Li Qingying was stunned when she saw his pale, bloodless face.

In an instant, the little girl's tears fell.

With almost no hesitation, she blurted out: "I don't!"

This was the first time she had disobeyed Mo Xun. Seeing Mo Xun lying on the ground in a panic, breathing heavily, something suddenly tugged in her heart.

Seeing Li Qingying about to get up and come over, Mo Xun said feebly: "Miss Qingying, I'm dying. You are no match for that old monster. You can't save me at all. Hurry up and leave!"

Two lines of clear tears flowed down Li Qingying's cheeks.

She turned a deaf ear to Mo Xun's advice, her eyes filled with some determination.

Two words came out of her mouth again.

"I don't!"

As soon as the words fell, Li Qingying ran to Mo Xun and was about to help him up.

The little girl's stubbornness was beyond his expectation, and he could only pray in his heart, hoping that Wuji Sanren would not have time to separate himself at this time.

"Don't worry yet. My meridians are broken and I can't move my body now. There is a storage bag close to my body in my arms. You can take it out first."

Li Qingying put her hand into his clothes, not caring about the difference between men and women at this time, and then took out a gray storage bag.

"There is a red porcelain bottle inside. Get me a pill first!"

In a panic, Li Qingying was afraid that it would be difficult to find, so she poured out everything inside.

"is it this one?"

Mo Xun looked at the small bottle in her hand and nodded laboriously.


Li Qingying took out a white pill and anxiously stuffed it into his mouth.

This is just an ordinary healing elixir, because Mo Xun rarely suffered serious injuries before, and the elixirs he purchased on weekdays were mainly aimed at improving his realm, and he did not pay enough attention to healing elixirs.

However, in this case, it was better than nothing, and he could only hope that his injuries were not as serious as imagined.

The two people fighting in the distance had consumed about seventy-eight percent of the magic power in their bodies.

At this time, Qishan could be said to have used all his means.

On the one hand, he is constantly manipulating the gold bricks and violently hitting several corners of the formation. On the other hand, he must always be on guard against gold needle attacks!

The pills to replenish his mana entered his belly one by one as if they were free of charge.

The incense burner above the head, under constant defense, has cracked a hole and looks crumbling.

Controlling two magic weapons was the limit of what he could do. Occasionally, when he freed his hands, he would bless himself with a defensive talisman.

Wuji Sanren is actually not much better than him. Although he has the blessing of formations to make up for the gap in realm, this kind of improvement at the cost of burning essence and blood obviously cannot last for long.

Of course, he had also noticed the movement on Mo Xun's side, and was always paying attention.

He snorted coldly in his heart. This time, he would definitely not let Mo Xun slip away in front of him. At worst, he would give up Xuantian's fire and kill him.

Mo Xun swallowed the elixir into his belly. After a while, he couldn't help but feel happy, as it seemed to have some effect.

He didn't know if the medicine was really symptomatic, or if the injury inside his body was not as serious as imagined.

The originally blocked meridians seemed to be slightly unblocked.

In the dantian, more spiritual power can also be mobilized. Although it is very weak, there is finally a little hope.

He hurriedly ordered Li Qingying to feed him another one while keeping an eye on Wuji Sanren in the distance.

Ordinarily, at this juncture, if Li Qingying is allowed to sneak attack on the opponent, it will definitely have great effect.

But he really didn't dare to take such a risk. He would just die if he died, so as not to implicate this little girl again.

Now he can only hope that if the two fight for a longer time, it is best to die together!

As long as he is given a little more time to regain some strength and at least be able to move his legs and feet, there may be hope of escaping.

Just when Mo Xun thought that everyone was racing against time to see who could last until the end, the four Wuji San people outside the formation sneered at the same time, and then threw the four formation flags into the formation. .

Only four dazzling golden lights were seen. As soon as they submerged into the golden light shield, Wuji Sanren's figure quickly retreated.

He shouted at the same time: "Explode!"

Then, within the magic circle, a "bang" explosion was heard, and the ground began to tremble violently.

The aftermath of the explosion, wrapped in air waves, swept the surrounding flowers, trees, rocks and dust into the sky and spread rapidly around.

Mo Xun was shocked, but couldn't move. He wanted to remind Li Qingying, but it was already too late.

But on weekdays, he obviously looked down on Li Qingying.

At the moment of the explosion, Li Qingying had quickly cast a spell. The dragon and phoenix ring in his hand flashed, and a layer of faint blue light surrounded the two people, wrapping them in it.

A huge roar made the two people's ears buzz, and the light blue ball of light around them was like a harbor in a storm.

After a few breaths, the smoke finally dissipated, and the dust in the air slowly fell to the ground. The place where the formation was originally located was bare. Within a radius of two to three feet, the soil flew up, revealing a small depression.

Mo Xun breathed out a sigh of relief and glanced at Li Qingying gratefully. He really didn't expect that the little girl would have such a reaction.

It seems that she bought the right pair of dragon and phoenix rings for her last time!

Of course, this was also due to their location, which was too far from the center of the explosion. Otherwise, the magic weapon of these two or three hundred spiritual stones alone might not be able to withstand this power.

Especially in his current situation, he could not bear any more impact.

When the dust and smoke dissipated, a slight cough suddenly came from the huge pit, which seemed particularly abrupt in the quiet surroundings.

Mo Xun looked up and saw a figure lying on the ground with blood flowing from his mouth. His clothes were tattered and almost torn into pieces.

His hair was messy, his chest rose and fell slowly, and he looked dying!

Mo Xun couldn't help but widen his eyes in surprise. He really couldn't believe that Qi Shan was still alive under such a powerful explosion just now.

The means of the foundation-building cultivator were really unbelievable!

Just as he was sighing in his heart, another figure appeared beside Qi Shan.

Wuji Sanren glanced at Qi Shan, who was still alive at his feet.

Qi Shan's lips moved, and a bit of unwillingness appeared on his face. He tried hard to get up, but like Mo Xun, he couldn't use any strength.

"Who... are you...?"

This was the last sentence Qi Shan said in his life, and also the last question he asked.

However, Wuji Sanren didn't mean to answer.

He just brushed his palm in the air, and a green wind blade passed through Qi Shan's throat.

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