After the two rented a cave here, Mo Xun kept Li Qingying and returned to Wengcheng.

Wengcheng is not like Lantian City. There is no organization like the Council of Elders, but there is a government.

The person in charge of the government is naturally from the Situ family.

However, Mo Xun did not come here to visit the city lord, but to see the notice at the door.

The notice was issued a month ago, and the content written on it was similar to what Mo Xun knew.

The two ancestors of the Situ family recruited talents and sincerely invited casual cultivators from all over the world to come here, promising to provide opportunities for foundation building.

It was written later that a month later, it was the birthday of the Situ ancestor, and the Si Nan Conference would be held at that time to entertain guests.

After that, Mo Xun went to the outside of Tianya Pavilion again. There were two Qi-refining cultivators guarding the door. Occasionally, some mortals who came in and out needed to show their ID cards.

He wanted to go forward to inquire, but he was afraid of attracting the attention of interested people, so he had to give up in the end.

After wandering for a while, he went to look at the teahouse.

As Chen Er said, this is indeed a smoky place. It is a three-story building. It is nominally a tea shop, but there are all kinds of people inside.

It is very lively at this time!

Mo Xun found a corner to sit down and asked for a pot of tea.

When he came out, he was slightly disguised, wearing a bamboo hat, lowering his head slightly, and constantly looking around.

There were different people sitting on the left and right, chatting and drinking tea. From the downstairs, the second floor was also crowded.

With the use of the Qi Guan Jue, he could clearly know that there were basically mortals around, and some cultivators with Qi Refining cultivation were similar to him, sitting alone in the corner.

The noisy sound was endless. Mo Xun listened carefully for a while. Occasionally, there was talk about the Situ family, but there was basically nothing he wanted to know.

Most of them were mundane things, such as who got married, which merchant got rich, or what decree the government issued, etc.

Even someone's dog was lost, and they could talk about it for half a day, just like the street vendors.

After an incense stick, Mo Xun was somewhat disappointed. This place was far from what he had imagined.

He thought this place was similar to the black market in Blue Sky City, but it turned out to be a place for idle people to chat.

Just as he was about to leave, a man in his thirties walked over.

The man stopped beside him and bowed with a smile.

"Master, are you waiting for someone?"

Mo Xun looked up at the man, who looked thin, with a shrewd face, and no cultivation at all.

Mo Xun couldn't help but ask in confusion: "How do you know I'm a cultivator?"

The man smiled slightly, but he didn't look as frightened as Chen Er when he saw a cultivator.

"Although I don't have much ability, I can still distinguish between mortals and immortal masters."

Mo Xun nodded in understanding, and did not dwell on such things, but asked: "What do you want from me?"

"I saw that the immortal master has been waiting here for a long time, so I came to ask if there is anything I need to do for you?"

Mo Xun immediately reacted, it seems that this is the "busybody" he is looking for.

"What's your name?"

"My name is Zhang Quan!"

Mo Xun pondered for a moment before saying: "I am new here, and there are some things I don't understand, so I want to find someone to ask."

Zhang Quan then said enthusiastically: "I have lived here for a long time, although I dare not say that I know everything, but I also have some connections in this city. As long as it is not too secretive, I am confident that I know something."

Seeing Zhang Quan so active, Mo Xun was a little uncomfortable.

To be honest, he actually wanted to find a cultivator to ask, after all, different professions are like different mountains, what can you hear from ordinary people?

Seeing that Mo Xun looked somewhat uninterested, Zhang Quan hurriedly asked, "What does the Immortal Master want to know?"

Mo Xun was silent for a while before he said lightly, "Is there a more secluded place here?"

Zhang Quan saw that business was coming, so he quickly pointed upstairs and said with a smile, "There is a private room upstairs, Immortal Master, please follow me upstairs."

Mo Xun then stood up and followed Zhang Quan up to the second floor. Under the guidance of a servant, they came to the door of a room.

Seeing that the servant stood by the door and had no intention of opening it, Zhang Quan looked at Mo Xun awkwardly.

Mo Xun shook his head and smiled, took out a gold ingot and threw it out.

It's not that he was generous, but he only had gold on him, no silver.

Although there were not many spirit stones in Qi Shan's storage bag, there was a lot of gold, which was probably accumulated over decades.

As an immortal cultivator, he didn't need these yellow and white things on weekdays, which was a bargain for Mo Xun.

The servant took the gold, put it to his mouth and bit it, then thanked him repeatedly with surprise.

Zhang Quan's eyes were also hot when he saw the golden light, and he was secretly glad that he met a gold sponsor today.

The two walked into the room, and Zhang Quan told the servant not to disturb them, and then closed the door.

Mo Xun sat upright on the chair, and Zhang Quan poured him a cup of tea with a flattering smile on his face.

Mo Xun couldn't help but smile, and didn't say much.

"Master, what do you want to know? I will tell you everything I know!"

"I want to know everything about the Situ family."

With the encouragement of gold and silver, Zhang Quan started from the Situ family's foundation here, and he told everything he knew.

Mo Xun had read most of them in the book last night. If he happened to hear something curious, he would interrupt and ask a few questions.

Under Zhang Quan's eloquence, more than an hour passed in a flash.

There is nothing new in the history of the Situ family. It is just about how powerful the ancestors were, what characters they had, and what secrets they had passed down from their families.

In addition, he has been here for many years, what major events he has experienced, which families and sects he has had, what kind of grievances he has, etc.

Mo Xun had been listening quietly. He actually admired this person. As a mortal, he actually knew a lot about many things about cultivating immortals.

"Wait a minute, you said that the Situ family has found a way to build a foundation without using a foundation-building pill?" Mo Xun looked a little surprised. This was the first time he had heard of such a thing.

Zhang Quan chuckled. After talking so much just now, Mo Xun's expression never moved. He thought that this immortal master was interested in foundation building.

"This is how the outside world spreads. I don't know what the specific situation is! However, there is another theory that the alchemist of the Situ family has tested a new recipe for the Foundation Establishment Pill. It is not only low in cost, but also The probability of success in foundation building has also been greatly increased, which is why the Situ family dares to post hero posts so widely."

Mo Xun frowned, unable to tell the truth from the lie for a moment.

In his opinion, the only way to successfully build a foundation without a foundation-building pill is with Tianlinggen.

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