Later, Mo Xun asked Li Qingying to go to several stores and buy some spiritual grass seeds and low-level talisman elixirs.

After half a day, he was really penniless!

The two left Funing Street and Mo Xun sat cross-legged on the carriage. He wanted to look inside himself immediately to check the condition of his meridians and dantian, but when he remembered the old woman's advice, he could only give up such thoughts.

"Brother Mo, shall we go home now?"

Mo Xun shook his head and looked into the distance.

"Get out of the city!"

"Out of town?"



Two months later, by the deep pool in Tianqing Mountain, Mo Xun looked at the thirty storage bags in front of him with a satisfied smile on his face.

It took him a month to recover in this mountain.

What made him very excited and strange was that on the second day after recovering his cultivation, when he was sitting cross-legged and practicing, he successfully broke through to the first level. At this time, he was already at the eleventh level of Qi refining.

Maybe it’s a blessing that comes from misfortune!

Of course, it is also possible that he had already reached the peak of the tenth level, and while the old woman was helping him heal his injuries, she unblocked his meridians.

No matter what, this is an unexpected surprise.

Maybe give him another two or three years before he can try to build a foundation.

Another big gain was that he found the "Fire Sutra" in Qishan's storage bag.

However, this technique is only one-third of the previous one.

In other words, someone split the "Agni Fire Sutra" into three parts. Now in his hand, he only has the front and back thirds, but the middle is missing.

After research, he was able to confirm that his Fiery Fire Technique came from this technique.

Originally, he was thinking that he would have to choose another technique after establishing the foundation, but looking at it now, it would be easier.

The only thing that needs to be struggled with is that because of the incompleteness in the middle, it is not far away from cultivation.

He couldn't help but think that if he wanted to find out the whereabouts of the intermediate technique, he might have to look for his mentor, Mr. He!

However, it is too early to think about these things now. It is impossible to say that he may only be able to stop at the Qi refining stage in this life.

After that, he spent another month diving into the deep pool and using the sky-breaking awl he bought, he broke the original Huangang Sand stone into small pieces, filling thirty storage bags.

These things are another windfall.

At least before the elixir in the medicine garden matures, he no longer has to worry about the spiritual stone.

Of course, my own Qiankun Ring also has materials that can be upgraded.

It's really useless to say that I bought a magical weapon for hundreds of spiritual stones and haven't used it even once.

"Brother Mo, where should we go next?"

Mo Xun looked at the southern sky and said calmly: "Go to Chechi Country!"


Half a year later, in a restaurant in Chechi Kingdom, a man and woman were sitting on the second floor, eating and admiring the bustling street scene.

The man has a long beard under his chin and a bamboo hat on his head, so his appearance cannot be seen clearly.

The woman was dark-skinned, covered with a veil, and had a faint scar on her face.

These two people were naturally Mo Xun and Li Qingying who had traveled a long way.

With the supply of sufficient pills, Li Qingying's cultivation at this time has also broken through to the eighth level of Qi refining.

This is a border town with a small population, and most of the people coming and going are business travelers.

"Brother Mo?"

Li Qingying suddenly heard a message, and her eyes fell on the two young men who were going upstairs.

Mo Xun nodded understandingly. When the two people appeared under the teahouse, he had already noticed that both of them had the fourth level of Qi refining.

During this period of time, they have seen many such monks who are mixed in the secular world.

There was no one on the second floor at this time, so they chose a corner seat and ordered a pot of wine and a few dishes.

"Have you heard everything clearly?"

The voices of the two people talking were very low, and they thought no one could hear them, but from Mo Xun's perspective, it was clear to their ears.

"That's pretty much it. People like you and me have a chance to get a Foundation Establishment Pill."

Hearing these words, Mo Xun couldn't help but frown, and glanced at the two people in the distance from the corner of his eye.

It's not because of the three words "Foundation Establishment Pill", but because everyone in his mouth can get it.

When did the Foundation Establishment Pill become so cheap?

One of the honest men asked: "What are your requirements?"

"The requirement is that once the foundation is successfully established, you need to serve them for thirty years!"

Li Qingying seemed to have heard it too. Just when he was about to speak, Mo Xun secretly made a silent gesture.

I can't help but think in my heart, is it some big sect that recruits disciples and attracts them with the Foundation Establishment Pill?

Ordinarily, it shouldn't be the case. Even if the sects he learned about didn't have foundation-building pills, the casual cultivators were still flocking to them. How could they still use such a big deal?

Of course, if a new sect or a small sect is not famous, it may make such a promise in order to recruit more disciples.

But having said that, if there were so many foundation-building pills, would it be a small sect?

However, Mo Xun felt that the conditions mentioned by the two were quite fair. After all, once the foundation was established, one would have a life span of two to three hundred years. It was reasonable to serve others for thirty years.

The honest man hesitated for a while, then asked: "What other conditions are there?"

The other, older man, shook his head.

"there is none left."

The honest man poured a glass of wine for the other party, and then asked: "Once this news comes out, I am afraid it will attract many casual cultivators. I wonder if the Situ family will accept all of them, or will there be some selection?"

The older man smiled.

"Don't worry, I heard that anyone can sign up as long as they are willing to work for them."

Mo Xun raised his eyebrows. Although he didn't know the Situ family clearly, as soon as he heard the name, he guessed that it was probably a cultivating family.

Are all the immortal cultivating families in Chechi Kingdom so rich?

He silently wrote down the name. He originally planned to go straight to Tianyun Sect, but it seemed that he needed to postpone it for a while.

"Is there any conspiracy behind the Situ family's generosity?"

"I have also inquired about this matter. There is some news circulating in the market. It is said that the ancestor of the Situ family has plans to start a sect because he failed to break through the late stage of the core formation. There are too few talents in his family. He took advantage of this. As I celebrate my birthday, I want to recruit wise men."

The corners of the honest man's mouth curled up, showing a bit of disdain.

"Without the Nascent Soul cultivator, with only a mid-stage pill formation, even if you establish a sect, what future will there be?"

The older man waved his hands and said, "This is not what you and I need to worry about. Our goal is to build a foundation one day. As long as the Situ family can really do what they say, then sell yourself to him. What's the harm?"

"That's right, but I have to ask other people about this matter."

After the meal, Mo Xun came out of the restaurant, but did not leave. He took Li Qingying with him and secretly inquired about the situation of Situ's family.

Although the world of immortality is often mysterious, such a large family still has a lot of prestige in the secular world.

After all, not everyone in the family has spiritual roots. Those who cannot cultivate will be in the secular world, either as officials or running various industries.

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