The news of the Su family being attacked late at night spread the next day. After all, so many people died. Neither the Su family nor the government could hide it.

There was a brief panic in Baicaotang. After seeing the tragic situation of the Su family last night, many servants planned to leave.

No one knew the specific reason for the attack on the Su Mansion, and the rumors were all over the place. The most popular saying was that the enemies of the Su family came to seek revenge.

The servants were afraid that they would be implicated, so they all ran to Manager Le to ask.

Even Mo Xun's uncle Mo Qinghe came to see him the next morning.

Mo Qinghe had already started a family and did not live in Baicaotang, so he knew little about what happened last night!

After hearing that Manager Le brought the Baicaotang servants to the mansion to save the master overnight, he came to Mo Xun to inquire about some news.

Mo Xun casually talked about the situation when he was traveling with Manager Le, and then sent Mo Qinghe away.

On the third day, in order to calm people's hearts, the Su family increased the wages of the servants on the one hand, and sent more than a dozen guards to Baicaotang on the other hand, which temporarily stabilized people's hearts.

Mo Xun returned to normal cultivation again.

After a day and a night of consideration, he finally made up his mind and took the substitute of the Heart-Protecting Pill.

He was still cautious at first, but as soon as the pill entered his mouth, he felt a stream of spiritual energy filling his dantian, which made him happy. It seems that although it is a substitute, it can still exert some medicinal effects.

However, during the refining process, he found that the medicinal effect of this pill was not as much as Su Yunyi said. According to his estimation, it was already good to be able to exert 10% or 20% of the original medicinal effect.

Moreover, this pill was mixed with a lot of mottled impurities, and the spiritual energy contained was turbid, which made the refining process extremely slow.

Logically speaking, if it can only exert 10% or 20% of the original medicinal effect, then the refining speed should be greatly shortened, but it was just the opposite.

This slowness was not intentional on Mo Xun's part, but an instinctive reaction of the body, which led to extremely low efficiency in cultivation.

This is like two people eating meat, one eating pork and the other eating fish. Pork has fewer bones, so you can eat it with relish, while fish has more bones and needs to be chewed slowly. Therefore, for the same weight of meat, pork is not only filling, but also more efficient.

According to Lin Yi's guess, the Fiery Flame Art may have a similar "filtering" effect while guiding the circulation of spiritual energy in the body.

In fact, this is a good thing. Who knows what unknown things will be hidden in this hastily prepared elixir? If the Fiery Flame Art can help him filter it, it would be the best.

Time passed slowly in cultivation, and in the blink of an eye, it was half a month later.

During this period, Su Yunyi did not disturb him much except sending someone to visit him once.


This day, Mo Xun came to the Su Mansion again with a maid.

Along the way, he was in a good mood, because he found that the mist spirit flower had sprouted in the gourd last night, which made him very happy.

In this case, there are only two other herbs left, and he can refine the heart-protecting pill himself.

The mansion has restored its former prosperity. Outside the gate, there are several carriages parked, and thirty or forty guards are leading horses, separated in front and back.

Servants, maids and old women are coming in and out, very busy.

Mo Xun once again realized the financial strength of the Su family. It has only been a short time since they recruited so many people.

In the hall, when Mo Xun came in, there were already five or six people sitting inside.

The master of the Su family, two young ladies, a woman in black, and finally a middle-aged man with a sturdy figure and a rough appearance.

"Mr. Mo, please come in first. Let me introduce you to the leader of this trip." Su Yunyi greeted him with a smile on her face.

"This is Brother Wang Yue. As for the others, Mr. Su has already met them, so I don't need to introduce them."

Mo Xun bowed to the other party: "Brother Wang!"

Having practiced martial arts for many years, he could probably tell that the other party was also a martial artist with considerable strength.

Faced with Mo Xun's politeness, Wang Yue didn't know whether it was because Mo Xun was young or because he was arrogant, but he just nodded casually and sat aside to continue drinking tea.

Mo Xun didn't feel dissatisfied. He glanced at the others and greeted Mr. Su symbolically when he saw him, and then he stopped talking.

I thought Su Yunshang would provoke him when she saw him, but the second lady was surprisingly quiet today. She just glanced at Mo Xun with some disdain when he entered the door.

The taciturn woman in black was the same as usual. After raising her eyelids, she returned to her former coldness.

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