Cultivating immortals is a hard job

Chapter 203 Devil May Cry

After hearing "Nine Sects of Demonic Dao", everyone reacted, but the expressions on their faces were different.

Just because there are only a few words in the records of the Nine Demonic Sects and Tiandao League books, only a few people can know more about the secrets.

Mo Xun, a novice cultivator, naturally belongs to the majority of people.

What he understood was that the Nine Demonic Sects were located in a distant place to the north of the Five Kingdoms in Southern Xinjiang, and their sphere of influence was comparable to the thirteen sects under the Tiandao Sect.

Moreover, the two parties have always been mortal enemies.

In fact, if you want to talk about it, the establishment of the Tiandao Alliance was originally to fight against the nine demonic sects.

Tens of thousands of years ago, there was no such division among the sect's forces, and there was no distinction between the ways of heaven and the ways of demons. But later, it is unclear why they took two different paths.

And as far as Mo Xun knew, this demonic person practiced demonic techniques.

However, he was also at a loss as to how the demonic skills differed from those practiced by the Tiandao Alliance.

Everyone present, those who knew the inside story, immediately became solemn on their faces, and there was a hint of anxiety in their expressions.

Seeing the other party's admission, the tall and thin monk immediately said: "Senior Situ must have been deceived by the villain, so he believed the devil's slander. If the senior can let us go, the junior will report the truth to the sect and bear witness for the two seniors. "

Speaking of which, this man is quite eloquent. Just now he spoke righteously and in a lecturing tone, but now he wants to excuse others.

Brother Situ did not answer. Instead, Gui Qi smiled and said, "Judging from this person's skills, it seems that he is from the lineage of the old monster who hates the sky."

Situ Chen nodded and said with a smile: "Brother Gui Qi is so knowledgeable!"

"That's ridiculous. It's just that I had a relationship with the old monster Tianhen back then. Now that I think about it, it's almost two hundred years ago."

Mo Xun grinned. Although he had already guessed that this was another old monster in the elixir-forming stage, he was still speechless when the other party heard it with his own ears.

Originally, the two alchemy-forming monks had made it impossible for them to go to heaven, but unexpectedly another one appeared.

And from the tone of the tall, thin man, one could tell that this guy named Devil Cry obviously had quite a reputation.

"Brother Mo, what should I do?"

After several hardships, Li Qingying is no longer like before. Although she still has no idea when things happen, she is no longer panicked.

Mo Xun shook his head. What good idea could he have?

Fortunately, there were so many people around him, so even if he tried his best, it wouldn't be his turn for the time being.

"Senior trapped us here, I wonder why?"

The one who spoke this time was Fairy Chengyao who presented the eight-treasure glass lamp. Her face was quite calm. Although her words were questioning, her tone was respectful.

Thinking about it, he suppressed his anger, but he was afraid of Brother Situ and didn't dare to be too presumptuous.

"Huh? This woman is quite pretty!"

"Hahaha, Brother Guiqi seems to be a person who loves beauty, but this girl is a respectful disciple. She must be similar in temperament to her master. I'm afraid it won't be that easy to conquer her."

Listening to the two people's unscrupulous criticism of herself, Fairy Chengyao suddenly had a look of anger on her face, but she could only snort in her heart and did not dare to make a sound.

"It turns out it belongs to that old guy Jing Yan. Is he not dead yet?"

If it were normal, if anyone dared to be so disrespectful to his master, Fairy Chengyao would have faced him with a sword.

But at this moment, she could only stare, feeling unspeakably useless in her heart.

"I guess it will be soon. He is about a hundred years older than the two of us. He has been addicted to weapon refining in recent years. I guess he has not made any progress in his cultivation."

Gui Qi chuckled, with a hint of lewdness in his laughter.

"Then it's better to keep this person, then find the old guy and replace him with some magic weapons!"

"Brother Devil May Cry, does he really have a crush on this woman?"

The two of them paid no attention to everyone present. They looked at each other and smiled without any scruples like lustful people in the market.

The laughter spread in everyone's ears, making people's hearts tingle.

Fairy Chengyao has never been so humiliated. What's deplorable is that she can't even have a seizure!

Just when everyone was at a loss, their ears suddenly became quiet. After a long time, the voices of those two people were no longer heard.

"what to do?"

In the silent darkness, a foundation-building monk took the lead to break the dullness and asked.

The tall and thin man who took the lead just now looked around and said: "The Situ family must have a huge conspiracy to trap us here. At this time, we still need to work together. Don't hold back and cast spells together. Break this magic circle!"

After a brief discussion, the foundation-building monks began to attack the magic circle together again.

Not far away, the sound of rumbling began to sound again, and for a while, the fire shot into the sky.

At the same time, there were some faint sounds coming from all directions. I am afraid that monks in other places, like them, were using brute force to break the formation.

However, after dozens of breaths, the formation in front of them remained indifferent, showing no signs of cracking.

Everyone’s hearts sank to the bottom again!

The formation set up by the Danjie monk was indeed not something that anyone could break through easily.

Seeing a group of dazed Qigong practitioners behind him, the tall and thin man shouted with a gloomy face: "You guys should come together and help us. If we can't break this circle, none of us can get out."

After hearing this commanding tone, everyone was dissatisfied, but no one refuted it face to face.

After all, what he said was true!

After that, one or two thousand Qi-refining monks, under the command of the tall and thin man, together with the foundation-building monks, cast spells and attacked a place frantically.

Although everyone's cultivation was not high, they had more people. Every attack was like the collapse of the sky and the crack of the earth.

The place that was attacked had already become a scorched earth, and a raging fire was burning within a range of more than ten feet.

Mo Xun followed behind the crowd and also made several moves, but after several attacks, the effect was minimal.

It seems that so many people, except for a bit of momentum, are not of much use.

Just as everyone was getting more and more anxious, someone suddenly exclaimed.

"My mana..."

As the voice fell, everyone discovered a terrible thing almost at the same time.

The mana in their bodies began to drain away!

As the mana drained away, everyone's cultivation was also declining at a terrifying speed.

"What's going on?"

"There's something strange about this formation, everyone, retreat quickly!"

Thousands of people retreated quickly like a tide, and those foundation-building monks flew into the air.

Mo Xun panicked and pulled Li Qingying away from the crowd.

Thanks to Miaomiao 286999276 for the gift!

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