Under the leadership of Yuan Zhenzi, the five people walked up the stone steps together.

Mo Xun looked around. There were smooth rock walls on both sides of the stone steps, with obvious traces of artificial ax chiseling. There was a sky full of clouds and mist above his head, and the peak could not be seen.

The stone steps don't seem to be steep, the slope is extremely gentle, and they don't always go up. In some places, they go down, and go deep into the mountain, crookedly.

After walking not far, Mo Xun looked back, but there was a stone wall blocking his way, and he could no longer see his way, and some mist was rising behind him.

Li Qingying looked back and forth curiously at first, but as time went on, all she could see were stones, so she lost interest, and instead her eyes fell on the three people in the group.

"Brother Mo?"

Seeing the little girl's slightly frowned brows, Mo Xun sent a message to her not to worry.

Perhaps because of her narrow escape last time, Li Qingying gradually became more cautious. Along the way to this place, she was often more suspicious than Mo Xun.

After about a cup of tea, my eyes suddenly opened up, and a bright light appeared at the end of the stone steps.

After walking out of the stone steps, what appeared in front of us was a completely different world from the one outside Sinan Mountain.

Mo Xun originally thought that there were still high mountains inside, but he didn't know that it was a vast plain as far as the eye could see.

There are green lawns on the ground, and occasionally there are a few towering trees. At the end of the line of sight, there is a wide and dense residential area, covered with various houses of different heights, which seems to be a city.

The only difference is that this is a city without walls.

Outside the stone steps, a group of guards stood and glanced at the five of them. One of the monks in the foundation-building stage asked calmly: "Are you here for the birthday banquet?"

Yuan Zhenzi took the lead and bowed his hands, shouting "Senior", and the rest of the people also hurriedly bowed.


The man took out a registration book and asked the five people to report their names and cultivation levels respectively. After each handed over three spiritual stones, he distributed a black jade tablet to each of them.

"This is the city's identity card. In the future, when entering and exiting this place, just activate the jade card outside."

Yuan Zhenzi and the other three took it casually and put it into their storage bags, obviously already familiar with it.

Mo Xun rubbed it in his hand. This thing was probably similar to the identity tag in Blue Sky City.

However, the guard did not mention the usage time, so it must be permanent.

After walking out of the stone wall, they headed towards the city in the distance.

Mo Xun looked back curiously and saw that dozens of feet away, the guards behind him had also disappeared into the mist.

Mo Xun took a few steps and quickly caught up with Luo Qingbei.

"Brother Luo, I have something unclear, and I hope you can give me some advice!"

Luo Qingbei smiled.

"Brother Mo, you're welcome, just tell me!"

Mo Xun looked into the distance and asked curiously: "Are all the Situ families living in that area?"

Luo Qingbei shook his head and explained: "The Situ family lives further away in Lingyin Mountain. That place is the Wengcheng here. Most of them are just mortals!"

Mo Xundang frowned and asked in confusion: "Are there still mortals living here?"

Luo Qingbei's face showed a bit of surprise, and he said with a smile: "Brother Mo, you don't think that this place is full of immortal cultivators, right?"

The corner of Mo Xun's mouth twitched. To be honest, he really thought so.

Just listen to Luo Qingbei continue to say: "The people living in Wengcheng are basically mortals. Some of them are descendants of the Situ family. Because they have no spiritual roots, they make some livelihood here. Most of them are actually outsiders." Migrated in.”

Mo Xun nodded in understanding. When he saw such a large area of ​​residences just now, he almost thought that after thousands of years of reproduction, the Situ family had the population of a city.

If this is the case, then the reproductive ability is indeed terrifying!

Before he came in, he never imagined that there was a city inside the mountain.

At this time, not to mention him, even Li Qingying was looking around curiously.

Yuan Zhenzi heard the conversation between the two and added: "Although most of the people in Wengcheng are ordinary people without spiritual roots, there are also some immortal cultivators. And Pindao guessed that the Situ family had such a big movement this time. It attracted many monks.”

Several people nodded in agreement. Speaking of which, this Immortal Cultivator family seemed to have a lot of background.

Although this city cannot be compared with Blue Sky City in terms of size, looking from a distance, it is probably about a hundred thousand people in size.

Mo Xun pondered for a moment, then suddenly thought of a question, and asked: "Do those mortals coming in and out of here also pass through the place we were just now?"

"Of course not. There is a special passage leading to the outside in the urn city, which is different from us monks."

Mo Xun nodded understandingly, as he had imagined!

After all, according to what the guard just said, you need to activate the identity jade token when you come in. Mortals don't know the magic, so they naturally can't use it.

"I'm guessing that there may be more than one entrance to the immortal cultivators here, right?"

Luo Qingbei nodded and said, "Yes, this mountain is located in the southeast, northwest, and has an entrance. We came in from the north just now."

Mo Xuneng asked this question because he had seen other immortal cultivators along the way, and they were all going in different directions. Presumably, the identity jade token had a location limit.

"Then, can immortal cultivators be allowed to enter and exit the mortal exit?"

For some reason, Mo Xun always felt that the name "Wengcheng" meant to catch a turtle in a jar. As soon as he entered here, he felt a little uneasy. In his mind, he always wanted to find out where the exit was.

"Of course, this is not possible. Mortals and us have different identity cards. Although we can live together in Wengcheng, we enter and exit separately."

Although Wengcheng looked far away, it didn't take long for the speed of several people to reach the edge.

"Friend Mo, the three of us brothers and sisters are going to stay in the inn first. Do you want to go with us?"

Mo Xun thought for a while, shook his head and said, "I am quite curious when I first came here. I want to take a look around the city first, so I won't bother you."

Yuan Zhenzi nodded and said, "That's good. If you are tired of walking around, you can find an inn to stay by yourself, or find a guide to take you to the foot of the mountain outside the city. There is a cave specially opened for cultivators there, which can be quieter. The gold, silver and spiritual stones here can all be used universally."

Mo Xun smiled and arched his hands.

"Thank you very much. If you hadn't led the way, my brother and I wouldn't have found this place in a while."

"Of course, it's a kind of fate to meet fellow Taoists when you are out and about."

Yuan Zhenzi said, taking out a sound transmission talisman and handing it to Mo Xun.

"If there is anything I can help you with, fellow Taoist, please let me know!"

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