Cultivating immortals is a hard job

Chapter 211 Lingering Grass

From the female shopkeeper's words, Mo Xun finally understood that the tea making method of Yingyu was just a new thing that had only emerged in the past ten years.

At first, a Jindan cultivator obtained it from the remains of an ancient cultivator, and then spread it.

However, Mo Xun didn't care about this at all.

He touched his chin and thought for a while, then asked: "Shopkeeper, in addition to the ready-made tea, do you have Yingyu grass for sale?"

This was Mo Xun's original intention. Spending a little spiritual stone to buy some tea was not very useful to him.

Although the spiritual energy in this tea is thin, it can also play a significant role over time.

"Of course, there is this, but I have to remind you that the older this kind of spiritual tea is, the better the effect will be. If you just buy Yingyu grass, I'm afraid it will take at least five or six years to make tea."

Mo Xun smiled, this was the least of his worries.

Not to mention five or six years, even fifty or sixty years would be easy for him.

"Thank you for your reminder, fellow Daoist. How about this, you help me pack two taels of tea leaves and a few young lingyu grasses."

The female shopkeeper smiled and quickly told the maid to prepare.

"Does fellow Daoist need anything else?"

Mo Xun thought for a while and said, "Does your store have stone water?"

The female shopkeeper blinked her beautiful eyes, with a little envy in her beautiful eyes.

"It seems that fellow Daoist is going to build a foundation!"

"It's just to be prepared. As for when you can build a foundation, it's still a mirage!"

The female shopkeeper smiled mischievously and said, "Why do you have to hide it, fellow Daoist? Are you afraid that I will snatch your foundation pill?"

Mo Xun shook his head bitterly and didn't say anything.

Who knew that the female shopkeeper suddenly sighed softly.

"In fact, I have already built my foundation three times, but all ended in failure. I am afraid that I will never be able to achieve the Dao in this life."

Mo Xun felt the same way. People like them with poor spiritual roots can only pin their hopes on luck. Not to mention three times, there are many people who have failed even if they have tried eight or ten times.

"You can't say for sure about this kind of thing. Maybe you will succeed next time!"

The female shopkeeper smiled and said, "Then I will borrow your good words!"

After that, she told the maid beside her to get some more chime stone water.

This water is extracted from a mineral called chime stone. It is not rare, but it is not cheap.

"In addition to chime stone water, have you prepared other things needed for building the foundation?"

Mo Xun's mouth moved. Not to mention preparation, he didn't even know what else he needed!

After a moment of silence, he said a little embarrassedly: "To be honest, I know very little about this. I wonder if the shopkeeper has any recommendations?"

The female shopkeeper didn't seem surprised by Mo Xun's ignorance.

After all, apart from those sects and aristocratic families, there are very few casual cultivators like them who can successfully build a foundation.

She brushed her palm across the storage bag on her waist, and a jade slip appeared on her fair palm.

"This is a summary of my foundation-building experience. If you don't mind, take it and have a look!"

Mo Xun took it in his hand in a daze. Is he lucky today?

Someone actually gave away cultivation experience directly!

Although the other party failed to build a foundation, it must have been a great reference.

The female shopkeeper smiled and her chest rose and fell. She saw Mo Xun's thoughts at a glance.

"Don't feel embarrassed, fellow Daoist. If you have any business in the future, remember to take care of our store."

Mo Xun put away the jade slip woodenly. To be honest, this is the first time he has encountered such a good thing since he came into contact with the immortal cultivation world for so long.

It seems that not all immortal cultivators are profit-seeking people.

"Thank you very much, fellow Daoist!"

"Why are you being polite? Do you still need magic tools or elixirs?"

Hearing this, Mo Xun's mouth twitched. It seems that he thought too much.

After receiving the favor from others, he couldn't just leave. He also took out a jade slip.

"There are a few materials I need in it. Shopkeeper, please see if you can get them all in your store."

The female shopkeeper was delighted and quickly took it in her hand and put it on her forehead.

"I didn't expect that fellow Daoist is also proficient in the way of refining tools!" After just one look, the female shopkeeper said with admiration.

Mo Xun smiled faintly. No wonder the other person's business was so big. Putting aside the other person's identity as a woman, just the words he said were quite comfortable to listen to.

"What a coincidence, among the new batch of things in our store, there is exactly what you need."

As for whether it was new, Mo Xun didn't bother to investigate. Since he could get everything in one place, he was too lazy to run.

While the maid was getting things, the two chatted casually.

As they were both perfect in Qi Refining, their topic soon turned to cultivation.

Mo Xun usually practiced alone, and most of the time, he was exploring by himself. Although he had Li Qingying as a companion, the little girl's cultivation was not as high as his, so naturally she couldn't help much.

Being able to communicate with people of the same path would also be a lot of inspiration for his cultivation.

After leaving the store, Mo Xun felt pain again.

That pile of materials actually cost him nearly a thousand spirit stones.

Fortunately, he was stuck at this realm for the time being and could not make any progress, so there was not much work to be done. Otherwise, he would naturally wait until he solved the fire problem before considering the soul-nurturing lock.

Because it was getting dark, he had to wait until tomorrow to go to the black market.

After returning to the inn, Bai Ze was lying on Li Qingying's legs. The man and the beast had been playing with each other for a long time.

After chatting with the little girl for a few words, Mo Xun entered the stone chamber and couldn't wait to take out the jade slip.

His mind was immersed in it for half an hour.

It did record in detail some things that needed to be prepared before and after the foundation building, as well as some foundation building experiences of the female shopkeeper herself.

Among the experiences, some were what Mo Xun had experienced, and some were what he had never considered.

After a long time, he slowly exhaled a turbid breath.

He already knew about the stone water, but he didn't expect that it also mentioned several ways to increase the success rate, including some auxiliary spiritual medicines and the gathering spirit array.

Although these things have little effect on the foundation building, it is better than nothing.

It seems that he was indeed a little rash last time!

As for the foundation building, it is the stabilization of the realm. On the one hand, it is necessary to prepare the matching skills in advance, and on the other hand, it is also necessary to start cultivating the spiritual consciousness. If it is delayed for too long, it is possible to drop the realm.

Another point is the golden marrow liquid, but according to what was said above, there is no need to rush for this thing.

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