The body was exhausted, but the heart was full of excitement. After thinking for a night, Mo Xun changed his boredom and decided to stay in this place temporarily. As for the martial arts training, he naturally put it aside decisively.

While the shop was not open yet, he sat cross-legged on the bed again and began to practice the Fiery Art. According to the above, when he practiced to the second level of Qi Refining, he could learn a spell called "Wind Controlling Technique" recorded later.

This spell is a bit similar to the light work in secular martial arts, but it is very different.

The word "wind control", as the name suggests, after successful practice, you can move with the wind and walk on the wind.

Of course, this is not the rumored flying in the clouds, but just a fast art of traveling lightly. Those who have practiced it can travel thousands of miles a day, which is really amazing.

Mo Xun's current goal is to reach the second level of Qi Refining as soon as possible. He really wants to feel what the so-called immortal means are like.

The sun rises, and today is another good day.

Baicaotang has a good business. In the morning, three or four groups of medicine boys came to the warehouse to replenish medicine. After Mo Xun carefully weighed and registered, he took out a medical book called "One Hundred and Eight Meridians".

He borrowed this from a doctor in the hall yesterday with two boxes of snacks. Because of practicing the Fiery Art, he needed to be familiar with the trend of human meridians in order to better understand the secrets of the formula.

However, these things are obviously not very useful. There is still a big gap between ordinary medical knowledge and the way of cultivating immortals. But it is better than nothing. He guards the door during the day and kills time.

After a few days of practice, he felt more and more that the mystery of the Fiery Art was so profound that he only needed to meditate for one or two hours to eliminate the fatigue of the day.

Previously, he was a little skeptical about this mysterious immortal technique, but now it seems that he is shallow.

While thinking, a young man came from a distance.

This man is called Wang Miao. He entered Baicaotang at the same time as him. He usually does some work such as grinding and drying medicinal materials.

Wang Miao is a native of Xunyang, but his family is not very well off. Because they are of similar age, they often sit together and chat.

The store where Baicaotang is located occupies half of the street. There are several large shops in front for business, and a large yard in the back.

It includes various warehouses, herbal medicine rooms, decoction rooms, and resting places for servants.

According to Mo Xun, there are about 40 to 50 servants and handymen in this shop.

"Little Mozi, seeing you are so idle every day, I really envy you, brother?"

Mo Xun slapped the other's hand on his shoulder and said unhappily: "Then you and I will switch?"

Wang Miao smiled, obviously just talking. You know, although he is burning fire and boiling soup in the smoke every day, his monthly salary is one-third higher than Mo Xun.

As the two were talking, footsteps sounded in the aisle next to them, which immediately attracted their attention.

A group of people came in a moment. Mo Xun raised his head and saw that the leader was four strong men with burly bodies and weapons such as short knives and hammers on their waists.

Before he could react, five more people came in from behind, three men and two women.

"It's the eldest lady!"

Wang Miao's gentle reminder sounded in his ears, and Mo Xun stood up quickly, just in time to see a flawless and delicate face.

The few people were obviously led by her. Without much guessing, you can also know that this is the eldest lady of the Su family mentioned by Wang Miao, Su Yunyi.

Su Yunyi is tall and wears a green and white dress. As the rumors say, she looks very attractive. Looking at her face, Mo Xun can't help but appear briefly absent-minded.

To be honest, if you make a comparison, Su Yunyi can be regarded as the most beautiful woman Mo Xun has ever seen since he was a child. She exudes an inexplicable temperament all over her body.

Su Yunyi saw Mo Xun's absent-mindedness and just smiled, as if she had seen such a look countless times.

On Su Yunyi's left was a girl of about fourteen or fifteen years old, dressed in white, and also a very delicate beauty, but this girl had a weird look in her eyes, and she jumped and skipped when she walked, quite restless.

Behind the two of them, followed a frosty woman in black with a serious face.

There were two more people, one of whom Mo Xun recognized. He was in his fifties, slightly fat, and had a short goatee. He was the head of the Baicaotang, Le, and he had seen him once when Mo Qinghe brought him to report that day.

The other one was a handsome young man in a white shirt with a folding fan in his hand, and he was also quite handsome.

Mo Xun reacted quickly after his arm was lightly bumped. He immediately greeted Wang Miao and said, "Hello, young lady!"

A group of nine people basically filled the small courtyard outside the warehouse. Four strong men stood on both sides, looking as if they had nothing to do with it.

Mo Xun secretly smacked his lips. It was indeed unusual for a wealthy family to travel. They brought so many guards with them in their own shop.

He had practiced martial arts for quite a while. From the aura of these guards, it was easy to see that they were extraordinary.

But strangely enough, among the people present, there were two other people who made him feel a palpitation.

These two people, one was the black-clothed woman behind Su Yunyi, and the other was the young man next to her.

Shopkeeper Le pointed at Mo Xun and Wang Miao and introduced them, "These are the two servants who were newly admitted to the mansion last time. The darker one is the cashier of this warehouse."

Seeing Manager Le introducing himself, Mo Xun hurriedly stepped forward and bowed again. This was his first time meeting the owner of Baicaotang, and she was a beautiful woman, which made him a little nervous.

No wonder the servants were proud of being favored by the young ladies when they chatted privately. Those who had met the two young ladies, if they were lucky enough to talk to them, would brag about it for several days.

For Mo Xun, who was young and had amorous feelings, how could he not be a little excited.

The current situation of the Su Mansion was seen by everyone with a discerning eye. Master Su had no sons. If he wanted to maintain the Su family's business, he would most likely have to recruit a son-in-law.

Since he was recruiting a son-in-law, there would naturally be no high requirements for the man. From the perspective of knowing the roots, choosing a candidate from the stewards of the Su Mansion became the most reasonable way.

Just when Mo Xun was a little distracted, Su Yunyi saw his embarrassing look and smiled, "What's your name?"

After a pause, Mo Xun quickly replied, "My name is Mo Xun!"

Before Su Yunyi could speak, the pink-and-white girl next to him jumped in front of him, stared at him curiously and asked, "Your last name is Mo, such a strange last name, is it the Mo of ink?"

"Yun Shang, don't talk nonsense, I think it should be... the Mo of the country's no one knows me!"

"Miss is smart, it's this Mo!"

Su Yunyi's crisp voice, coupled with this face, is indeed pleasant to the ears.

"Hey, do you mean I'm not smart?"

As soon as Mo Xun said this, the pink-and-white girl in front of him was not happy, and immediately snorted and stared at him and questioned.

Mo Xun looked at the delicate face in front of him, opened his mouth and raised his hands, and then turned his head to secretly glance at Wang Miao next to him.

Wang Miao immediately understood, lowered his head and approached him and whispered: "This is the second young lady!"

The second young lady of the Su family is Su Yunshang.

Mo Xun reacted and said immediately: "It's my poor tongue, please don't blame me, second young lady!"

"Okay, Yunshang, stop playing around, let's get down to business first."

Although Su Yunyi looked unhappy, her tone was a bit doting.

The young man in white next to him laughed, waved his folding fan, and said with a smile: "Miss Yunshang is right. This Mo and that Mo are homophones. Maybe they were from the same family five hundred years ago!"

"Hehe, Brother Hu is still knowledgeable. That's what I mean."

Su Yunyi shook her head without comment, and did not continue the topic. Instead, she turned her head and said to the young man in white: "Brother Bai has been with me all day today. I guess he is tired. Why don't you go to the front and rest for a while. I'll finish my work here and then entertain Brother Hu."

The young man in white also knew that it would be inconvenient for him to ask about it next, but he didn't mean to leave. He smiled and said: "It doesn't matter, Miss Yunyi, please do as you please. I have nothing to do, so I'll wait here for a while!"

Su Yunyi smiled and didn't persuade her anymore. Instead, she said to the shopkeeper Le: "Uncle Le, bring the account and come in with me!"

"Yes, Miss!"

Su Yunyi always maintained a dignified side, and seemed to smile at everyone.

Mo Xun secretly observed several people, thinking in his heart, it is difficult for this young lady. There is no male in the Su family. As a woman, she can only show her face like this.

At this moment, he has recovered from his initial loss of composure. Such a beauty, I am afraid that any man will inevitably be attracted to her.

If he had not discovered the Fiery Art a few days ago, which made him have a firm plan for his future life, he might have been like the servants of Baicaotang, aiming to win the favor of the two young ladies.

With a sigh in his heart, Mo Xun had already opened the warehouse and handed over the cashier's account at the order of Shopkeeper Le.

With his status, it is naturally impossible for him to go in with Su Yunyi. Watching several people enter casually, he consciously lowered his head and stood aside.

However, the black-clothed woman who followed Su Yunyi suddenly stopped and glanced at him when she passed in front of Mo Xun.

Although he lowered his head, he could still feel the coldness in the other person's eyes. Mo Xun couldn't help but frown. This woman gave him a very dangerous feeling!

When the few people went in, there were only four guards and the young man in white outside.

Wang Miao saw that the atmosphere was a bit awkward, so he bowed to the few people, said hello to Mo Xun, and left alone.

Su Yunyi followed Shopkeeper Le into the warehouse, slowed down his pace, distanced himself from Shopkeeper Le, and asked behind him in a low voice: "What's wrong?"

The black-clothed woman behind him replied coldly: "Nothing!"

Su Yunyi looked behind him in confusion, and seeing that the other party didn't mean to say more, he continued to ask: "Hu Qingyang followed me all the way, did you find anything?"

"This person needs to be careful!"

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