Cultivating immortals is a hard job

Chapter 4 Wind Control Technique

Seeing a few people entering, Mo Xun knew that what happened next was none of his business, so he stood aside, looking at his nose and heart, thinking about his own affairs.

As for the stunning glimpse of Su Yunyi, this great beauty, it just caused a ripple in his heart.

But at this moment, he suddenly felt someone watching him from the side. When he raised his head, he happened to meet the smiling eyes of the young man in white.

Mo Xun felt a chill in his heart, as if someone had seen through some secret, but he still smiled politely at him while trying to figure out the identity of this person.

From the conversation just now, we can probably tell that the other party is not very close to the two ladies, and is probably an admirer of Su Yunyi.

This person and the woman in black gave him the same uneasy feeling.

About half a stick of incense later, there was another rush of footsteps in the corridor.


The speaker was a man in his twenties wearing a light red robe, also dressed like a rich man.

As soon as this person entered the small courtyard and saw the young man in white, his expression immediately dropped, and he asked in a bad tone: "Hu Qingyang, what are you doing here?"

The young man in white smiled slowly, clasped his fists, and said unhurriedly: "It turns out to be Brother Wei!"

The man in red waved his hand, but his expression was still unkind: "You don't deserve to be called Wei, so why don't you tell me quickly, why do you come to Baicaotang?"

"Brother Wei was joking. I heard that Miss Yunyi came back from Min'an recently, so I came here specifically to visit!"


The man in red sneered, looked left and right at the four guards, and at the same time glanced at Mo Xun in the distance, and then said: "You are approaching my cousin at this juncture. You and I both know what your intentions are."

There was some confusion on Hu Qingyang's face: "What is Brother Wei talking about? I'm sorry for my ignorance, but I don't understand clearly."

Hearing this, Mo Xun rolled his eyes and lingered on the two of them. He could still see the confusion on Hu Qingyang's face, which was true and false.

There was a coldness on the corner of the man in red: "Forget it if you don't understand, but don't blame Wei for not reminding you. Don't make a wrong step and destroy your Golden Arrow Sect."

"Thank you, Brother Wei, for reminding me. I will definitely remember it."

The two people obviously didn't agree on each other. The man in red snorted coldly, walked up to Mo Xun and asked, "Where are the two ladies?"

Before Mo Xun could answer, the warehouse door creaked open, and Su Yunyi slowly walked out of it under the leadership of shopkeeper Le.

But at this time, both Hu Qingyang and the man in red had their eyes on a wooden box in the hands of Shopkeeper Le.

Su Yunshang, who was at the back, saw the man in red and immediately jumped up to him. She hugged the man in red's arm happily and asked, "Cousin, why are you here?"

The man in red immediately showed a smile, looked Su Yunshang up and down, and said with a smile: "I didn't expect that we haven't seen each other for two years, but my Yunshang is getting more and more beautiful. I don't know how it will be cheaper in the future." Home boy!”


Although Su Yunshang's face turned red, it was obvious that he was extremely grateful for such flattery. He smiled and narrowed his eyes almost to a slit.

"I've met my cousin!"

Seeing Su Yunshang's disregard for dignity, Su Yunyi could only helplessly shake her head and salute the man in red.

The man in red waved his hand: "Why are you so polite? I heard that you came back a few days ago, and your aunt specially asked me to invite you to have dinner at home!"

Seeing the greetings between the cousins, Hu Qingyang just smiled and looked at the wooden box in Shopkeeper Le's hand from time to time.

Mo Xun noticed this and glanced at the wooden box as well, feeling a little doubtful in his heart.

"It seems that my cousin has already met Brother Hu. Why don't we go sit down in the front hall and talk." As a landlord, Su Yunyi's words and deeds are quite decent.

The man in red immediately slapped his forehead, changed his attitude and smiled at Hu Qingyang: "Yes, yes, yes, look at my brain, this is not the place to talk...Brother Hu...please!"

Taking the cashier's account book from Shopkeeper Le, Mo Xun watched the group leave. Mo Xun stared at the back of the man in red, thinking to himself that he had underestimated this cousin just now, but he actually had good acting skills.

The small courtyard became quiet again. Mo Xun opened the account book and saw several lines of new records written in it.

"Two 20-year-old dried Polygonatum japonica..."

Then he touched his chin, not knowing what he was thinking!

Time flies, one year later.

In the Wuwei Mountain on the north side of Xunyang County, there are lush vegetation and luxuriant branches.

The sun shines through the tall tree canopy, illuminating patches of light on the ground, dotted with stars.

A figure quickly shuttled through the branches, startling a flock of birds, leaving an afterimage in the air. The moment it landed, it jumped up again and ran up another big tree. Looking from a distance, it was rising and falling. It's like a ghost, hard to find.

After half a stick of incense, the figure finally landed behind a large rock, but his figure was up and down, breathing heavily.

This thin figure is none other than Mo Xun, who is practicing the art of wind control here.

After sitting cross-legged for half an hour, Mo Xun opened his eyes. Although he was still a little tired, the joy in his heart was uncontrollable.

After nearly a year of qi refining and breathing, he finally broke through to the second level of qi refining last month and was able to practice the first spell on the animal skin.

When he first started practicing, it was naturally quite difficult. He didn't know how many times he tried to concentrate the Qi in one place as mentioned in the technique before he finally figured out a way to do it.

It’s no wonder that the Fiery Fire Art requires that only the second level of Qi refining can practice spells, but with the level of concentration of mana in the body at the first level of Qi refining, it is simply impossible to do so.

Looking at himself with scars all over his body and his clothes already in tatters, Mo Xun felt both joy and sigh in his heart. He was in this state after countless beatings.

At first, every time I used the Wind Control Technique, my body jumped into the air. Either because I was not skilled, the spiritual energy in my body suddenly dispersed, and I fell directly from the air, or I was distracted for a moment, resulting in a lack of reaction, and I bumped into a tree, which was quite disappointing. People can't laugh or cry.

In order to practice this magic, he has stayed in the mountains for more than half a month. According to time calculation, the rest period given by Baicaotang is coming soon.

The word "Wind Control" is indeed not the light-power ratio in the world. It's just that his current realm is too low and his magic power is shallow. He can exert only one-tenth or two-tenth of its power, which is considered good, and under full exertion, he can reach the most It can only hold about one stick of incense.

Perhaps as your magic power improves in the future and you slowly master it, you can really follow your heart and follow the wind.

Talking about the practice over the past year, it also gave him a headache.

The realm that he originally thought would only take two or three months to break through actually took a full year. This was the result of his daily hard work and uninterrupted practice.

At first, he used the realm of secular martial arts to speculate on the Fiery Fire Technique, but he completely underestimated the difficulty of training.

According to this progress, if each subsequent level takes one year to break through, doesn't it mean that it will take twelve years to reach the 12th level of Qi Refining?

And according to common sense, the further you go to this level of cultivation, the harder it will be to break through, and the longer it will take. Often, the time it takes to reach the next level is twice or even several times that of the previous level. If you follow the I'm afraid he won't be able to finish practicing this kind of algorithm even if he spends his whole life!

Such a long training period, even Mo Xun, who has always been steadfast in mind, is a little intimidated, and it is inevitable that he will feel a little shaken in his heart.

Although the road to immortality is fascinating, the hardships on this road are difficult to understand unless you are a cultivator of immortality.

Although secular martial arts does not have those earth-shattering immortal methods, it can often be accomplished within ten years at most, which is much simpler than cultivating the Fiery Fire Technique.

In the past few days, Mo Xun had actually considered whether he should give up and return his focus to martial arts training, but every time he thought of the mysterious spells recorded in the animal skins, the fire in his heart could not be extinguished.

He also thought about whether it was because he had no one to guide him and all his cultivation was done alone, which was why his cultivation was so slow.

In other words, there is some way to quickly improve one's cultivation, but he just doesn't know about it. He doesn't believe that those immortals who have attained the Tao have spent their whole lives in poverty and have never gone beyond the period of Qi training.

This thought together was like a wildfire setting off a prairie fire, constantly toying with his heart.

Perhaps we should go out and look for real immortal cultivators to answer this question!

However, such a decision is obviously not something that can be made easily.

Sighing softly in his heart, he gathered his thoughts again. There was not much time left. He needed to recover his magic power as soon as possible and practice a few more times. When he returned to Baicaotang, he would have no chance.

But at this moment, there was a sound of stepping into the air in the distance, and the speed was almost as fast as the wind control technique he had just learned.

Mo Xun suddenly opened his eyes and looked deep into the dense forest.

Since practicing this Fiery Fire Technique, even he himself has never realized that his power of six senses has improved a lot compared to before.

Within a few dozen steps, you can often detect the slightest movement.

"Hey, this back view..."

After murmuring half a sentence, Mo Xun suddenly jumped up, the spiritual power in his body circulated, gathered at his feet, and disappeared in place like a gust of wind.

After following the figure for a cup of tea from a distance, Mo Xun landed in a bush. He quickly held his breath and restrained his body. Two people were standing under a thick tree not far away.

Both of them had their backs to him, a man and a woman!

Although he couldn't see her face, Mo Xun was 70-80% certain that the woman was probably the woman in black who followed Su Yunyi on weekdays.

During this year, Mo Xun had the chance to meet the two young ladies of the Su family several times, and every time he saw Su Yunyi, the woman in black would follow him closely.

Mo Xun was still confused, but the man in the distance had already spoken.

"What has the Su family done recently?"

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