Cultivating immortals is a hard job

Chapter 205: Destroy the whole family?

Fortunately, after entering here, this feeling of losing mana finally stopped.

Mo Xun collapsed on the ground, panting, looking at the sky with a dull look. At the end of his sight, there was nothing else except the chaotic and hazy green.

Counting carefully, it has been nearly three years since he left Xunyang County last time, which means that his three years of hard work have all gone to waste overnight.

He has extremely poor aptitude, and he has to put in more effort than others for each level he advances. How can he not be heartbroken to lose so much cultivation at once!

The foundation building, which was originally far away, is unknown when it will be realized after today.

He suddenly remembered the original ten-year agreement and smiled bitterly.

This road is really too difficult to walk!

I don’t know how long it took, a wave of sleepiness came, and he fell asleep deeply.

For the first time since he embarked on the cultivation of immortals, he actually felt a sense of laziness.

He had been busy practicing for these years, and he rarely went to sleep. Even when he was resting, he mainly meditated and refined his Qi.

He didn't know how long he slept. When he opened his eyes, it was still the green world. This place seemed to have not changed for tens of millions of years.

After slowly exhaling a breath of turbid air, he stood up and looked around. Li Qingying next to him was still sleeping quietly.

The little girl was even worse than him. She had directly become the fourth level of Qi Refining, which was lower than when they first met.

He touched his nose a little embarrassedly. If he hadn't insisted on coming here this time, the two of them would not have ended up in such a field.

He got up and came to the medicine garden. The seeds planted a few days ago had broken through the soil, and the medicine garden had restored some of its former prosperity.

After spending half a day collecting the mature spiritual medicines and planting some seedlings, he came to the soul-nourishing tree.

This sacred tree was more lively than before.

Because he didn't know the situation outside, he didn't leave rashly.

After experiencing this, he learned a great lesson: "There is no such thing as a free lunch in this world!"

He didn't know how the others were doing now. Maybe some of them escaped, which would be the best. The Situ family was so cruel this time that it would inevitably attract revenge from other sects and families. Now he just needed to wait patiently until someone came to his door, and then he would have a chance to escape.

As for the so-called Tiandao League and the Demon Sect, they had nothing to do with him, and he was too lazy to think about these things.

The only thing he was worried about now was that someone would find this place and discover the green gourd he left in the outside world. This treasure was his only reliance in the world of immortal cultivation.

But given his current situation, there was no better way.

In the next period of time, he did not rush to practice, but began to refine a lot of pills.

Since the last time the medicine garden was destroyed, there has been no mature spiritual herbs, and the pills on his body have almost been consumed. It was just right to take advantage of this time to refine more and store them.

Fortunately, he had spent nearly a month to get familiar with the refining of the Biling Pill. With the experience, he was now familiar with it.

In the future, if he wanted to recover his cultivation as soon as possible, he would need the assistance of these pills.

Since the incident had already happened, he knew that it was useless to think too much. After putting aside those messy thoughts, he devoted himself to refining the pill.

Time passed in a flash, and it was two months later.

When Mo Xun had used up all the spiritual herbs in his hand, he became thinner again.

In front of him, there were dozens of porcelain bottles of different sizes. If nothing unexpected happened, he would not need to open the furnace before building the foundation.

There were not only a large number of Biling Pills, but also some other auxiliary pills, all of which he had tried his best to collect during the more than one year in Blue Sky City.

Estimating that the outside world was almost calm, he immediately changed his clothes, washed up, and left the gourd alone.

After a loud "boom", gravel flew everywhere, and the cave entrance was reopened.

A ray of sunlight shone in, and judging from the sky, it was morning.

The moment he dodged out, he was alert, and he breathed a sigh of relief when he didn't feel the loss of mana in his body.

Presumably, after so long, the Situ family had already removed the magic circle.

Mo Xun came out of the cave carefully, and it was quiet all around. Except for the occasional bird calls, there was no other movement.

Not long after walking in the forest, he found many bodies of cultivators. After more than two months, many people had dried and decayed, almost becoming mummies.

Mo Xun probably still had some impression of the faces of many of them.

In some places, corpses were scattered all over the ground, and most of them were casual cultivators in the Qi Refining Stage that day.

Of course, Mo Xun also found several guests in the Foundation Establishment Stage, including Zong Guangxiao from the Zong family.

The deaths of these people were almost the same, with no obvious wounds on their bodies, and there were not many signs of fighting nearby.

Presumably, the Nine-Star Soul Absorbing Formation, after absorbing the mana of these people, had other killing moves, otherwise they would not all die if they only lost their cultivation.

Seeing the dried corpses piled up like a small mountain under his feet, Mo Xun sighed in his heart, and secretly felt lucky that he had the green gourd.

Otherwise, he would have been unable to escape this fate last time.

He casually looked through the bodies of these people, and as expected, the Situ family had already taken away all the storage bags.

After a little regret, he went to the city cautiously.

To leave this place, he had to pass through the Situ family's Taoist temple. There was no other way, he could only be as careful as possible.

But when he came to Lingyin Mountain and saw the buildings in the mountain from afar, he couldn't help but stand there for a moment.

I saw that the originally magnificent house was now full of ruins, with only a piece of scorched earth left.

Could it be that the Situ family was wiped out?

The more he thought about it, the more he felt it was possible. Even if no one escaped that day, so many disciples from the sect came to celebrate the birthday and did not return for a long time. Even if the master's reaction was slow, they would eventually know what happened.

Thinking of this, Mo Xun was happy. If so, he didn't have to worry about being discovered by the Situ family.

He used the wind control technique under his feet and quickly went into the mountain. What was going on? He needed to explore it himself.

When he came to the square again that day, the huge stone tablet standing in the middle had collapsed, and the surrounding area was also in a mess.

Because he didn't feel any signs of human habitation, he became a little bolder. After searching in the ruins for a long time, he was surprised to find that there was not even a corpse here.

Could it be that the Situ family had left before the other sects and families came?

In fact, this possibility is not impossible. After all, who would stay here and wait for death after offending so many people at the same time?

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