Cultivating immortals is a hard job

Chapter 225: Ice Soul Body

In fact, Mo Xun knew that two strangers had come outside when he was in the cave.

This should have been an exciting thing, because he had divine consciousness and could sense every move within a radius of 100 meters.

But after noticing the cultivation of these two people, his heart sank.

The green-clothed woman was okay, she was only at the initial stage of foundation building, but he couldn't see through the white-clothed woman next to her.

There could only be two reasons for this situation.

Either the other party had a treasure that concealed his cultivation, or this person's cultivation was much higher than his.

He was no longer the young boy who had just started out. Whether it was the experience of more than ten years of cultivation or the momentum shown by the other party, they all pointed to the second possibility.

Speaking of his foundation building this time, it was really not easy.

Logically speaking, with the experience of the last time and sufficient preparation, it should be much easier than building the foundation a few years ago, but the final result was still after taking thirteen foundation building pills, he succeeded by chance.

At the moment of success, he was too excited and lost his mind for a while, and almost fell back to the realm.

He had not come out of retreat for a while, on the one hand to consolidate his cultivation, on the other hand to cultivate his spiritual consciousness.

Until now, he had to be thankful for his foresight. Fortunately, he was able to find the foundation-building pill formula, otherwise, he would probably have no chance to reach the Dao in this life.

Mo Xun nodded to Li Qingying. Although he didn't know the purpose of the two people's visit, he hurriedly bowed.

"Hello, senior!"

The white-clothed woman then turned her gaze from Li Qingying to Mo Xun, with a faint smile on her lips.

"It seems that the gathering spirit formation here was set up by fellow Taoist!"

Mo Xun hurriedly said yes, and at the same time, he secretly glanced at the two strangers from the corner of his eyes.

He secretly regretted in his heart why he forgot to purchase some concealment formations to cover up this mountain.

Presumably, these two people were attracted by the abnormal spiritual power here.

"Your realm is unstable, so you must have just established your foundation not long ago?"

After hearing this, Mo Xun had not yet reacted, but Li Qingying, who was standing beside him, exclaimed and looked at Mo Xun.

"Brother Mo, did you succeed in establishing your foundation?"

The little girl's face was full of surprise and excitement.

She seemed to be even happier than when he established his foundation himself.

Mo Xun nodded at her, and then said to the woman in white: "Senior, you have a keen eye. I have indeed just advanced to the next level not long ago!"

The woman in white did not seem to be very interested in this, and turned to ask: "What is your relationship?"

Mo Xun secretly complained, what does any relationship have to do with you, but he said respectfully: "I... and this girl are just friends..."

He originally wanted to say brother and sister, but then he thought, in front of such a master, it is better not to lie, if he is found out, it will be a trap for himself.

Later, he wanted to say that they were senior brothers and sisters, but he was afraid that the other party would ask about the situation of the master's sect, so he had no way to defend himself and had to tell the truth.

Seeing that the woman in white just stared at Li Qingying for a long time without saying anything, Mo Xun then asked carefully: "I wonder if you have any instructions for me since you are here?"

The woman in green noticed the abnormality of her master and whispered "Master". Her eyes could not help but fall on Li Qingying. She was very curious about what was different about this person that could make her master lose his composure like this.

Li Qingying was a little scared by the stares of the two people, and timidly retreated behind Mo Xun.

"Is this your cave?" The woman in white suddenly pointed to the place where Mo Xun came out.

"That's right!"

"Then let's talk inside!"

As soon as the voice fell, without waiting for Mo Xun to agree, the woman in white had already walked in first.

Looking at the backs of the two, Li Qingying worriedly called "Brother Mo". She naturally noticed that the woman in white was obviously coming for her.

Mo Xun frowned and waved his hand, indicating that he should be patient. At least so far, he had not felt the other party's malice.

Perhaps he was just curious because he saw that Li Qingying was poisoned by the cold, he thought so.

In the cave, the woman in white sat at the stone table, and the other three stood with their hands folded. Mo Xun even poured her a cup of spiritual tea.

Although he had not come into contact with high-level cultivators, he knew that these old monsters who had lived for many years were mostly people with strange tempers. If they disagreed, they might attack.

He didn't want to lose his life in vain just after building his foundation.

"What are your names, fellow Taoists?"

Mo Xun and Li Qingying looked at each other, and Mo Xun bowed first and said, "Junior Mo Xun!"

"Junior Li Qingying!"

"Li Qingying..." The woman in white saw that the little girl was a little uneasy, and nodded with a smile.

"May I know your name, senior?"

As soon as Mo Xun asked, the woman in green said in a cold voice: "How can you ask about my master's name!"

Mo Xun's mouth moved, and he felt a little annoyed. Isn't it because he was called by others?

It was really unlucky. When he was refining Qi, he had to be careful when he met a cultivator in the foundation-building stage. Now that he has built a foundation, he thought he had a certain status in the world of immortal cultivation, but he still had to endure it!

Fortunately, the woman in white stopped him in time and said kindly: "I am the elder of Jiuli Palace, and my Taoist name is Huiyue Xingzhe."

Mo Xun was startled. There was still some difference between guessing in his heart and hearing it with his own ears.

This person is indeed a cultivator in the Jindan stage!

Mo Xun wanted to say something flattering like "I've admired you for a long time", but before he could open his mouth, Huiyue Xingzhe pointed at Li Qingying and said, "If I'm not mistaken, this girl should be the one who was resurrected?"

Mo Xun and Li Qingying's faces changed.

Could it be that Jindan cultivators are so powerful that they can even see the matter of resurrection?

Mo Xun then asked in astonishment, "Senior, how...?"

To be honest, he wanted to deny it. After all, the matter of resurrection was too shocking, and he really didn't know what the other party was thinking.

The woman in white saw the strange colors on the two people's faces and waved her hand. She also saw that the two people in front of her were obviously led by Mo Xun.

"Don't worry about how I know this, and I won't keep you two in suspense. This girl has a special physique, which is very suitable for my main practice. If you have no objection, I want to take her back to Jiuli Palace to be my successor."

Mo Xun was obviously stunned for a moment. Not to mention him, even Li Qingying couldn't figure it out for a while.

The green-clothed woman on the side looked at the master and opened her mouth, as if she wanted to say something, but in the end she didn't say anything.

After a while, Mo Xun took a deep breath and said: "But senior, Miss Qingying is now suffering from cold poison in her body..."

The white-clothed woman interrupted him again: "This is not a cold poison, but because she came back from the dead and awakened the body of ice soul, it can be regarded as a blessing in disguise for her, a great fortune!"

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