Cultivating immortals is a hard job

Chapter 204 Nine-star Soul Absorbing Formation

At this moment, a foundation-building monk took out an escape talisman from his arms, cast the spell, and disappeared instantly.

Among the group of monks, those with escape talismans were also casting spells at this time. For a moment, under the dim night, wisps of smoke rose, and people kept escaping away.

When Mo Xun saw this scene, he showed a look of envy and regretted that he didn't buy a few talismans before coming here.

At the same time, he secretly swore in his heart that if he could escape this time, he would definitely study the escape method.

But before he could be annoyed for long, countless green smoke rose up again around him, and those who had left not long ago reappeared in the same place.

"There is a space restriction here, and the escape technique cannot work!"

Hearing these words, Mo Xun didn't know whether to gloat or secretly complain.

After all, if there is a space restriction, it means that this place has become an airtight cage, and everyone's hope of escaping is even slimmer.

Although they were far away from the edge of the formation, everyone was surprised to find that the mana on their bodies was still draining away at an extremely fast speed, as if there was an invisible force secretly devouring their cultivation.

Mo Xun secretly ran the Fiery Art to prevent the loss of mana in his body, but it was useless.

He hurriedly raised his head, glanced around, and found that everyone, including the foundation-building monks, looked horrified at this moment, but there was nothing they could do.

In the panic, someone suddenly shouted something.

"This is the Demon Sect's nine-star soul-absorbing formation!"

Those who have never heard of it have a blank expression on their faces, while those who have heard of it have a terrifyingly gloomy face.

The name of this magic circle is "Nine Stars Soul Absorbing", but it is a truly vicious method of absorbing other people's mana and refining it to turn it into one's own cultivation.

Although Mo Xun had never heard of it, at this moment, he obviously didn't need to ask more to know how terrifying this formation was.

"The Situ family not only colludes with the Demon Sect, but also absorbs the cultivation of monks like us. Aren't you afraid that the Tiandao Alliance will destroy your whole family after they find out?"

A cold snort followed in the air, clearly reaching everyone's ears.

I don’t know if it comes from Situ Chen or Situ Peng.

At this time, everyone naturally understood that helping the world to build the foundation was a huge conspiracy.

Presumably, the Situ family dared to do this, and they already had plans to break up their alliance with Tiandao.

In other words, the nine demonic sects have already penetrated into the five southern Xinjiang countries, and the Situ family is just the first stop for their attacks.

Thinking of this possibility, some monks who knew the inside story suddenly had a cold sweat on their faces.

Many people took out the transmission talismans. At this time, they did not care whether they could send the message out, and they cast spells to ask for help. Even if there was only a glimmer of hope, they had to give it a try.

There was also a group of people who were unwilling to give up. They came to the edge of the formation again and began to attack wildly. It was a matter of life and death. This time, no one retained their strength.

"Brother Mo!"

Hearing Li Qingying's weak voice, Mo Xun looked back and saw that the little girl's cultivation had actually dropped to the seventh level of Qi Refining.

There was no surprise on Mo Xun's face, because he himself was about to fall below the tenth level of Qi Refining at this moment.

And as his cultivation level declined, he felt that his aura was weaker than before.

If he observes carefully, he will definitely find that the lower level monks around him have already lost one or two levels of cultivation.

The hair of those who are already in their twilight years is slowly turning gray, and the wrinkles on their faces are gradually beginning to appear.

If things continue to develop at this rate, I am afraid that within one or two sticks of incense, his mana will be devoured.

Thinking of this possibility, his heart was bleeding. No one knew better than him that it took a lot of hard work for him to reach his current state.

With the loss of cultivation, it was like a sharp knife, picking off his flesh bit by bit.

Without his cultivation, this would be tantamount to killing him.

Just as he was anxious in his heart and quickly thinking about countermeasures, he suddenly noticed that Fairy Chengyao in the distance took out a magic weapon like an incense burner. After quickly casting a spell, it suddenly turned into a green light and submerged into the soil. .

The other monks also used their own special skills. Those rare treasures that were rarely seen on ordinary days kept appearing and disappearing.

Mo Xun's heart moved and he pulled Li Qingying to a place with few people.

After running for more than ten miles in one breath, the two came to a deserted cliff.

He quickly looked around, and except for the constant rumbling sounds in the distance, there was no other person nearby.

Then he asked Li Qingying to step back, took out the fire mace, poured spiritual power into it, and hit the stone wall hard.

After a cup of tea, he carved a small cave into the stone wall.

He couldn't help but secretly think, if he had spiritual consciousness at this moment and could control objects through the air, he would be able to open up a cave with just a flying sword and a few moments of effort. Why would it take so much effort?

You must know that if you delay here for one more moment, his cultivation level will drop by one point.

"Miss Qingying, come here!"

Li Qingying stood aside and stared blankly for a long time. Although she didn't understand what Mo Xun wanted to do, she was sensible enough not to disturb him.

At this time, she also knew that only Brother Mo could come up with a solution.

She hurriedly walked to Mo Xun's side and was about to ask what was going on when she felt a sudden pain in the back of her head, then her eyes went dark and she fainted.

Mo Xun stretched out his arms and held her in his arms. He held Li Qingying horizontally with both hands, bent down and went into the stone cave.

The hastily excavated stone cave could only accommodate one person, and it was less than ten feet deep.

After entering, he put Li Qingying in the corner, took out the fire-equipped mace again, and suddenly turned back to smash it behind him.

After a deafening roar, the small hole was completely sealed.

Then he didn't care about the darkness inside, took off the green gourd from his neck, and prepared to hide in it first.

But before he could make any move, a flash of inspiration came to his mind, and he took out the invisible cloak from the storage bag.

He threw the cloak into the air, and at the same time, the green glow swept out in the darkness, and Mo Xun and Li Qingying were absorbed into the green.

The gourd fell to the ground with a sound, and the invisible cloak in the air covered the gourd impartially, and disappeared in the night.

In the cyan space, Mo Xun put Li Qingying on the ground, took out a pill, and fed it into her mouth.

I don’t know how long the two of them will stay here, so she can’t wake up for the time being.

Mo Xun then felt his own cultivation level, and then he found that in a short period of time just now, he actually fell to the eighth level of Qi Refining.

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