed up, and in a moment, all the cracks disappeared, as if they had never been attacked.

Qi Shan's smile froze on his face.

You know, whether it was the red mace just now or this gold brick, they were all genuine mid-level magic weapons.

Moreover, after casting the spell, the gold brick was as hard as cast iron, and weighed 2,400 kilograms. It was always successful in breaking mountains and breaking rocks.

Even many of the forbidden magic arrays he encountered could be broken by his brute force.

Who knew that today, two consecutive attacks did not work.

This array in front of him was really weird!

Just as Qi Shan frowned and was confused, Wuji Sanren smiled coldly.

"If you don't have any other means, then it's my turn!"

As soon as the voice fell, the Four Symbols Array suddenly shone brightly, and countless transparent golden needles were fired from all directions.

Qi Shan was startled, and quickly condensed a layer of red spiritual shield on his body, and at the same time blocked the huge gold brick in front of him.

These golden needles, like a violent storm, kept hitting Qi Shan, making bursts of harsh sounds.

The four Wuji Sanren had the same expression, but the spells in their hands were very different.

Drops of sweat emerged from Wuji Sanren's forehead. It was obvious that presiding over such an attack formation was much more difficult than simply trapping the enemy just now!

Wuji Sanren's original body suddenly took out a handful of pills and stuffed them into his mouth.

I don't know if it was used to restore mana or to maintain his current state.

At this time, in addition to his blood-red eyes, his face had also turned red.

Qi Shan in the formation was even more difficult.

The spiritual passport on his body began to gradually fade under the attack of countless golden needles.

He then took out a magic weapon that looked like an incense burner and offered it on his head.

In an instant, a layer of dark gray protection appeared on the surface of the body.

He gritted his teeth, urged the gold brick again, and smashed it into the golden shield in mid-air.

The sound of "boom" was endless!

Qi Shan tried his best at this time.

He didn't believe how strong this formation could be. If he couldn't break it once, he would break it ten times!

In the next dozen breaths, a huge golden brick was seen bombarding every corner of the formation continuously.

The golden shield kept cracking and kept healing like new!

As the mana was consumed, Qi Shan's attack became weaker.

He cursed in his heart, took out a few recovery pills, and swallowed them whole.

At this time, both of them tried their best, one controlled the formation to attack, and the other was struggling to defend.

For a while, a stalemate was formed again!

Mo Xun, who was in the distance, suddenly moved his unconscious fingers.

He tried to get up, but he couldn't muster any strength.

He tried to use the Fiery Fire Art, but found that his Dantian was like a broken dam. Every time he mobilized his spiritual power, nine out of ten times, it would collapse immediately.

And the meridians were like being blocked by silt, and the spiritual power in the body could not flow at all.

He was shocked. Such a situation could only mean one thing... His Dantian was destroyed!

In an instant, a touch of sadness arose in his heart!

He was not afraid of broken hands and feet, nor was he afraid of any superficial injuries, because he knew that in the omnipotent world of immortal cultivation, no matter how serious the injuries to the limbs of the body were, there would be a day to recover.

But the Dantian meridians were different. Once destroyed, it was equivalent to directly breaking the foundation of his cultivation.

What's the difference between this and killing him?

In a hurry, he tried to gather his spiritual power in Dantian again, but after trying again and again, the ironclad fact was still in front of him.

In other words, even if he escaped by chance, he would probably be no different from a useless person!

At this moment, he completely forgot his current situation, and quickly recalled in his mind whether there was a way to heal Dantian in the books he had read.

After a long time, a pair of desperate eyes appeared in his eyes.

Just when he was discouraged, a familiar voice sounded in his ears.

"Brother Mo?"

Mo Xun couldn't help but startled, and he immediately looked around, only to see a slender figure squatting in the bushes not far from him.

It was Li Qingying!

It turned out that in the sunset jungle, after Li Qingying received Mo Xun's sound transmission note, she gave up the test and teleported out out of worry.

Then she used Qianli Xiao to find this place.

"Miss Qingying?"

"Brother Mo, are you seriously injured? I'll take you away right now!"

Mo Xun hurriedly whispered to stop her, and said weakly: "Don't come over! Go quickly, as far as you can!"

Now that his Dantian was destroyed, he was already seeking death. He really didn't want to see the little girl sacrifice her life to save him.

He couldn't escape from Wuji Sanren even at the tenth level of Qi Refining, let alone Li Qingying?

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