In fact, when he saw the woman in black, Mo Xun frowned and wondered in his heart: "Could this person also accompany us?"

He was already thinking about whether to tell Su Yunyi about this person's origin.

According to the conversation in Wuwei Mountain that day, the man in black would most likely take action halfway. If the woman in black participated in it, this trip would not be peaceful with the cooperation between the inside and the outside.

After thinking for a while, he finally didn't say much.

Without any evidence, the Su family might not believe his one-sided words. If not, it would make him look nosy.

In fact, in the deal reached with Su Yunyi, he was just asked to help transport this batch of heart-protecting pills. If there was any accident, he only had to fulfill his duties within his ability.

At that time, if the lives of the Su family were saved, even if the heart-protecting pills were lost, Su Yunyi would surely fulfill her promise.

As for the possible changes brought by the woman in black, it was nothing more than being more careful on the road!

Besides, even if the woman in black was kicked out of the trip, would the man in black give up snatching the Heart-Protecting Pill?

After breakfast at the Su family, the group prepared to set off.

Su Yunyi was wearing a veil today, completely covering her beautiful face. After all, her appearance was too outstanding. When she went out, she probably wanted to avoid some unnecessary trouble.

This time, only Su Yunyi was with the Su family. Mo Xun was arranged on a carriage because he had never ridden a horse.

The team of thirty or forty people was mighty and left Xunyang County half an hour later.

It was about half a month's journey from Min'an, the capital. Mo Xun sat in the car and didn't need to be responsible for anything, so he kept meditating with his eyes closed.

There was also a steward and two maids of the Su family in the car. In addition to presenting the Heart-Protecting Pill to the court, another purpose of this trip was to send someone to take care of the newly opened store in the capital.

The steward was in his forties or fifties, and he looked simple and solid, with a smile on his face all the time.

After getting on the bus, he kept looking for topics to chat with Mo Xun, wanting to find out about Mo Xun's background.

After all, except for the eldest lady, the rest of the people on this trip were either guards or servants.

He knew most of the servants, but he had no impression of Mo Xun's appearance.

It's not that he had never been to Baicaotang, but Mo Xun was too low-key on weekdays. In addition to staying in the warehouse every day, he practiced hard day and night, and he didn't come into contact with many people.

Therefore, the accidental appearance of such a stranger in the team inevitably made the steward think a little more.

However, Mo Xun was so cautious that he didn't let him get anything out of him. Therefore, after the two chatted for a while, the steward knew that it was boring and shut up.

Along the way, although Mo Xun closed his eyes to rest, he was always paying attention to the movements outside.

Just like that, after three days of safe journey, even when Mo Xun was somewhat relaxed, there was a sudden sound of hurried horse hooves in the distance, coming from all directions.

Mo Xun quickly lifted the curtain of the carriage, and the whole convoy had stopped. The people and horses that were originally lined up in a row began to gather together quickly under the command of Wang Yue. The Su family guards on the horses looked around in panic.

In just a moment, he saw the flying dust in the distance, and in the dust, horses gradually appeared one by one.

Before jumping off the car, Mo Xun looked at the steward who had been traveling with him all the way, and the two maids. After seeing the mighty people and horses around, the three of them showed a look of surprise on their faces.

Mo Xun jumped and jumped off the carriage.

But the first time, he was looking for the figure of the woman in black, who was riding a brown horse and standing shoulder to shoulder with Wang Yue.

In a dozen breaths, the whole convoy was surrounded by sixty or seventy people.

When the dust cleared, two black horses slowly walked out from the opposite side, with two middle-aged men in their forties or fifties sitting on them.

The two men were dressed in black and white, and both had three-inch long beards under their chins.

The man in black held two maces in his hands and was slightly stronger, while the man in white held a folding fan and looked like a scholar.

"Are you... Hu Tianming?" Wang Yue recognized the man in white the moment he saw him, and his heart skipped a beat.

"Brother Hu, it seems that you are quite famous." The man in black smiled faintly and said half-jokingly to the person next to him.

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