Time flies, and in a blink of an eye, Mo Xun has been in Xunyang County for more than two months.

For the young man who walked out of the mountains for the first time, everything seemed to be novel.

It turned out that there were so many people on the street, and the houses could be built up to three or four floors. What he saw in one day was enough to compare with what he had seen in more than ten years.

Baicaotang is considered a large merchant in Xunyang County. The owner's surname is Su. He has several shops in the county, and it is said that there is also a branch in Min'an, the capital.

Because Mo Xun can read, he was assigned an easy job, which is a cashier in a small warehouse.

Baicaotang has its own medicinal fields in the local area, and also purchases herbs from outside. Every day, in addition to cleaning the warehouse, Mo Xun also registers the herbs in and out of the warehouse.

In fact, when he first came here, his uncle, who was the manager, suggested that he follow the doctor to pick up and decoct medicine. On the one hand, he could learn some medical skills, and the salary was also high.

But after hearing that the job of warehouse caretaker was not only easy, but also allowed him to live in a separate residence next to the warehouse, he decisively chose this job.

The reason was simple, he needed an independent place to practice.

But when he saw this residence, he felt helpless. The small room had almost no place to stand except for a bed.

In order to prevent people from knowing that he knew martial arts, he had to take an hour out of the city to practice martial arts after closing the shop every day. Sometimes he had to give up because the shop was busy!

After two months, he had already passed the initial novelty.

Although the county city was prosperous and could open his eyes, it was different from what he had planned, so that now he had some intention of leaving this place.

Sitting at the door of the warehouse, flipping through the medical book borrowed from the manager, he had not practiced martial arts for three days. In the past few days, someone came to count the accounts every afternoon, and they were busy until the evening, even the city gates were closed, which was really annoying.

The key to martial arts is persistence. If you practice every now and then, it would be strange if you can improve!

"Little Mozi, are you in a daze again?"

The man is called Zhou Chao. He came here a few years earlier than him. He is about 20 years old. He is lively and has become a small manager, managing some herbal medicine purchase business.

"Brother Zhou, what good things have you collected again?"

"Hehe, it's okay. I'm lucky this time. I came across a wild ginseng. I'm going to put it in the warehouse!"

Mo Xun took the wooden box handed over by Zhou Chao. There was a wild ginseng as thick as an adult's finger in it. It looked good.

There was also a note of identification from Mr. Wei in the box, which read "white ginseng, ten to twelve years old".

Mr. Wei is the doctor in Baicaotang. It is said that he has worked in the Su family for more than 40 years. He is called Wei Sanfu. It seems that many difficult and complicated diseases can be cured with only three prescriptions in his hands.

Mo Xun skillfully registered and put the medicine into the warehouse.

In order to motivate these employees, Baicaotang has a very good reward system. When calculating wages at the end of the month, there will be commissions.

Of course, the amount of commission depends on the value created by each person.

Seeing Zhou Chao turning around to leave, Mo Xun quickly grabbed him and poured a cup of tea.

"Brother Zhou, I want to ask you something!"

Zhou Chao shook his sleeves and sat down: "Go ahead!"

"Do you know what happened recently? Why do you come to check the accounts every day?"

"Haven't you heard? The eldest lady came back from Min'an and said she wanted to open another shop. Maybe she is checking the accounts!"

Mo Xun nodded suddenly. He had heard of this eldest lady.

Although the Su family's business is very large, it is not prosperous. Mr. Su has no sons, only two daughters.

However, it is said that these two daughters are both beautiful, but it's a pity that Mo Xun has not been here for a long time and has no chance to see them.

Speaking of Mo Xun, he has reached the age of blood and vigor, fifteen or sixteen years old. In a wealthy family, perhaps the child is about to be born.

Since arriving in Xunyang County, he has also wandered around the streets. He has seen those ladies from afar several times. It is true that the women in the city are more beautiful than those in the countryside.

When the servants chatted on weekdays, they often talked about the two young ladies of the Su family. They all had pig-like faces and guessed who would be lucky enough to become the son-in-law of the Su family.

After the two chatted for a while, Zhou Chao said goodbye and left. Mo Xun shook his head with a sigh and opened the medical book again to pass the time.

After a busy day, people went in and out of the warehouse. When the moon was at its zenith, Mo Xun followed the usual practice and patrolled the warehouse with a lamp before closing the door and locking it.

Back in the room, he was not sleepy at all. He secretly thought about whether he should make up a reason to go out tomorrow, but then again, this was not a long-term solution.

For things like practicing martial arts, it is natural to practice hard while you are young. If you delay like this, if you are past the best age for martial arts, it will be too late to regret it.

After sighing silently in his heart, he suddenly remembered the "Fire Art". At the beginning, he had nothing to do and only practiced it twice at home. Because it was a fragment, he didn't pay much attention to it.

Thinking of this, it was mainly because of this martial art, which seemed to be just a kind of Qi training method. There were no martial arts moves, and it was just right for him now.

Mo Xun has always been a person who does what he says. He immediately took out the piece of animal skin and began to study it carefully.

When he practiced last time, he felt that following the breathing method in the formula, he felt quite comfortable in his body, but he didn't study it in depth.

After one stick of incense, as the Qi completed a cycle in his body, he felt the warmth filling his body again, as if the fatigue of the day had dissipated a lot.

"It's amazing!"

Mo Xun exclaimed repeatedly, thinking about it, but he couldn't figure it out for a long time.

"Could it be a way to practice internal skills?"

He had heard about internal skills. It seemed that only masters who had practiced martial arts for decades would slowly condense a stream of Qi in their bodies. When it was so advanced, even flying flowers and picking leaves could hurt people.

If so, then it would be a treasure, he thought.

But after changing his mind, it was a pity. Why was such a profound martial arts only a fragment?

I don't know whether the person who recorded the mental method at the beginning did it on purpose, or because of some reason, he only had time to copy part of it.

Or...the person who recorded this mental method was the creator, and this was simply an unfinished semi-finished product.

Mo Xun shook his head, thinking about it carefully, and felt that it was unlikely.

When practicing this Fiery Fire Technique, whether it is the direction of the meridians or the gathering of the Dantian, it is quite mature and definitely not like a half-finished product.

Just like this, he sat cross-legged on the bed motionlessly, as if petrified, staring at this Fiery Fire Technique, his mind flowing.

"It seems... only by finding Mr. He can the mystery be solved!"

But then again, after two years of getting along, he knew that Mr. He was surnamed He, but he had no idea about his background. At this moment, where Mr. He went, there was no way to find out!

In fact, two years ago, he did ask Mr. He about his origins, but Mr. He was very secretive at the time, so he never mentioned it again. Now thinking about it, it was really a pity.

Just as he was immersed in the memories of the past, he suddenly had a flash of inspiration and said "Huh".

Unfolding the Fiery Fire Technique again, he found that on this piece of animal skin, which was about a foot in size, except for a small area with a small area of ​​​​one or two hundred words of the mental formula written in tiny characters, the large area behind was all blank.

Touching his chin, he couldn't help but think, could it be that other words need to be revealed in some way?

"Fire Art...Fire Art..."

After muttering for a while, he looked at the candle beside the bed.

A wisp of night wind came in through the crack of the door, and the flame on the candle was curling. After hesitating for a moment, he was ready to put the animal skin on the candle flame to bake it.

Before he took action, he suddenly stopped again. What if he was wrong and destroyed the animal skin?

But this problem is easy to solve. He picked up a corner of the animal skin and tore it hard, tearing off a thumb-sized piece from the edge.

"Hehe, let's do an experiment with you first!"

Putting this corner of animal skin in the candle flame, the candle flame with black smoke split into two branches, bypassing the animal skin, without any signs of burning.

"Sure enough, it's fireproof!"

With this surprising discovery, Mo Xun's heart couldn't help but pounding, as if he was more excited than when he found the ancient book that recorded the four martial arts.

He immediately moved the animal skin back and forth over the candle flame to bake. After a while, other words appeared on it. He suppressed his excitement and read them word by word.

Half an hour later, when he finished reading the complete Liehuo Jue, which was two or three thousand words long, he, who was always steady, couldn't help but jump up from the bed.

It turned out that this was not a martial arts method at all, but a method of cultivating immortals!

There are three levels in the method, which can be cultivated to the twelfth level of Qi Refining mentioned above.

After cultivation, although it may not be possible to practice the legendary ability to fly into the sky and into the earth, it can also perform some magic that ordinary people cannot do, which is many times higher than those so-called martial arts internal skills.

And when practicing this method, what is exhaled is not true Qi, but the spiritual energy of heaven and earth.

Although I don't know what this spiritual energy is, as long as you are not a fool, you can see that it is extraordinary.

As the temperature dropped, the handwriting on the animal skin slowly began to disappear. He hurriedly took out paper and pen and wanted to copy it again.

However, before he started writing, he suddenly thought that this great opportunity must not be known by others. If it is recorded on paper, it will inevitably be leaked.

When he thought of this, he remembered another thing. This animal skin has been circulated for who knows how many years. During this period, has no one discovered the secret inside?

It shouldn't be. With the word "fire", it is not difficult to guess these.

After thinking about it, he still has no clue!

Maybe someone has discovered the secret inside and practiced it, but he doesn't know it!

However, these problems are obviously not related to him, and it is useless to think too much.

Now that he has obtained such a method of cultivating immortals, all the previous plans have to be overturned and started over.

The long night was too short for Mo Xun, who had accidentally obtained a rare treasure. In his excitement, he almost didn't close his eyes, and the sky was already bright.

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