After some inquiries, it turned out that, as he expected, the Situ family was a very prestigious family of immortal cultivators within tens of thousands of miles.

"Brother Mo, are we going to the Situ family?"

Mo Xun nodded. He didn't want the foundation-building pill, but was just curious about where the other party got so many foundation-building pills?

As long as you become a disciple, everyone has the opportunity to build a foundation. I'm afraid that even the largest sect in southern Xinjiang would not dare to say this!

The two of them walked slowly and finally came to a place called Sinan Mountain half a month later.

According to the information Mo Xun found out, the Taoist temple of the Situ family is in this mountain.

However, he and Li Qingying wandered around for most of the day and never found any trace of human habitation.

Just when he was a little confused, three strangers in the distance walked over along the foot of the mountain.

Two men and one woman, aged in their twenties and thirties.

One of them was dressed as a Taoist priest and had a goatee. The older man had the cultivation level of the eleventh level of Qi Refining and looked like the leader among the few people.

The other man was dressed in black, with a relatively sturdy body and a cultivation level of tenth level.

The woman was at the ninth level of Qi training. She was not very beautiful, but she was pretty.

The three people also saw Mo Xun and his partner from a distance and walked towards each other.

The Taoist priest took the lead in performing a Taoist salute and said politely, "You are polite, Taoist friend!"

Mo Xun clasped his fists towards the three people, and Li Qingying, who was behind him, bowed and saluted.

"Two Taoist friends, are you going to attend the birthday banquet of Patriarch Situ?"

Mo Xun nodded. There was nothing to hide. In the wild mountains and ridges, he just wanted to find someone to ask for directions.

"Are you three here too?"

The Taoist priest smiled and said, "That's right. We heard that the Situ family is recruiting casual cultivators, so we came to join in the fun."

"That's a coincidence. My brother and I are also here because we admire the reputation of this place. We have been searching for a long time but have not found the entrance to this mountain. I wonder if you can take us there?"

The man in black glanced at the two of them. After his eyes stayed on Li Qingying for a moment, he probably thought she was really ugly, so he didn't look at her for long, and then smiled heartily.

"It's really not easy for people who come here for the first time to find the way."

The few of them chatted with each other for a few words, and then each of them introduced their families.

The Taoist priest's name is Yuan Zhenzi, the woman is his sister, named Yun Muqiu, and the man is the woman's husband, named Luo Qingbei.

Mo Xun and Li Qingying also used their real names. After all, this place is far away from Lantian City, so they are not afraid of being recognized.

If you make up a name at random, it will be easy to be noticed if you are not familiar with it.

Anyway, they are just traveling together, so Yuan Zhenzi and others have nothing to disagree with.

"Brother Luo, from what you said just now, it seems that you have been here before?"

A group of five people, led by Yuan Zhenzi, walked along the foot of the mountain, turning left and right, and entered the mountain.

"Not only have we been here before, the three of us were actually born here before!"

"Are you three from the Situ family?"

Yun Muqiu, who had not said much, suddenly sighed and said, "If we were from the Situ family, how could we have fallen to this point!"

Mo Xun heard the desolation in the words and guessed that the three people probably had some stories, but he did not ask.

He has a characteristic that he is not very interested in things that have nothing to do with him.

"So, you should have some understanding of the situation of the Situ family. I wonder if you can introduce it to me?"

Luo Qingbei looked at him and asked in confusion: "Isn't Brother Mo from Chechi?"

"We are brothers and sisters, casual cultivators from Shengguo."

Luo Qingbei nodded suddenly.

"No wonder..."

From the three people, Mo Xun learned that there were seven major immortal cultivation families in Chechi Country, and the Situ family was one of them.

Thousands of years ago, the ancestor of the Situ family came from the Tianyun Sect of his country. He cultivated to the late stage of Jindan, but because he could not enter the Yuanying stage, he left the sect and came to this mortal world to create a family foundation.

This experience is actually similar to other immortal cultivation families.

Basically, all immortal cultivation families have ancestors from the sect.

If there are descendants, the family will continue to prosper. If any generation is not competitive, it will slowly wither and disappear in the immortal cultivation world.

It can be seen that this kind of inheritance has relatively high requirements for descendants!

And even if a family reproduces again, how many people can there be?

Among these people, how many have spiritual roots?

Therefore, due to the self-contained nature of the immortal cultivation family, it is difficult to develop to the scale of the sect, and then in the competition for cultivation resources, it is inferior.

This is probably why the ancestor of the Situ family wanted to expand the family and turn the family into a sect!

However, in comparison, this kind of family is still much better than a casual cultivator.

But generally speaking, casual cultivators rarely enter a family to serve.

On the one hand, this kind of family inheritance is often cherished, and things like skills and secrets will definitely not be passed on to outsiders.

This is different for large sects. As long as you can become a disciple of the sect, theoretically everyone has the opportunity to learn the core things.

On the other hand, in the allocation of resources, people will inevitably give priority to their own family members. Who would train a casual cultivator?

Even if there are casual cultivators working for a family, it is basically for the reward of spirit stones, and no one will stay there for a long time.

This also explains why the Situ family would spare no expense.

It must be that only the foundation-building pill can keep those cultivators here!

The five people walked for more than two hours, and when it was almost dusk, they came to a waterfall that was seven or eight feet high.

There were bushes and weeds all around, and next to the waterfall was a tall cliff.

The mountain peaks were looming in the rising mist, and it was a beautiful place.

Mo Xun felt that the spiritual energy here was indeed more concentrated than other places.

During this period, they met several groups of immortal cultivators on the road, either in groups of two or three, or alone.

Yuan Zhenzi suddenly took out a sound transmission talisman, and after casting the spell, the talisman turned into a beam of yellow light and flew into the clouds.

Mo Xun looked around and wondered curiously, could it be that the Situ family was in this cliff?

Just as he was thinking, the clouds in front of him suddenly dissipated, and a stone staircase appeared in the middle of the cliff, and he didn't know where it led to.

The stone steps were about two or three feet wide, and seemed to be carved out of the stone wall, winding.

Mo Xun nodded secretly, not sure whether the stone steps existed, but were just hidden in the mist, or whether some kind of mechanism opened them.

But no matter what, this ingenious design was ingenious.

After the stone steps, it must be the way to Situ's house!

He couldn't help but think that if there was no one to guide him, this place would not be easy to find.

It seems that whether it is a sect of immortal cultivation or a family like this, they all have their own means of protecting the mountain gate.

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