Cultivating immortals is a hard job

Chapter 198: Green Dragon of the South China Sea

The setting sun cast its afterglow, and a layer of light golden glow covered the distant green hills.

There were about two or three thousand people in Mo Xun's group.

This was just the first batch. After the animal cart sent them to the foot of the mountain, they went to pick up other people.

At the same time, they tamed hundreds of spirit beasts, which was enough to show the foundation of the Situ family.

Under the leadership of hundreds of servants, they were first arranged to rest in a temporary cave. The meeting would officially begin when everyone arrived tomorrow.

For cultivators, one night is just a few weeks.

When they opened their eyes again, the morning light was slightly bright, and it was a new day.

Under the leadership of the servants, the cultivators came to a wide square. Because it was too late yesterday, they did not notice that there was such a flat and open place surrounded by ancient and quaint things.

In the center of the square, there stood a towering stone tablet, about ten feet high.

There was no word on it, only a deep mark, from top to bottom, almost breaking the entire stone tablet, which looked extremely spectacular.

But perhaps because of the age, it looked vicissitudes and simplicity.

That mark looked like a knife cut, and also like an axe chisel.

But then again, what kind of huge weapon could leave such a mark.

Following the discussion of the people around him, Mo Xun realized that it was a sword energy.

This sword mark was left by the founder of the Situ family, a Yuanying cultivator.

Hearing this explanation, when Mo Xun looked at the stone tablet again, his heart unconsciously became more solemn.

At this time, on the square of Noda, nearly ten thousand cushions were neatly placed.

Mo Xun looked around and saw more and more cultivators around, and sighed in his heart. He didn't expect the Situ family to have such appeal.

So many foreign cultivators have almost caught up with the sects in recruiting disciples.

But you have to know that any of the top sects in the five countries of Southern Xinjiang must have a Nascent Soul cultivator in charge, and some even have two. There are dozens to dozens of Jindan stage cultivators.

But what about the Situ family? There are only two Jindan stage cultivators in the middle stage!

Of course, most of the people here did not come for the reputation of the Situ family, but for the rumored foundation building.

In front of the square, on the towering hillside, there is a fairly magnificent building. Because it is too far away, the name on the plaque cannot be seen clearly.

But I think it should be the main hall of the Situ family.

Not far from the main hall, there is a big bell, which seems to be similar to the Guyue Sect in this respect.

Around the square, there are many servants standing scattered around, most of them are mortals, both men and women, wearing uniform clothes.

In the outer areas, the foundation building cultivators lead the team, commanding some Qi refining cultivators, responsible for tasks such as vigilance.

Under the orderly arrangement of the servants, the monks who came to the banquet found their own cushions and sat down.

Some unsophisticated monks were amazed in their hearts, but it was not good to be too noisy in such a place. The scene of nearly 10,000 people seemed orderly and quiet.

Mo Xun and Li Qingying chose a seat at the back.

In fact, with so many people, no matter where they sat, they would not be too conspicuous, but he was always cautious and knew how to hide himself wherever he went.

When everyone was seated, more than half an hour had passed. Fortunately, everyone practiced on weekdays and retreated for several months, so they didn't feel that time was passing slowly.

Just when the sun began to be a little dazzling, a melodious bell suddenly sounded in the distance.

"Dong... Dong... Dong..."

A total of forty-nine bells rang!

Before everyone could react, another round of drums and horns sounded, echoing in the mountains and forests for a long time.

At this moment, a thunderous roar of a tiger and a dragon reached everyone's ears.

Everyone's eyes were all focused on the outside of the main hall.

In the blink of an eye, a dark green figure flew from the horizon and gradually grew larger. When everyone saw the thing in the sky clearly, they couldn't help but take a breath.

In an instant, the whole square became noisy.

Some people even exclaimed: "It's a dragon!"

Even Mo Xun was dumbfounded for a while and couldn't speak for a long time.

As the figure approached, its full appearance was clearly displayed in everyone's eyes.

Just the head looked eight or nine feet long, and the body was as thick as a thousand-year-old tree. The whole body was covered with dark green scales, with two horns on the head and four legs.

It was exactly the same as the real dragon in folk legends!

On its huge head, there stood two middle-aged men, one in red and the other in purple robes, who looked 70% similar.

No need to introduce, you know that these are the two Situ ancestors.

When the green dragon flew over the square, under the sky and sun, the sound of dragon roars was endless, and the shock in the hearts of the people can be imagined!

Some timid people, seeing this scene, have already collapsed on the ground, mumbling to themselves, and no one knows what they are saying!

When the two appeared, a monstrous pressure appeared around them, shocking everyone to the point of being unable to move!

But it is unknown whether this pressure came from the two Jindan cultivators or the green dragon under their feet.

I saw the green dragon suddenly roar at everyone, and a strong wind suddenly blew in the square, blowing everyone to the left and right.

Fortunately, this gust of wind only lasted for a moment before it dissipated, and the pressure on everyone also disappeared.

Mo Xun's forehead immediately broke out in a cold sweat. If you want to talk about it, this is the first time he has really seen a Jindan cultivator.

Wuji Sanren may have been a Jindan cultivator before, but after taking over another body, he is just a Qi Refiner.

And the last Gu Yue Sect assessment, the one who presided over the ceremony was only in the late foundation building stage.

Of course, what shocked him was not only the two Situ ancestors, but also the dark green dragon.

That is a divine object that only exists in legends!

Just when everyone was excited, someone suddenly shouted: "This thing is the South China Sea Green Dragon!"

After the voice fell, the others reacted and nodded in agreement.

South China Sea Green Dragon?

Mo Xun quickly thought about the information of this thing in his mind. He seemed to have some impression of which book he had read it in, but for a moment, he couldn't remember it!

But he was familiar with the word "South China Sea".

The South China Sea, also known as the Infinite Sea, is located in the southern part of Xuan State, one of the five southern border states. It is said to be a boundless sea, but he had very little information about the specific situation.

In addition, although he did not know much about the green dragon, he knew that it was not a real dragon, and could only be called a "dragon" at best!

Of course, a dragon is just a dragon after all, and it is far from a dragon!

A dragon is a divine beast, while a dragon is a demon beast!

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