Cultivating immortals is a hard job

Chapter 191 Invisibility Cloak

After separating from the three people, Mo Xun and Li Qingying walked towards the streets in the city.

"Brother Mo, where are we going next?"

Mo Xun looked at the bustling streets, with shops lined up on both sides and pedestrians shuttling back and forth. It was not much different from the ordinary cities outside.

It was just scattered, with a few more shops selling elixirs and magic tools, but compared to Blue Sky City, there were much fewer.

Some cultivators could be seen occasionally on the road, all of them were in the Qi Refining Stage, but most of them were still mortals without cultivation.

Mo Xun pointed to a study in the distance and said, "Let's go there first!"

Whenever he arrived at a new place, the first thing he was interested in must be books.

He needed to understand the local customs and the distribution of forces, especially things related to cultivation.

Next, he took Li Qingying to several study rooms in a row, bought a lot of books, and went to two elixir shops before it got dark, and sold two hundred-year-old spiritual medicines.

The consumption in the past six months has made him, who was already short of money, run out of spiritual stones.

Of course, he did not dare to sell them in a big way. Who knows what dangers he might encounter in an unknown place.

After dark, the two found an inn and then opened two rooms. According to Mo Xun's plan, he planned to stay for one night. If he planned to stay here for a long time, he would still like to go to a quieter cave.

After all, with his diligence, he would practice hard no matter where he went, especially during the past six months, he learned a few small spells and wanted to get more familiar with them.

The moonlight climbed up the branches, and Mo Xun sat cross-legged on the bed, with a fluorescent bead for lighting next to him.

At this time, he was holding an ancient book introducing Si Nan Mountain and Wengcheng, which also mentioned the Situ family.

This city was indeed built slowly as the Situ family founded the mountain and established the family here.

But what surprised him was that the current head of the Situ family was actually a pair of twin brothers.

The brothers, named Situ Chen and Situ Peng, are said to have cultivated to the Jindan stage in just over a hundred years. After another hundred years, they both entered the middle stage of Jindan. They have been stuck in this realm for one or two hundred years and have never been able to break through.

In fact, this is normal. Once the foundation is established, it is extremely difficult to upgrade to each level.

Talent, understanding, and opportunity are often indispensable!

Mo Xun couldn't help but touch his chin, which means that this birthday banquet was actually celebrated by two people at the same time.

Two Jindan in one sect, if placed in a Xiuxian family, is already considered a relatively strong strength.

Then, he looked through some of the sects of Chechi Kingdom and the distribution of Xiuxian families. As a result, he not only found the destination of this trip, Tianyun Sect, but also a familiar name, Zong Family!

Seeing Zong Family, Mo Xun naturally remembered the five-hundred-year agreement under the Zhenhun Tower.

But perhaps because he was in the territory of the Situ family, he did not see any other information about Zong Family, even the name and cultivation of its ancestor, he did not find it.

In his opinion, the agreement with the Moon Flower Fairy was too far away for him.

With the background of the Situ brothers' family, they practiced for three or four hundred years and were only at the middle stage of the Jindan stage. How far could he, a rootless and unattached cultivator, go?

Mo Xun sighed lightly and threw these thoughts behind his mind. Then he took out a jade slip, which was the first volume of the "Fire Sutra" obtained from Qi Shan.

In the past few months, he had actually comprehended it many times, but perhaps because he had not reached that level yet, the abstruse scriptures in it made him feel like reading a heavenly book.

The scriptures are roughly divided into three volumes: upper, middle and lower. The upper volume has a total of six layers. The first three layers are the same as his Fire Sutra. The last three layers should theoretically correspond to the foundation-building period.

After reading for a while, he could only shake his head. He hoped that he could succeed in building a foundation and this thing would still come in handy.

Although this volume of skills can only be practiced to the late stage of foundation building, he has no plan to change the skills.

On the one hand, being able to reach the late stage of foundation building is probably the pinnacle of his life. As for the so-called Dan formation, he dared not even think about it.

Secondly, since he heard Meng Zhixin's praise for this technique at the auction last time, he was very excited.

Since the original Fiery Mars Lord was able to sweep the cultivators of the same level with a technique, he must have his own unique features.

Another point is very practical. The complete technique of the foundation building period is rare, and it matches his early technique, which saves a lot of time for re-cultivation.

After thinking for a while, Mo Xun put away the technique, but stared at his empty hands and became dazed.

If others saw him like this, they would think he was hit by a fixed body spell.

After a while, he was seen gently stroking the air, with an expression of amazement on his face.

In fact, he was holding an "invisible cloak" in his hand.

This name, of course, was given by himself, as for what it is really called, I don't know.

As the name suggests, this cloak is invisible to the naked eye. When it is put on, it is as if you are invisible.

Mo Xun has tried it several times, and the effect is extremely miraculous.

Of course, if it is in front of a foundation-building cultivator, or if you have cultivated magical powers such as spiritual eyes, you can easily see through it.

Because once you hide inside, even if you can't see it with the naked eye, you can't escape the divine sense.

Some Qi-refining cultivators with keen six senses can also detect it carefully.

But despite this, it can be regarded as a good weapon for sneak attacks and life-saving!

This item also comes from Qi Shan's storage bag.

It's funny to say that because he couldn't see, he didn't notice it for a while after pouring out all the things. If it weren't for Li Qingying's carefulness, he would have really lost this treasure.

He put the cloak on and played with it for a while before happily putting it away.

He couldn't help but admire it again. The world of cultivation is really mysterious.

He even wondered if there was a higher-level invisible cloak that could not only cover the body, but also hide the breath, so that even if he encountered a cultivator with divine consciousness, he could easily escape.

In addition to this robe, there is also a book on talisman making. The various talismans recorded in it made him very jealous.

But unfortunately, those can only be refined after the foundation is established.

After all, the refining of talismans of a slightly higher level requires the participation of divine consciousness.

It seems that Qi Shan also studies the way of talismans on weekdays.

It was just that when he fought with Wuji Sanren that day, he almost used up all the talismans, leaving nothing valuable, which was a pity.

In addition, there were three magic tools, the fire-equipped mace, the golden brick, and the bronze furnace.

The fire-equipped mace matched Mo Xun's skills, so he naturally kept it, and gave the golden brick to Li Qingying.

As for the bronze furnace with defensive properties, it was damaged during the fight and was no longer useful.

What made Mo Xun speechless was that a dignified foundation-building cultivator had only dozens of spirit stones in his storage bag. I don't know where this person got the confidence to compete with him that day!

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