No one spoke that night. When Mo Xun opened his eyes, the morning light had already shone into the room.

Li Qingying had obviously been meditating all night. For those who cultivate immortals, cultivation is rest.

The two left the inn, and the people in Wengcheng had already stepped on the morning sun and started their day's livelihood.

The vendors walked the streets and alleys, and the shops opened their doors to welcome customers. There was basically no difference from the ordinary world.

After going downstairs, the innkeeper found a guide for them. A young man of seventeen or eighteen years old took the two to the foot of the mountain where the cave was opened.

"What's your name, young man?"

The young man hurriedly cupped his hands and replied: "My surname is Chen, I don't have a big name, the immortal master calls me Chen Er."

Chen Er looked flattered. To be honest, in such a place where immortals and mortals live together, it was the first time that an immortal cultivator saluted him.

In the past, he had led many immortal cultivators, but those immortal masters were all arrogant and looked down on him. It was good enough if they didn't curse him, let alone be so polite to him.

Mo Xun sighed in his heart. He left home at a young age. When he first arrived in Xunyang County, he was also so scared when he met those officials and gentry.

Chen Er was deeply touched.

After thinking for a while, Mo Xun suddenly asked: "Do you know that the Situ family is recruiting cultivators recently?"

Chen Er nodded.

"Of course I have heard of this, and the Situ family has also posted a notice in the city."

Mo Xun couldn't help but become interested.

"Oh? What does the notice say?"

"It says that it will help Qi-refining cultivators advance to the foundation-building stage. These villains don't really understand it, and they just heard it from others."

Mo Xun nodded lightly, and then asked: "How much do you know about the Situ family?"


Seeing Chen Er's embarrassed look, Mo Xun smiled lightly, took out a gold ingot and threw it to him.

"Pick out what you can say!"

Chen Er held the yellow gold, hesitated slightly, and then said: "Although I grew up here, I have only come into contact with mortals. Even if I know something, it is mostly hearsay. If there is anything wrong, please don't blame me, Immortal Master."

Mo Xun nodded, motioning him to continue.

"I heard that the ancestor Situ got a treasure two years ago, which is very beneficial to the cultivation of the immortal masters."

Mo Xun raised his eyebrows and asked: "What treasure?"

Chen Er smiled awkwardly.

"I don't know about that, but a year ago, the Situ family recruited some immortal masters in the Qi Refining Stage. It took only about half a year for these immortal masters to advance to the Foundation Building Stage. Many people said that it was all thanks to that treasure."

Mo Xun's brows were furrowed even more tightly.

He had never heard of any treasure that could help build a foundation. If so, what was the point of the Foundation Building Pill?

Mo Xun then asked again: "Have you seen those cultivators who have successfully built a foundation?"

Chen Er shook his head and smiled: "With my status, how could I see them? I just heard it from other immortal masters."

Mo Xun's face became solemn. Since it came from other cultivators, the authenticity was probably beyond doubt.

It makes sense to say that taking the Foundation Building Pill in half a year can advance from the Qi Refining Stage to the Foundation Building Stage.

Mo Xun then asked some specific details, but Chen Er didn't know much, so he couldn't get any further information.

But the so-called treasure really made him curious.

"By the way, how do you mortals get in and out of here?"

Chen Er was stunned for a moment, then reacted and asked quickly: "Master, you are asking how to get in and out of Sinan Mountain, right?"


This question is not a secret, and Chen Er answered it without any worries.

"There is a special teleportation array in the city, which is used by mortals. As long as you register in advance and pay some silver, you can go out."

Mo Xun touched his chin thoughtfully. He had heard of teleportation arrays more than once, and he had also experienced it personally.

Like the time in Tianxiang Valley, Fairy Yuehua teleported him directly out through some kind of teleportation array.

Also, in the last assessment of Gu Yuemen, so many of them were able to enter the Sunset Jungle, presumably through teleportation.

But then again, this is the first time he has heard of a teleportation array specifically for mortals.

"Can cultivators like us use this kind of teleportation array?"

Chen Er looked at him doubtfully, feeling puzzled.

"There are four entrances for the immortal master to enter and exit. Why does the immortal master want to use the mortal teleportation array?"

Mo Xun opened his mouth. Since he escaped death last time, his sense of crisis has become more and more serious. For some reason, he always felt uneasy when he entered this place.

Maybe he thought too much, but leaving a way out for himself is always better than worrying.

If this place is not related to foundation building, he would have escaped long ago!

"Nothing, just curious."

Although Chen Er was suspicious, he did not continue to ask, but explained: "The mortal teleportation array is in Tianya Pavilion in this city. If the immortal master is interested, he can go there to take a look, but there are guards for outsiders. If you are not a mortal, I am afraid you will not be allowed to enter."

Tianya Pavilion!

Mo Xun secretly wrote down the name.

Under the guidance of Chen Er, the three of them took a carriage and arrived at the foot of a mountain more than an hour later.

From a distance, there were many caves of different sizes on the uneven rocks of the mountain. The mountains that were originally surrounded by green looked like a honeycomb.

Mo Xun glanced around and saw about a hundred caves.

Some were close to the ground, while others were more than ten feet above the ground. There was a faint spiritual light outside, which seemed to be a formation.

"Master, we are here."

Mo Xun saw a team of Qi Refining cultivators outside a cave not far away. They must be the guards of this place.

He then took out another ingot of gold and handed it to Chen Er.

Seeing the golden ingot, Chen Er's excitement was beyond words. He had never met such a kind and generous master.

"There is one last question."

Chen Er put away the gold. At this time, let alone one question, he would probably be willing to answer even ten. This errand was really easy and the reward was generous.

"Master, please tell me. I will tell you everything I know!"

Mo Xun pondered for a moment before asking, "Do you know where in the city I can get some secret information?"

Chen Er looked at Mo Xun with a look of understanding. He had met cultivators like Mo Xun before among the masters he had led.

"If you want to get information, Master, just go to Wang Teahouse. There are all kinds of people there."

Mo Xun smiled and nodded, secretly memorizing the name.

After Chen Er left, Li Qingying looked at Mo Xun standing there blankly, motionless, and couldn't help but call him.

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