After coming out of the green gourd, he took out the jade slip of "Soul Nurturing Lock" again, immersed his mind in it, and began to study it carefully.

After a long time, he slowly opened his eyes.

The content inside was straightforward, and there was nothing difficult to understand.

It introduced in detail the method of refining the Soul Nurturing Lock. As for the required earth fire, he was no longer so ignorant now, and there were many ways to solve it.

For example, the Xuantian True Fire in his body could completely replace it, and even in terms of effect, it was much better than the earth fire. It was just that he had not found a way to control it yet.

When he went to Tianyun Sect, he needed to make an effort to find out.

In addition, there would be many weapon refiners in places where cultivators gathered. They basically had fire monsters above level 4 in their hands. If it really didn't work, they could also find someone to refine it for them.

It was nothing more than taking the risk of being known by others!

Of course, if he could succeed in building the foundation by chance, the Dan Fire in his body could also be used, so the issue of fire was actually secondary.

The main reason is that he doesn't know how to refine equipment at all!

This technique is similar to alchemy. It requires experience accumulation and has a high failure rate.

What if by that time, he hasn't accumulated experience and wastes all the materials first?

He shook his head lightly and could only put this matter aside for the time being. Now the soul-raising tree has not yet fully grown, and he needs to collect some other materials, so it is not urgent for the time being.

Then, he took out the Biling Pill recipe he bought from the old woman.

Originally, this pill should have been refined a long time ago, but who knew that the last time he refined the Xuantian True Fire, the medicine garden was completely destroyed, and the matter was delayed. Until now, there are mature spiritual medicines for him to practice.

Fortunately, these Qi Refining Pills do not need earth fire, and ordinary mundane flames can be used.

He first spent a day carefully studying the pill recipe, consulting books, and deducing the medicinal properties of various spiritual medicines.

Thanks to his previous experience in refining the Heart-Protecting Pill, he was not completely without experience in refining pills. It was just that this kind of pill was more complicated.

But he had enough spiritual medicine and was not afraid of failure!

If he could really refine this kind of pill, it would not only satisfy his own needs, but also be able to sell it for money, which would be considered an income.

Time passed in a flash, and three days passed. When Mo Xun came out of the stone chamber, his face was not clear whether he was happy or sad.

He glanced at the stone chamber next to him. Li Qingying was still practicing. He did not disturb her and left the cave.

After half a day, he came back again.

This trip to Wengcheng was to meet Zhang Quan on the one hand, and to buy a few books on spiritual herbs and pills on the other hand.

He thought that with his previous experience, he should be able to refine it even if he failed a few more times, but he still underestimated the difficulty of this kind of pill.

He opened seven or eight furnaces, but each time he was stuck at the step of fusing spiritual medicine, and finally failed.

Unable to find the right method, he could only stop for the time being. He was not prepared to start the furnace rashly before finding the reason.

Zhang Quan brought him some good news.

The mortal teleportation array of Tianya Pavilion is not completely unusable by cultivators.

There is no shortage of secret operations in this world.

After spending dozens of spirit stones, Zhang Quan helped him get a teleportation talisman, which was also a way out for himself.

Returning to the cave, he closed the stone door again, until two days later, a hearty laugh came from inside, and even Li Qingying, who was meditating, was awakened by the movement and came out to ask him about it.

It turned out that he had a problem with the method of purifying the spiritual medicine before, so he did not meet the requirements of the pill formula.

After finding the problem, he took out the pill furnace again.

The cave door, this level, is more than 20 days.

Just before the start of the Sinan Conference, the stone door opened with a bang, and a haggard and somewhat vicissitudes of life walked out.

It was Mo Xun who had been in seclusion for nearly a month!

At this time, his face was full of excitement.

Not long after he came out of retreat, Li Qingying also came out from the side. Seeing Mo Xun like this, he couldn't help but be stunned.

"Brother Mo?"

Li Qingying pointed at his chin awkwardly, and then raised his hand, and a water mirror condensed in the air.

Mo Xun looked at himself in the mirror and couldn't help but be a little surprised.

In the mirror, a bearded man with untidy beard was 50% similar to him.

Originally a young man in his twenties, now he looked more than 30 years old.

He secretly complained in his heart, could it be that the anti-aging pill he refined was fake?

Not only did it not keep his face, it even made him look a few years older!

He then prepared to cast a spell to clean his face, but he stopped before he could finish the Dao formula.

Isn't this just the most ready-made disguise?

No need to put on makeup!

Thinking of this, he smiled and touched his beard under his chin.

Seeing him grinning at the mirror, Li Qingying called out to him again.

Mo Xun waved his hand, indicating that he was fine, and then said, "Miss Qingying, Patriarch Situ is about to hold the Sinan Conference. Do you want to stay here or go with me?"

Li Qingying said without even thinking, "I want to see it too!"

Li Qingying said she wanted to see it, but she was actually afraid that Mo Xun would leave her alone here.

Mo Xun hesitated for a moment, but still nodded.

In fact, he was inclined to leave Li Qingying here and find out the situation first. After all, it would be convenient for him to act alone.

"You go and disguise yourself first. I'll wait for you here."

After spending a long time with Mo Xun, the little girl was familiar with Mo Xun's caution, so she turned and went into the stone chamber.

Half an hour later, the two arrived at Wengcheng.

Along the way, they could see many unfamiliar Qi-refining cultivators. Some of them, like them, had already come here and stayed in the cave or inn, while some were new.

Even Wengcheng was much more prosperous than before, with lights and decorations, and a festive atmosphere everywhere.

This city was originally built on the basis of the Situ family. The Situ ancestor was like the emperor of this world. His birthday at this time was naturally very grand.

In the city, there were many servants of the Situ family wearing uniform clothes, who were responsible for receiving them.

As long as they asked, someone would lead the cultivators who had just arrived here to the banquet.

The girl who was taking Mo Xun to the scene was about ten years old, about the same age as Li Qingying, and she was dark and thin.

After the two of them got on the wide beast carriage, there were already three people sitting inside.

Mo Xun looked up and saw a few people, and couldn't help but be stunned.

It turned out that these three people were the Yuan Zhenzi brothers and sisters who brought him into this place.

However, he had a full beard at this time, and his appearance was slightly different from that day. For a moment, it seemed that it was not right to say hello, and it was not right not to say hello.

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