Cultivating immortals is a hard job

Chapter 210 Spiritual Tea

Mo Xun now has a lot of unused Qi-refining pills on him, and the spiritual herbs in the medicine garden are constantly maturing, so he will refine some every once in a while.

At least he doesn't have to sell spiritual herbs to make money like before.

The profit of pills is much greater.

He was received by a manager who was over 30 years old and at the peak of Qi-refining.

"Fellow Daoist Su, please try the new spiritual tea in our store!"

Su Heng, this is the pseudonym Mo Xun gave himself after coming here.

"Spiritual tea?"

Mo Xun picked up the tea bowl with some curiosity and looked at the green buds floating on it. A faint spiritual aura emanated from the bowl.

"Oh? Has fellow Daoist Su never drunk spiritual tea?"

After Mo Xun sold him several bottles of Bilingdan, the manager named Hao Jiang generously served him this cup of tea.

Mo Xun shook his head and exclaimed in amazement.

"I've only heard of it before, but never tasted it!"

Hao Jiang smiled faintly, also picked up the teacup and blew away the hot air on it.

"This tea is called Yingyu, just one or two ounces, it costs ten spirit stones!"

Hao Jiang's face was a little complacent, if it weren't for the big business today, he really wouldn't be willing to take out such a good thing to entertain Mo Xun.

Mo Xun took a sip, and as soon as it entered his stomach, he felt a faint spiritual energy seeping into his dantian, which was extremely weak, but he could also feel it clearly.

After saying "not bad" several times in his mouth, Mo Xun immediately said: "Manager Hao spent money!"

"Not at all, I just have an unwelcome request, and I hope you can agree."

Mo Xun put down the tea bowl. In his opinion, this person just wanted him to sell more pills.

"Please speak, Manager Hao."

"Before that, I would like to ask, are these pills made by fellow Daoist?"

Mo Xun frowned slightly. No matter what the other party's intention was, he never liked this kind of thing that probed his background.

After a moment, Mo Xun shook his head lightly and said, "No, it was made by an elder in the family."

Hao Jiang nodded and said, "Then fellow Daoist Su, can you introduce this senior to me?"

"Hehe, if Manager Hao has anything to say, just say it."

Hao Jiang seemed to have his mind seen through and smiled awkwardly.

"It's like this, the pills provided by fellow Daoist are already among the top grades. I'm abrupt and want to hire that senior to become the alchemist of our store. I wonder if it's okay?"

Mo Xun fell silent for a while. Through the gap between the bamboo hats, he looked at Hao Jiang's expression, trying to see his true thoughts from his face.

To be honest, such an invitation made him somewhat tempted.

It's not that he wants to earn spirit stones from this, but since he is helping to refine the pill, the other party must provide the pill formula.

In this case, doesn't it mean that he can get a few more pill formulas for free?

Thinking of this, he became more and more interested.

After hesitating for a while, Mo Xun asked: "Manager Hao, do you have any foundation-building pills for auction?"

Hao Jiang showed some doubts on his face, not knowing why Mo Xun suddenly asked this.

"Fellow Daoist is about the same as me. You have already reached the stage of foundation building. I believe you have asked a lot of questions. You should know that foundation building pills are something that can only be obtained by chance. Although our store has auctioned some in the past, there is no fixed number. As for when there will be another one, it is unclear."

"So, the alchemists in your store are also unable to refine foundation building pills?"

"Fellow Daoist really thinks highly of our store. Pill recipes like this are all treasured by the big sects. How can they be easily obtained? In addition, some of the rare spiritual medicines in them are not easily available in a small auction house like ours."

Hao Jiang paused for a moment, then smiled bitterly.

"Just imagine, if our store could refine foundation building pills, I would not be stuck in my current state for several years."

Mo Xun nodded, and in an instant, he made a decision in his heart.

"My elders and I are afraid that we can't stay here for much longer. I can only appreciate the kindness of Manager Hao!"

In his opinion, since there is no foundation-building pill, the most that others can refine for him is some Qi-refining pills, which are really not of much help to him now.

Besides, he really can't stay here for long, and with the attitude of less trouble is better, it's better not to bother.

Hao Jiang's face immediately showed a bit of disappointment, but in a flash, he returned to normal.

"That's a pity. If you stay in Luoshui City for a long time in the future, I hope you can introduce that senior."

Mo Xun nodded in agreement, but he was thinking in his heart that the chance to come again in the future might be very slim.

After leaving the auction house, Mo Xun entered the shop on the next street.

"You are polite, fellow Taoist!"

Mo Xun bowed his hands. This is a large shop. The shopkeeper is actually a beautiful woman, and even the servants inside are beautiful women in their twenties.

Such a difference is really eye-catching.

After gradually becoming familiar with the world of immortal cultivation, he would also give priority to choosing some larger stores when buying things. The reason is simple: the things inside will be more and more complete.

Of course, there are also stores opened by hermits like the old woman in Lantian City, but they are only a minority after all.

"This fellow Taoist looks unfamiliar, but is this your first time in our store?"

Mo Xun nodded, but he was curious in his heart. He was wearing a bamboo hat, so how did the other party know that he was unfamiliar?

Could it be through his body shape?

No matter what time it is, beauties always have a natural advantage.

"May I ask, fellow Taoist, does your shop sell Yingyu tea?"

The shopkeeper squeaked a smile, and the flowers fluttered, which was quite charming.

"It seems that fellow Taoist is also a tea lover!"

As the two talked, the shopkeeper took Mo Xun to the reception seat in the living room, and the maid next to him immediately served a cup of tea.

There were not many customers at this time, and the huge shop seemed empty.

"You're welcome. I'm an outsider when it comes to tea ceremony. I'm just new to your place and I saw someone drinking it, so I'm just curious!"

"We still have some Yingyu in our store. How much do you need?"

After hesitating for a while, Mo Xun suddenly asked, "Shopkeeper, can you introduce this spiritual tea to me?"

"You must not be a local if you ask this, right?"

"Oh? How did you know that?"

"It's not difficult. Yingyu is a specialty of Luoshui City. You must be new to this place if you ask this."

Mo Xun suddenly realized that it was no wonder that he had been in Lantian City for so long and had never heard of this spiritual tea.

The female shopkeeper continued, "This is not a secret. The main ingredient of this tea is a spiritual medicine called Yingyu grass. Because this medicine cannot be used in pills, many people make it into tea leaves. Who knows that the effect is surprisingly good."

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