Cultivating immortals is a hard job

Chapter 194 Soul Nurturing Lock

This is somewhat different from what Mo Xun learned.

However, things will inevitably change as rumors spread.

Zhang Quan looked at Mo Xun and became silent for a while, thinking that this young immortal master might also be here to build the foundation.

After a long time, Mo Xuncai asked calmly: "In your opinion, which one is more likely?"

Zhang Quan smiled coquettishly, how could he know this?

"The immortal master is joking, the villain is just a mortal, how can he know?"

Mo Xun also pursed his lips and smiled, and he also asked casually. However, since such a statement can be spread to the outside world, it means that it is really possible that the Situ family has found a way to easily build a foundation.

But having said that, in this world of immortality where the weak prey on the strong, can the Situ family maintain this method with its strength?

A common man is not guilty, but he is guilty of carrying a jade!

Two middle-stage pill formations, how dare you advertise it so blatantly!

Of course, these are not things he needs to think about.

What he has to consider is whether he can get this opportunity.

"I heard that Patriarch Situ obtained a treasure. Do you know about this?"

Zhang Quan frowned slightly and said: "I have heard some rumors that it can help immortal masters quickly improve their cultivation, but I don't know what it is specifically."

Mo Xun nodded, this is normal. Not to mention ordinary people in the market, they must be low-level monks from the Situ family, and most of them don't know anything about it.

If there really is such a heaven-defying divine object, then in terms of value, it is probably no less than his cyan gourd.

Zhang Quan seemed to have said a lot, but when he thought about it carefully, he found that it was actually the same as nothing.

After a moment, Mo Xun turned to ask: "Is there any way to use the teleportation array in Tianya Pavilion for immortal cultivators?"

After hearing this question, Zhang Quan showed the same expression as Chen Er.

But this person is obviously smarter than Chen Er.

Although he had the same doubt in his heart, he did not ask it. Instead, after thinking for a while, he said: "This is not clear. After all, no other immortal master has used the teleportation array of Tianya Pavilion in the past."

Mo Xun felt a little disappointed, but before he could speak, Zhang Quan spoke again: "If Master Immortal really wants to know, I can help you find out something."

Mo Xun nodded noncommittally, but his mind was elsewhere.

Then he asked where the cultivation resources were sold in the city, and hurriedly left the Watch Tea House.

Since leaving Blue Sky City, he also needs to make some preparations in advance to face many unknowns in the future.

But when he came to the place introduced by Zhang Quan, he was greatly disappointed.

There are no large-scale shops here like Blue Sky City. Some shops selling spiritual herbs, elixirs, or talismans are interspersed among the mundane businesses.

The size of the store is not large, and the items inside are uneven, and most of them are low-grade goods. From Mo Xun's current perspective, it is really a bit disdainful.

In fact, this is normal. After all, there are not many foreign monks in this city, and they are mainly from the Situ family.

People’s own family members naturally don’t need to buy or sell.

But it was not without gain. After he walked through most of the street, he found a lot of Qi Refining monks setting up stalls in a nearby alley.

After thinking briefly, he figured out the joints.

This time, the Sinan Conference attracted many outside monks. Many people wanted to exchange for spiritual stones or other things. However, because the local market was not prosperous, they simply set up stalls here.

In fact, there are many such stalls for casual cultivators in Blue Sky City, but he rarely visited them before.

In his opinion, what good things could a group of casual cultivators have in their hands?

In addition, since I was new to the world of immortality, I didn’t know much about many things, and I was afraid of being deceived, so I didn’t pay much attention to it.

The alley is about a hundred feet long, with dozens of stalls scattered inside.

There were men and women among them. Under each person's feet was a piece of cloth with several things placed on it.

There are porcelain bottles of elixirs, secret books on martial arts, talismans and magical instruments, etc.

There are also many strange and weird things that Mo Xun has never seen before.

There are people coming and going in the alley, but most of them are immortal cultivators wandering around in it.

Occasionally, some bargaining voices can be heard, but most of the time, customers and stall owners speak through voice transmission, and they are quite cautious with each other.

Mo Xun came to the first stall. This was a middle-aged man in his thirties, sitting cross-legged on the ground with a dozen things placed in front of him.

The first thing he saw were naturally books and jade slips.

After a brief inquiry, it turned out that the exercises and formation strategies were incomplete, so he didn't ask further.

Generally, you can't buy complete exercises from such small stalls. The same is true in Blue Sky City. If you want to buy, you have to go to some big stores or auctions.

Most of the people who are willing to buy incomplete skills in such a place are actually not doing it for practice. Most of them want to buy it back and learn from it.

Or maybe you were just lucky enough to only have the first half of the skill in your hand, and happened to encounter the second half here.

In fact, speaking of it, it was not just luck that he was able to obtain the "Agni Fire Sutra" last time.

As for elixirs and the like, Mo Xun has no shortage of them now, so he doesn't even have a look at them.

Furthermore, if there is a good elixir, people will definitely use it themselves, where will it be sold?

There are also magic weapons, which are either low-level and cannot be any lower, or they are incomplete.

He looked down upon it even more if it was damaged.

He now has two intact mid-level magic weapons in his hands, and more is useless.

After all, a foundation-building cultivator, with divine consciousness, can only control two or three at most at the same time. Even if he has more, it will not be of much help in fighting.

There is a rare material inside, which makes him curious.

But after asking the price, he didn't even think of bargaining.

If he knew the art of refining, he might collect some materials, but for him now, it is almost useless.

Then he visited more than a dozen stalls in succession. Although he saw a lot of strange things, he was not a person who was curious, so he gradually lost interest.

But when he saw the jade slip on a stall, he stopped again.

The stall owner was a female cultivator, with a cultivation level of tenth level of Qi Refining. She was covered with a green veil, and her appearance could not be seen clearly, but judging from her figure, she was about 20 or 30 years old.

There was a note next to the jade slip, with three words written on it: "Soul-nourishing Lock"!

The first time he heard this name was from Xiao Qian.

If he remembered correctly, this thing could cut off the passage to the netherworld and keep the soul in the human world.

Isn't the soul-nourishing tree in his green gourd the material for refining this thing?

Last time he transplanted it into the gourd, he thought it couldn't be saved, but who knew that the tree actually sprouted miraculously.

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