Cultivating immortals is a hard job

Chapter 195: Being fooled

He stared at the jade slip for a moment. Could it be that the method of refining the Soul-Nourishing Lock was recorded here?

When he thought of this, he had some ideas.

The Soul-Nourishing Tree is one of the nine sacred trees. Needless to say, it is valuable. If it is sold for money, it will surely be exchanged for a lot of spiritual stones.

And if it is refined into a Soul-Nourishing Lock, the price will probably be multiplied several times!

Thinking of this, his heart couldn't help but get hot. At this moment, he was like a number one money-grubber.

But then again, who told him that he was too poor?

"Daoyou, can I take a look at this?"

After Mo Xun said this, he stretched out his hand to take the jade slip, but the female cultivator scolded him in a delicate voice without raising her head: "No!"

Mo Xun's outstretched hand froze in mid-air, and a bit of confusion appeared on his face.

Could it be that this person was not selling things at the stall?

Before he could ask, the female cultivator said, "What if you read this thing and secretly remember it?"

Mo Xun's mouth moved, and he shrank his hand awkwardly. This seems to be true!

But then again, if he is not allowed to check, how can he know if it is what he thinks?

The two of them were silent at the same time. After a moment, it was Mo Xun who broke the embarrassment.

"In this case, Daoist friend, please introduce this thing to me!"

The female cultivator looked up and glanced at him, and said unhappily, "Isn't it written next to it? Can't you read?"

Mo Xun was speechless for a while. It was the first time for him to see a business like this. Thinking back carefully, he seemed to have never seen this female cultivator before, but he didn't know what annoyed her and spoke so aggressively!

It seems that women do have a bad temper for a few days every month!

He then stared at the side of the jade slip and felt that his IQ was challenged.

On the ground, there was no other handwriting except the three words "Soul Nurturing Lock". How could he read it?

He suppressed his anger. If this thing had not been related to him, he would have left long ago according to this person's attitude.

"Daoyou, I have only heard of this soul-nourishing lock once before, but I don't know much about it. I wonder if you can give me a detailed introduction to the contents of the jade slip?"

The female cultivator still said in a bad tone: "You want to buy it just after hearing it once?"

Mo Xun was completely speechless. At this moment, he really doubted whether he had a grudge against this female cultivator in the past?

If there was no grudge, then this person had a temper problem and couldn't even communicate with basic people.

I don't know how the other party has grown up and hasn't been beaten to death!

No wonder there are so many stalls in the alley, but hers is the only one that no one cares about!

Mo Xun slowly exhaled a breath of turbid air. For the sake of this jade slip, he could only endure it temporarily.

"Is it not possible?" Mo Xun couldn't help but ask back.

The female cultivator raised her eyebrows and said disdainfully: "Of course not, I only sell this thing to people with whom I have a predestined relationship. If I don't know them, I won't sell it even if it's worth a thousand gold!"

Mo Xun stared at the white forehead of the female cultivator, waiting for the other party's next words.

He thought the other party would say: If you know me, I won’t charge you a penny!

Who knew that the female cultivator paused and said: "If you know me... just 300 spirit stones will do!"

Hearing this, Mo Xun almost sprained his waist.

So no matter if you know me or not, you have to charge me. What does it have to do with being predestined?

She said it so high-soundingly that he thought he was going to be lucky today!

He couldn't help but think, is this female cultivator a liar?

Re-examining the other party's cultivation, the tenth level of Qi Refining, a little lower than him, if she is really a liar, he will surely be able to take her down in one fell swoop.

"Daoyou, how can you guarantee that the things in here are what I need?"

"Forget it if you don't want to buy it, don't stand here to block me from basking in the sun!"

Mo Xun was a little angry for a while. If you want to bask in the sun, why come here?

He slowly exhaled a breath of foul air, waved his sleeves, and threw out a storage bag, while his face was cold and he said: "Today I will see whether you are pretending to be a ghost or really speaking with certainty. If the things inside are fake, I will overturn your stall today!"

Mo Xun then picked up the jade slip and put it on his forehead to check.

The female cultivator was not annoyed. She picked up the storage bag with a calm face and also counted it carefully.

After a long time, Mo Xun separated his mind from it. What surprised him was that there were thousands of words in it, which did record the refining method of the soul-nourishing lock.

He had never been exposed to the art of refining weapons, and it was difficult to distinguish the true from the false for a while.

But from the detailed description inside, he didn't think that anyone could forge it so realistically.

This is a bit difficult!

He looked up at the female cultivator again, only to see that the other party had a calm face, and there was no longer the angry expression just now.

He couldn't help but feel a little bit in his heart. This was fooled!

What is this, playing hard to get?

He never thought that business could be done this way!

After a moment, Mo Xun clasped his fists.

"Daoyou is really good at this!"

The female cultivator did not say anything, and did not even have the intention to return the spirit stone to him, which means that he did not even have the opportunity to bargain, and could only accept it with a pinch of nose.

After this bad experience, he was in no mood to wander around, and turned around and left the alley.

After thinking this through, he could be sure that the method of refining the soul-nourishing lock should be true, but it was nothing more than a hidden loss in the price!

Although it was not a big deal for him who used to spend a lot of money, he always felt a little uncomfortable in his heart.

An hour later, he left Weng City.

There were many more spiritual medicine seeds in the storage bag.

Although this place was not as prosperous as Lantian City, after all, it was a different country, so he still collected a lot of rare spiritual herbs.

Half an hour later, he returned to the newly rented cave.

This cave was not large, but it had two special stone chambers for cultivation. Even if there was a little noise inside, there was no need to worry about the outside world knowing.

I didn't see Li Qingying, the little girl must be practicing.

Since the last time she experienced the incident with Wuji Sanren, Li Qingying has been much more diligent in her cultivation than before.

Mo Xun didn't disturb her and went straight into the practice room.

After closing the door, he first took out the green gourd. After a flash of green light, the whole person disappeared in the stone chamber.

When he came to the green space, the medicine garden inside had recovered some of its former prosperity, but the medicinal age of most of the spiritual herbs was too young.

He first planted the spiritual grass seeds in the black soil, and then came to the soul-nourishing tree.

Fortunately, he thought that this thing would not survive, so he planted it in a corner, so he was able to escape the disaster last time.

After a year of cultivation, a lot of new green has emerged on the trunk, and it must be not far from being fully alive.

With a thought, he immediately broke off a small branch from it and planted it in the black soil. As for whether it can survive, he could only give it a try.

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