Cultivating immortals is a hard job

Chapter 186 Return to the City

Mo Xun looked at the bell in his hand and speculated that the soul and the primordial spirit might have something in common.

Presumably, Wuji Sanren had only been in possession of a body for a short time and had not yet completely adapted to that body. His primordial spirit was weak, so he was so intimidated by the power of the soul-suppressing bell.

It was normal to think about it. Even ordinary people could not stand the sound of the bell, let alone the person who had taken over another body?

"Miss Qingying?"

Mo Xun called out three times before Li Qingying responded with a whimper.

The little girl did not faint, but her body was weak. She could not recover from the blow for the time being.

Li Qingying got up painfully, and Mo Xun threw her a pill.

"How are you?"

Li Qingying swallowed the pill and began to meditate to recover.

"It's okay, just a little pain in the stomach."

Mo Xun couldn't stand up at this time. Although he could mobilize some magic power in his body, it was pitifully little. If Li Qingying was seriously injured again, the two of them would be in danger in this wilderness.

Li Qingying wiped the remaining blood from the corner of her mouth. This was her first time fighting with someone.

It can be said that she had no experience and no means.

Thanks to the pair of dragon and phoenix rings, she barely managed to deal with it.

"Brother Mo, how did you scare that person away?"

Mo Xun looked at her with some doubts. The word "scare away" was a bit inappropriate.

"Didn't you hear the bell just now?"

Bell? Li Qingying frowned and thought about it.

"Is it the ding-ling-ling sound just now?"

Mo Xun nodded, and then asked: "Didn't you feel anything after hearing the bell?"

Li Qingying shook her head, with a puzzled look on her face.

"No, my head has been buzzing since I fell down just now, and I just vaguely heard some sounds."

Mo Xun's mouth moved, which was a bit strange.

In theory, the soul-suppressing bell attacks the soul, so it should have an impact whether it is heard or not.

Otherwise, Wuji Sanren just now could have resolved it by covering his ears, so why was he so embarrassed?

Could it be that Li Qingying's soul is different from ordinary people and is naturally immune to this kind of sound wave attack?

Thinking of this, Mo Xun couldn't help but become curious and wanted to try it in front of her.

But when he thought of his current situation, he gave up this idea.

Then he asked Li Qingying to pick up the storage bag on Qi Shan's body. The wealth of a foundation-building cultivator must be considerable.

Unexpectedly, Wuji Sanren tossed around and consumed a lot of life essence and blood, but in the end it made wedding clothes for him.

After burning Qi Shan's body, Mo Xun left the place quickly with the help of Li Qingying.

After all, this place still belongs to Gu Yue Clan. There was such a big commotion just now, and I wonder if anyone was alarmed.

He thought that he should be able to move after his legs and feet regained consciousness, but half a day later, he could not even stand up except for moving.

There was no other way. In order to get back to Lantian City as soon as possible, Li Qingying carried him on her back for three days before buying a carriage in the town at the foot of the mountain.

The two of them rushed back at full speed.

On the one hand, it was because Mo Xun was seriously injured, and they were afraid that if they delayed for too long, their foundation would be damaged.

On the other hand, they were afraid that Wuji Sanren would come to hunt them down.

Although this person suffered a loss from the Soul-Calming Bell, he would not dare to come to Mo Xun again in a short time.

But God knows whether the other party will suddenly find some means of restraint, and leaving this place earlier will also be more stable.

As for the Gu Yue Clan road, it seems that it can only be cut off.

Thinking of Gu Yue Clan, he couldn't help but think of the foxy Meng Zhixin.

I really don't know what bad luck he had, to be targeted by so many people at the same time.

In fact, this result is quite good. If he really enters Gu Yue Gate, it will be too late if Qi Shan or Wu Ji San Ren comes to find him!

The two of them rushed for five or six days in fear before returning to Lantian City smoothly.

Just as Li Qingying was driving the carriage and preparing to go home, Mo Xun suddenly said, "Go to Funing Street!"

Li Qingying's mouth moved. Although he was a little confused, he still drove to Funing Street according to Mo Xun's instructions.

Under Mo Xun's guidance, the carriage came to a remote shop.

"Brother Mo, is this here?"

Mo Xun looked into the shop, and there was no one on the counter inside.

"Yes, help me down!"

Li Qingying said "um" and hurried to help him.

In the past few days, Mo Xun has basically used all the methods he can think of, and even the healing pills on his body have been eaten up.

But apart from reducing his pain and restoring some of his Dantian meridians, there was no other significant effect.

With no other options, he could only place his hope on the old woman in the shop.

After all, this person was the only immortal cultivator he had ever met in Blue Sky City who could heal others.

The two slowly walked into the shop, not seeing a single person, and it was no different from when Mo Xun came before.

Mo Xun looked at the door curtain behind the counter, and he knew that the old woman would usually stay inside.


Mo Xun even changed his address at this time.

There was no other way, he had to lower his posture when he needed help.

"Brother Mo, is the doctor you mentioned here?"

Li Qingying looked around curiously for a while, and except for some shabby black wooden shelves with a few bottles of pills, books and jade slips scattered on them, the surroundings were as simple as a street stall.

She couldn't help but doubt Mo Xun's words!

Mo Xun didn't answer him, and shouted again to the room behind the curtain.

After a long time, the door curtain was opened, and an old woman with a cane slowly walked out from inside.

The old woman raised her head, and after seeing Mo Xun's sickly appearance, she just raised her eyebrows and returned to normal.

"Is it you, or do you still want to sell spiritual herbs?"

Because there was no chair, Li Qingying could only support Mo Xun on the side.

Poor little girl, thin and small, if it was replaced by an ordinary woman, let alone carrying him, I'm afraid she couldn't even help him up.

This time he was saved, thanks to Li Qingying. Without her, Mo Xun didn't know what would happen to him at this moment.

Unexpectedly, his good thoughts at the beginning saved a life.

Since coming to Blue Sky City, this is the second time that he has been blessed by his kindness.

The first time was when Fairy Qi's servant left a note to remind him. If he hadn't left a note to remind him, he might have been marked and he wouldn't have known it!

Mo Xun nodded weakly, then raised his hand and brushed it across the counter, and six jade boxes appeared out of thin air.

"I guess so, but this time, I'm not trading spirit stones. I hope you can lend a hand and help me check my injuries."

The old woman didn't have much expression on her face. She opened the jade boxes one by one, and saw that they were all spirit herbs over 300 years old.

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