Cultivating immortals is a hard job

Chapter 199 Snow Amber Wine

As someone recognized the green dragon, although everyone was not as panicked as before, they still had their hearts on edge.

Judging from its size, this creature might have reached the level of a sixth-level monster.

A sixth-level monster is equivalent to the strength of the Jindan stage.

I just don’t know which one is more powerful, this green dragon or Yin Jiaohe from Gu Yuemen that day.

However, in Mo Xun’s opinion, the green dragon seemed to have a greater impact on his senses.

In the amazed eyes of everyone, the two Situ ancestors flew down from the sky and landed at the front of the square.

The green dragon in the air disappeared after a flash of green light.

As the two fell, the descendants of the Situ family around them bowed and saluted, and shouted at the same time.

"Welcome, old ancestor!"

Mo Xun calmed down and turned his head to look at Li Qingying. He saw that the little girl looked a little ugly. He didn't know whether it was because of the pressure just now that she couldn't recover for a while, or because she was frightened by seeing such a ferocious monster.

"I am Situ Chen!"

"Situ Peng!"

"Hello, fellow Taoists!" The two Situ ancestors bowed at the same time and laughed loudly.

The two looked about forty years old. If they were placed in the mortal world, no one would have thought that these two were old monsters who had lived for hundreds of years.

Situ Chen said: "My two brothers, I would like to thank you all for coming here from afar to participate in this Si Nan Conference."

In fact, the Si Nan Conference is not the first time it has been held. It has existed for hundreds of years.

It is led by the Situ family and held every twenty years. The original intention is to provide an opportunity for casual cultivators to practice and exchange. At the same time, corresponding exchanges will be held to spread the influence of the Situ family.

"It's just that this conference is slightly different from previous ones. But what exactly is different, let us keep it a secret for now, and we will reveal it later."

Everyone naturally understood what the so-called difference was. After all, most people came here for the promise of the Situ family.

"Today is also our birthday. Taking this opportunity, I would like to invite you to drink a cup of birthday wine and watch the ceremony from the side."

As soon as the voice fell, the servants next to him came to the stage carrying dozens of wine jars that were more than one person tall.

Then, next to the two ancestors, densely packed wine bowls were placed, thousands of them, which looked quite spectacular.

After about an incense stick, the servants filled all the wine bowls, and then bowed and bowed their heads and retreated.

Situ Chen smiled and nodded, looking at the crowd below the stage, and waved his robe sleeves heroically, and the countless wine bowls on the ground, like wings, took off from the ground and flew to the crowd below the stage.

For a moment, it was dark above everyone's head, as if half of the sky was covered by countless wine bowls.

There was another commotion below.

This move alone was enough to shock everyone. The magical power of the Jindan cultivator was indeed unpredictable.

"This wine is called Snow Amber Wine. It was brewed by my two brothers who spent three years at the top of Tianjue Peak to collect enough snow amber. It is of great benefit to cultivators like us. Please drink it."

Mo Xun took the wine bowl in front of him and looked at the green wine liquid with spiritual energy in it. He was moved in his heart. This wine is probably spiritual wine.

Spiritual wine is not something that low-level cultivators or nouveau riche like him can own.

Sometimes, even if there are more spiritual stones, there is often no way to get it.

The reason is that few people will sell it.

Because in the brewing of this wine, in addition to the complex process and the difficulty in finding the wine recipe, it requires a large number of spiritual objects to brew.

But after many people tested it, they found that the benefits of refining these spiritual objects into elixirs far exceeded spiritual wine by a hundred times.

So, the purpose of brewing spiritual wine is not to improve cultivation, but just to satisfy the desire of the tongue!

At a time when cultivation resources are already in short supply, who would do such a loss-making business?

Others held the spiritual wine, although they were amazed, but what they thought in their hearts was similar to Mo Xun.

They secretly cursed the two family heads for being too wasteful.

Some people who had heard of Tianjue Peak and Xuebo were trembling with their hands holding the wine bowls.

In their hearts, they even criticized the Situ brothers for squandering such precious things to make wine!

"Once this wine is opened, it needs to be drunk as soon as possible, otherwise the alcohol will be lost over time. My two brothers will protect you here."

After that, the Situ brothers each took a bowl of wine and drank it first in front of everyone.

Many cultivators saw that the two family heads had already drunk the wine, so they raised their heads and drank it without hesitation.

Some people who still had concerns in their hearts looked around, looked at each other for a while, and then tried to take a sip.

Mo Xun was also a little hesitant for a while. If he was in the outside world, he would never rashly drink something of unknown origin, let alone wine.

But when he saw the people around him drinking it one after another, he couldn't help but be tempted.

Presumably, no matter how bold the Situ family was, it would be impossible for them to murder so many people at the same time.

Besides, with the strength of the two middle-stage Jindan, even if they wanted to harm them, why bother so much?

Thinking of this, he looked at the wisps of spiritual energy that kept coming out of the wine bowl, gritted his teeth, and prepared to drink it.

After all, this kind of opportunity is not always available!

"Brother Mo?"

A voice in his ear stopped his raised hand in mid-air.

Mo Xun turned his head and looked at Li Qingying beside him.

From the little girl's expression, he could naturally read her mind, so he smiled and replied: "It should be no problem, if you want to drink, drink it!"

Li Qingying nodded immediately, with a bit of relief on her face. Since she almost died last time, she is now no less than Mo Xun in improving her cultivation.

She is eager to improve her strength. At the critical moment, even if she can't help Mo Xun, she can't become a burden to Brother Mo!

Mo Xun smiled, and most people around him had already drunk it.

His character is that once he makes a decision, he will not change it easily.

He raised his head, and a bowl of spicy sake flowed down his throat.

As soon as the snow amber wine entered his stomach, he felt a spiritual power, along his meridians, gathering towards his dantian, and there was an indescribable sense of comfort in his body.

Mo Xun was delighted, this immortal spiritual wine was indeed extraordinary.

But this joy did not last long, he felt unbearable heat in his stomach, and at the same time, he felt a little pain.

The spiritual energy in the originally warm wine suddenly became violent and constantly impacted his dantian meridians as if it was out of control.

In shock, he hurriedly sat cross-legged and began to practice the Fiery Fire Technique, trying to suppress the disordered spiritual energy.

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