Mo Xun looked at the six spiritual herbs on the table, and his heart ached. These were now most of his wealth.

Since the medicine garden was destroyed last time, and because he bought so many things before the exam, his wallet was suddenly stretched again.

More importantly, Gu Yue Sect, which he had been planning for so long, was all in vain. Not only did he spend a lot of energy and spiritual stones, but now he has suffered such serious injuries, and he doesn't know how he will benefit from his future cultivation. No effect?

He has extremely poor qualifications. If he damages his foundation again, his life will be over.

Thinking of this, his sickly face became paler.

After a while, a satisfied smile appeared on the old woman's face.

"Yes, they are all good elixirs."

The old woman's broad sleeves brushed across the table, she raised her head and said, "Lie down and let me take a look first."

When Mo Xun saw her agree, he weakly raised his hand.

"Thank you, senior!"

Like the unconscious young man last time, Mo Xun lay directly on the ground in front of the counter.

Seeing the old woman's decrepit appearance and slow pace, although Li Qingying was anxious, she didn't dare to rush her.

She was also very curious. She had heard of doctors who specialized in treating immortal cultivators before, but she had never seen one.

The old woman circled around Mo Xun for a while, and after looking at him carefully for a moment, she knelt down and held his arm.

Mo Xun followed and felt an unfamiliar spiritual power entering his body.

Knowing that this was the old woman checking his injuries, she did not resist and allowed this spiritual power to roam freely within his body.

This is actually a very dangerous thing. Allowing other people's spiritual power to remain in the body is actually giving your life to the other person.

At this moment, if the old woman has any evil intentions, she can easily break his heart and dantian.

After a long time, the old woman put away her hand and said calmly.

"You are so bold. With your meridians so damaged, you still dare to forcefully use magic!"

Mo Xun blinked, and in a moment, he understood what the other party meant.

It must be that he forced the soul-suppressing bell!

Mo Xun smiled bitterly: "I have no choice. I have encountered an enemy. If I don't take action, I won't be able to reach Senior at this moment."

The old woman casually took out a pill and handed it to him.

"Take this first, you'd better hold it in, I don't want anyone to disturb me."

Mo Xun looked at the elixir in his hand with some suspicion. He didn't quite understand what the other party's "disturbing" meant.

"Senior, don't you know the Dantian of this junior?"

The old woman sneered: "You want to ask if Dantian is fully healed?"

Seeing the uneasiness on Mo Xun's face, the old woman didn't scare him anymore.

"It's impossible to be intact, but it won't be damaged. Otherwise, I wouldn't even have the need to take action!"

Mo Xun held the elixir in one hand and wanted to say more, but the old woman glared with dissatisfaction. The meaning was very clear, just do what you are asked to do. Why are you asking so many questions?

Although he had some doubts, after hesitating for a moment, he swallowed it in one gulp.

After all, no matter how bad it is now, how bad can it be?

Then he saw a ray of green light condensed in the old woman's skinny palm, which was placed flat on his chest.

As soon as the elixir entered his mouth, he felt a sense of warmth.

Afterwards, a slight itching began to appear from the chest, and this itching slowly spread throughout the body.

Before he could react, he began to feel pain again. After a dozen breaths, the pain became more intense.

Not long after, fine beads of sweat appeared on his forehead.

It was now the golden autumn, with dead leaves on the streets and the temperature dropping a lot, but his clothes were wet with sweat in a short period of time.

At this moment, he had a ferocious and painful expression on his face, which made Li Qingying feel anxious and uneasy.

He finally realized the meaning of the old woman's words.

If the other party hadn't said hello in advance, he would have shouted out loudly because of the pain.

He could almost feel that the meridians in his body were constantly being torn off by a strange spiritual energy, and then reconnected again.

Outside the Dantian, there is an external force that is constantly rubbing it.

Perhaps unable to bear it, Mo Xun groaned in pain, closed his eyes and gritted his teeth, his whole body trembling.

"You'd better not use your magic power to resist, otherwise you'll fail and I won't be able to save your life."

Just when Mo Xun was feeling dizzy from the pain, the old woman's cold voice reached his ears.

Mo Xun had no choice but to stop his martial arts and simply use his body to bear the pain.

Now he was a little doubtful whether the old woman was really a doctor.

Since he knew it would be so painful, why not give him some anesthetic? Or just knock him out directly!

Could it be said that the treatment of illnesses and injuries in the world of immortality is just like this?

"Brother Mo, are you okay?"

At some point, Li Qingying's tears fell.

The little girl looked at Mo Xun's pain, feeling distressed and full of self-blame. If she had been able to help him, Brother Mo wouldn't have suffered like this.

At this moment, in her heart, she hoped that the person lying on the ground was her, even if she could share some of Mo Xun's pain.

Mo Xun raised his head and forced a smile, but his entire face was a little deformed.


Such pain lasted for half an hour, until the old woman stopped the spell.

This half hour can be said to be the longest time he has ever spent in his life.

Repairing the meridians is like using a sharp knife to slowly cut open his skin and flesh, removing the necrotic things inside bit by bit, and then using needle and thread to help him reconnect.

Mo Xun felt that after this incident, he might not change his face even if his hands and feet were cut off directly in the future.

The old woman exhaled heavily. Such healing obviously consumed a lot of her energy.

Then she took out a porcelain bottle and threw it to Li Qingying beside her.

"One pill every three days, and it will be almost done after a month. But remember, you can't practice in this month, let alone use spiritual energy!"

After the old woman finished speaking, she leaned on a cane and slowly walked back behind the counter.

Li Qingying put away the pills, and without bothering to thank him, she hurriedly helped Mo Xun up.

"Brother Mo, how do you feel?"

Thinking of the painful experience just now, Mo Xun felt a lingering fear.

He said faintly, "It's okay!"

Li Qingying wiped her tears and wiped the sweat off Mo Xun's forehead with her sleeve. He looked as if he had been soaked in water.

Seeing the old woman about to lift the curtain to go in, Mo Xun hurriedly called "Senior".

The old woman stopped and waited for his next words.

Mo Xun took a deep breath and asked very weakly, "I wonder if what you said last time still counts?"

The old woman looked back at him with a puzzled look on her face.

"What's the matter?"

"As long as I can find a six-hundred-year-old spiritual medicine, I can exchange it with the foundation-building pill formula."

The old woman nodded in understanding, and suddenly felt that the young man in front of her was quite interesting.

"Of course, five six-hundred-year-old spiritual medicines, the pill formula will be given to you."

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