Cultivating immortals is a hard job

Chapter 224: Foundation Building

Since he got the elixir formula from the old woman, he has deduced the proportion of elixirs, the combination of medicinal properties, and the control of heat, etc. countless times.

After all, it is about whether he can transcend the mortal world and enter the human body, so there is nothing to be careless about.

In fact, each sect has its own different formula ratios, which are basically improvements from ancient formulas. They may be similar or very different.

Therefore, the medicinal properties of the refined elixirs vary greatly.

He didn't know what the medicinal properties of the old woman's elixir were, so he could only try his best to refine some high-grade ones.

With a casual wave of his hand, seventy or eighty jade boxes of various sizes appeared around him.

In terms of quantity alone, this was the most complex elixir he had ever come across since refining elixirs.

He sat there blankly, and after simulating the alchemy process again in his mind, he stretched out his right hand and said lightly: "Little guy, I have to trouble you again!"

After saying that, a firebird flew out from his palm, chirped softly, and turned into a flame, burning under the bronze furnace.

It didn't take long for the temperature in the entire secret room to rise sharply.

But strangely enough, it was extremely hot all around, but Mo Xun couldn't feel the heat at all near him.

This is due to the fact that he and Xuan Tianhuo have become one.

In fact, this is not the first time that he has used this fire to make pills. Since he can control the red beetle at will, whether he is refining Biling Pill or other low-level pills, he has already changed it to this kind of flame.

On the one hand, it was for familiarity, and on the other hand, he was surprised to find that the success rate of using this fire to make elixirs seemed to be higher than before, and the grade was also much better than before.

Of course, this may also be due to the improvement of his alchemy level. As for the specific reason, he has not delved into it.

As the spiritual grass entered the alchemy furnace, Mo Xun concentrated his energy to the extreme...

One wrong step and this herb worth an unknown number of spiritual stones will be wasted!

It was important to know that each portion of the spiritual grass used to refine the Foundation Establishment Pill would take at least three years to mature, and he could not afford to consume it.

Time passed by, and it was half a year later. When he had consumed all the spiritual herbs in his hand, his face was full of haggard, but his eyes showed uncontrollable excitement.

Looking at the small porcelain bottles in front of him, Mo Xun wished he could start building the foundation immediately.

Speaking of alchemy this time, it was full of twists and turns.

At first, more than a dozen copies were wasted, but all failed, always in the first step, before the spiritual grass was purified and the impurities were removed, and the success fell short.

After finding the reason, more than a dozen copies were lost due to the heat control in the second step of fusion.

Later, intermittently, other problems were encountered. The spiritual herbs originally prepared were consumed by 7788. In the same time, four months had passed.

He was planning to temporarily shut down the furnace and sum up the reasons, but by some strange combination of circumstances, he was able to make it!

It really surprised him for a while.

Although the grade obtained is not high, it can be regarded as a successful experience.

After that, the refining process went much smoother, and the success rate was basically maintained at about 30%. In the last dozen furnaces, he was able to refine more than twenty high-grade elixirs.

What Mo Xun didn't know was that the 30% chance was beyond the reach of even many senior alchemists.

After putting away the porcelain bottle, he immediately entered the cyan space and took a look at the growth of the Fire Yang Pill elixir. He estimated that it would take at least eight or nine months to mature. As soon as nothing happened, he planned to take advantage of this opportunity. Try building the foundation first.

He first spent more than a month studying some formation books, and after becoming familiar with the manipulation of several formations, he laid out the auxiliary formations needed for foundation building around the mountain peak.

Then he took out the chime stone water and a newly purchased spiritual consciousness technique. After meditating in the stone room for three days, he started taking the Foundation Establishment Pill.

This skill book was also bought from Fairy Xu from Baiji Pavilion. Although it was a bit ordinary in grade, it was already very rare for him as a casual cultivator.

Spring turned to winter, and even Mo Xun himself didn't notice it. He had been in seclusion for a whole year.

Near the small mountain peak where the cave is located, due to the blessing of the Huiling Formation over the past year, the spiritual energy has become more than twice as rich as other places.

Until this day, two rays of rays suddenly appeared in the distance. When they flew over the top of the mountain, they suddenly stopped.

In the clouds, a clear and sweet voice said: "Master, what's wrong?"

The man who was called master did not answer, but lowered his head and looked at his feet.

Another person followed the master's gaze and saw, through the clouds and mist, a young girl standing under the sun among the mountains and dense forests.

The girl was seen tightly wrapped in cotton clothes, rubbing her hands constantly, her body was shivering, and her forehead was covered with frost.

The man turned his head and noticed that the place where the girl was was filled with spiritual energy. It was obviously a training cave.

"Yu'er, follow me down and take a look."

After saying that, the master's figure flashed, and the colorful silk danced under his feet, as if he was stepping on clouds, leaving a long glow in the sky.

The person called Yu'er saw the master's leaving figure and quickly followed him with a delicate flying sword.

When the two fell in front of Li Qingying, the little girl was startled and took a few steps back. She was not paying attention to her feet and almost fell down.

"Don't be afraid, girl, we don't mean any harm!"

The person who spoke was a beautiful woman wearing white clothes, with a fairy spirit, and a beautiful and refined appearance.

She looked to be in her twenties or thirties, and had an extraordinary temperament. Although she did not deliberately release any aura of cultivation, Li Qingying could tell at first sight that she was unfathomable.

The other woman behind her was dressed in green. She looked a little younger and was also quite good-looking.

The woman in white saw Li Qingying standing there in a daze, so she took two steps forward, her eyes constantly wandering around Li Qingying, as if she was looking at her, or as if she was exploring something.

After a while, she asked, "What's your name, young lady?"

Seeing that Li Qingying did not speak for a long time, the woman in green scolded angrily, "My master is asking you a question, answer quickly!"

Li Qingying did not know what the other party meant, so she had to tremble and bowed in a hurry, saying, "Junior Li Qingying, meet the two seniors!"

"Yu'er, don't be rude!"

The woman in white waved her hand behind her, but her eyes always stayed on Li Qingying, as if she had seen a rare treasure.

Just when Li Qingying was a little flustered, the door of the cave next to her suddenly opened, and a man in a green robe in his twenties walked out. Although he looked ordinary, his eyes were sharp and bright.

"Brother Mo, you finally came out of seclusion!"

The moment she saw Mo Xun, Li Qingying seemed to have found her backbone, and ran over in surprise.

For a moment, the little girl didn't notice that the aura of her brother Mo was completely different from before.

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