Seeing Mo Xun sitting on a chair and meditating, Su Yunyi did not urge him.

After a long time, Mo Xun suddenly said: "Miss..."

"If Mr. Mo has anything to say, just say it!"

"Excuse me, is this Baoxin Pill also known as Baoxin Pill?"

Su Yunyi's eyes narrowed, and she was startled. She stared at Mo Xun, as if trying to find some answer from the other person's face.

"It seems that Mr. Mo knows as much about Baoxinwan as I do." Although Su Yunyi's tone was calm at this moment, her heart was in turmoil.

You know, although there is a lot of news about Baoxin Pills circulating in the outside world, no one outside the Su family has ever mentioned the words "Baoxin Pills" for hundreds of years.

When he saw the change in Su Yunyi's expression, Mo Xun already knew that he had guessed correctly.

"I got it by chance!"

After a moment of silence, Su Yunyi calmed down and asked, "May I ask Mr. Mo, how did you learn the name Baoxindan?"

"Isn't this... it's inconvenient for the eldest lady to know!"

Mo Xun frowned. By helping the Su family this time, he had clearly established his relationship. He no longer had to play the role of a servant of the Su family. The two of them spoke as if they were equals.

Mo Xun came out of Su's house in a good mood.

However, after leaving the gate of Su Mansion, before walking far, I saw Shopkeeper Le coming in a hurry with more than ten people.

Mo Xun quickly dodged into the darkness and watched Shopkeeper Le rush into the Su Mansion anxiously. He chuckled and shook his head...

After chatting with Su Yunyi for a long time, he finally agreed to Su Yunyi's request and helped escort Baoxin Wan to Beijing half a month later.

The conditions were somewhat beyond Su Yunyi's expectations, it turned out to be the three main ingredients.

Although he learned from Su Yunyi that the Wuling Flower had withered, Mo Xun wanted to see if the black soil in his hand could revive it.

Of course, when he made such a request, he was not afraid that Su Yunyi would think that he had the elixir in his hand. With his current strength, as long as he did not meet an immortal cultivator, ordinary warriors would no longer pose any threat to him.

Mo Xun even asked Su Yunyi for some medicinal materials in advance, which was regarded as a deposit.

Su Yunyi originally thought that he would choose one between Qiluo grass and Gannet, but Mo Xun chose the withered Wuling flower. Since there were no seeds, he asked for a piece of the withered rhizome.

Mo Xun also had two considerations.

First, asking for the Wuling Flower can verify the authenticity of what Su Yunyi said.

In addition, and most importantly, he needs to test whether the black soil can bring this flower back to life. If it doesn't work, even if he gets two other herbs, he will not be able to prepare a pill for the time being.

Of course, even if the Wuling Flower really withered and died, he never thought about going back on his word. He would just go to the real world of immortality in the future and find another way.

Although Su Yunyi was very doubtful, after hesitating for a moment, she finally agreed to his request.

Back at their residence, most people followed Shopkeeper Le to Su's house, and the Baicao Hall seemed empty.

After locking the door, he took the piece of root and hurried into the green gourd.

After planting the Wuling Flower, Mo Xun fell into a brief contemplation. When he was negotiating with Su Yunyi just now, he had no time to think about it. Now that he calmed down, he needed to figure it out.

Let’s take a look at what happened...

According to Su Yunyi, the Baoxin Pill he got tonight was just a newly tested substitute due to the wilting of the Wuling Flower.

Su Yunyi's words were half true and half false.

If it was fake, as he thought, it was probably just to dissuade him from thinking about this batch of Baoxin Pills.

Then came another problem. The rhizome in his hand was not the Wuling Flower at all.

It's also his fault that he doesn't know anything about the three main ingredients, otherwise he would be able to tell the true from the false on the spot.

But having said that, Su Yunyi didn't know whether he knew Wulinghua.

If you think about it from Su Yunyi's perspective, if he can say the three words "Baoxin Dan" and directly asks for these three herbs, Su Yunyi will probably think that he knows herbal medicine.

So facing a strong man like him, Su Yunyi would naturally not rashly use lies to deal with him.

After such an analysis, the possibility of this matter being false is extremely low.

But if this is true, there will be other possibilities...

First of all, what Su Yunyi said tonight was not a lie. The Wuling Flower died, and the Su family had no choice but to modify the elixir recipe. They spent a year or two trying out a satisfactory substitute for a business trip. When bad guys came to kill them, they asked him for help. On the head, I hope he can help transport the medicine.

Everything seems to have no flaws.

Another possibility is that these words are 70% true and 30% false!

The Wuling Flower has indeed withered, but there may be more than one in the Su family!

Although Mo Xun is not deeply involved in the world, he also understands the four words "people's hearts are unpredictable".

In fact, in his heart, he was even more hopeful that this was a possibility, which at least meant that there were still living Wuling Flowers in the Su family. If the one he had failed to revive, it wouldn't be nowhere to be found.

After figuring out these joints, he came up with the green gourd. After working on it for most of the night, he needed to rest for a while.

Su Yunyi had mentioned that she wanted to change his residence, but Mo Xun refused.

In his opinion, it is better not to reveal his identity for the time being. Anyway, those present tonight are all close friends of the Su family, and it is easy to keep it a secret.

From what happened tonight, there are probably many people who covet the Heart-Protecting Pills. He can be used as a surprise force on the trip to the capital in half a month.

Thinking of this, Mo Xun couldn't help but think of the woman in black again.

I'm afraid that the mysterious man in black will appear on the way to the capital, so I need to be on guard then.

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