Cultivating immortals is a hard job

Chapter 209: Lansheng Pavilion

People were coming and going at the door, and immortal cultivators came and went from time to time.

These monks were mainly in the Qi-refining stage. Mo Xun looked at them from a distance for a long time and found no monks above the Foundation-building stage.

After pressing down on the bamboo hat, he walked over.

After entering the door, the hall on the first floor is quite spacious. There are dozens of tables and chairs inside, and it is basically full of people.

Most people were like Mo Xun, wearing hats or covering their appearance.

"I've met senior. Do you want to consult me ​​about something?"

Mo Xun said in a rough voice: "Exactly!"

The boy quickly took out a wooden sign and handed it to him with both hands.

"This is the number of senior. Please wait for a moment. Soon, someone will lead the way for senior."

Mo Xun took the wooden sign with the number C, number ninety-three, written on it.

There were no more seats in the hall, so he had to stand against the wall, looking around at his colleagues.

I don’t know the origin of this Range Rover Pavilion, but the business is so good!

Not long after he stood still, maids kept coming down from upstairs. After checking the number plate, they led different people up to the second floor.

He was not in a hurry. He waited for more than half an hour before he was led to the door of the C-shaped room on the second floor by a girl of fifteen or sixteen years old.

The maid opened the door for him, bowed and stood at the door with no intention of going in.

Mo Xun stepped in. Inside was a room about ten feet in size. It was empty except for a bookshelf placed against the wall, which was filled with various books.

Next to the bookshelf, there was a table, with a middle-aged man in his forties sitting behind it.

The moment he saw this person, Mo Xun frowned, because there was no spiritual energy fluctuation in this person at all.

In this case, either the opponent's cultivation level is too high, or he is just a mortal.

However, he is obviously more inclined to the latter. After all, among the monks he has come into contact with, even in the elixir formation stage, he will not be able to feel a little bit of spiritual power.

As a mere mortal, how could he know the secret he wanted to inquire about?

But then again, if it was a shop opened by mortals, why would there be so many immortal cultivators downstairs?

"I've met senior, please take a seat!"

The middle-aged man bowed quickly, with a respectful smile on his face.

Mo Xun carefully observed the other person's words and deeds. Perhaps he had been dealing with monks for many years, but this person did not have the same fear as ordinary mortals in the outside world after meeting immortal cultivators.

Mo Xun nodded lightly, followed the direction of his finger, and sat on the chair.

After checking Mo Xun's number plate, the man asked straight to the point: "I wonder what you want to ask, senior?"

Mo Xun was silent for a moment and did not answer him. Instead, he asked: "Are you sure you can solve my problem?"

The man smiled slightly.

"I dare not say anything for sure, but if the senior wants to inquire about something, if it is not kept secret, I can still be somewhat sure!"

"You should know that the news I want to know is naturally related to immortal cultivators. How can you know such a thing as a mortal?"

The shopkeeper then reacted and immediately explained: "Senior, there is no need to worry about this. I am only responsible for registering here. As for the source of the information, I have other seniors to inquire about it."

Mo Xun nodded understandingly, but he was still confused.

Other shops, even small shops selling immortal cultivation resources, are managed by the Qi Refining Period. Like the Range Rover Pavilion, the ones placed on the counter are actually mortals.

I don’t know what the intention of the master behind this is?

Of course, these things just flashed through his mind and had nothing to do with him after all.

He turned to look at the closed door and asked, "Is it convenient to talk here?"

The man immediately understood what he meant and said with a smile: "Senior, please don't worry, this room is forbidden and the outside world cannot hear it."

Mo Xun looked around, and there were indeed faint spiritual energy fluctuations all around.

After a moment, he spoke: "I want to inquire about someone!"

The man pulled out a piece of paper from the side and pretended to record it.

"Senior, please speak!"

"This person's name is Liu Jizi, and he served in the Tianyun Sect more than a thousand years ago!"

"More than a thousand years ago?"

The man opened his mouth in shock, and the brush in his hand stopped in mid-air.


The man smiled apologetically and hurriedly recovered from his gaffe. It was actually the first time in all his years that he had encountered someone asking about something that happened so long ago.

"Senior, can you provide some other information?"

"No, that's all I know. But this person should have had some reputation back then, so it's easy to inquire about him."

The man nodded. If he was really famous, even if it took a thousand years, it would not be difficult.

"Senior, do you want to know this person's life, or something else?"

"I want to know his life, but more importantly, I want to know where this person or his descendants are now!"

There was a hint of meaning in the man's eyes. Generally speaking, if someone comes to inquire about someone after such a long time, he is either repaying a favor or seeking revenge.

For men, the latter seems to be more likely.

However, these things naturally have nothing to do with him. Although he is curious, he does not have the courage to ask.

"It has been written. Senior, please read it over and see if there is anything missing?"

Mo Xun took the white paper handed to him, glanced at it casually, and nodded with satisfaction.

"How is the price calculated?"

"Because we don't know how difficult this matter is, we need to collect ten spirit stones in advance. After we find out the information, we will make another estimate. When the time comes, we will tell you whether to refund or compensate."

As the shopkeeper spoke, he took out a jade token and a sound transmission note from under the table and placed them in front of Mo Xun.

"Of course, if no results are found, this pavilion will also return the spirit stones. Please rest assured about this."

Mo Xun nodded. With such a big store opened here, he was not afraid that the other party would run away.

Seeing that Mo Xun's eyes fell on the jade token, the man continued: "Senior, please keep these two things. Next time, as long as you show the jade token, you can get the content of the news. This pavilion will also notify you through the sound transmission note after the results are obtained."

Mo Xun's robe sleeves brushed across the table, and the two things disappeared, and a pile of spirit stones appeared on the table.

The man looked at the dozens of spiritual stones in front of him and asked in confusion: "What are these, senior?"

"These are extra. Please help me find another person!"


After leaving Lansheng Pavilion, Mo Xun did not go back directly, but went to a nearby auction house. The continuous expenses have made him stretched.

Before going to the black market, he needs to collect some spiritual stones for future use.

My grades have not been good recently, and I have been working hard for love. I hope you can support me!

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