Cultivating immortals is a hard job

Chapter 228 Seeing an old friend again

Before leaving the cave, Mo Xun sent a sound transmission note to Li Qingying. He didn't know whether the little girl could receive it.

Perhaps when the two met again, Li Qingying would have built a foundation!


Three months later, above the nameless canyon, a ray of light flew through the air, and a sudden cry for help made him stop.

"I wonder which senior is passing by, can you save me!"

Mo Xun looked down and saw five or six Qi-refining monks fighting in the dense forests of the mountains.

He stopped and walked along the way, and saw many similar fights. It was not uncommon for monks to fight for some cultivation resources. With his personality, he would naturally not intervene.

It was just that the cry for help just now made him feel a little familiar.

The few people on the ground stopped the moment they saw the ray of light.

I saw a man in his thirties, wearing a gray robe, his clothes were tattered by swords, and there were bloody cuts all over his body.

Next to the man was a woman in blue, and between them was a girl of seven or eight years old. They were obviously a family of three.

The three of them were all a little embarrassed at this time, and were surrounded by four men in black robes.

The four men were dressed the same, and they were at the eleventh or twelfth level of Qi Refining, with black masks on their faces. They were obviously in the same group.

The gray-clothed man and his wife were both about to reach the perfection of Qi Refining. The little girl in the middle was white and tender, and her eyebrows were three points similar to the woman next to her.

When the man saw Mo Xun stop, he hurriedly shouted to the sky: "I don't know which elder of the sect you are. I am the disciple of Elder Yuehe. These four are spies of the Demon Sect. I hope you can help them."

As if he was afraid that Mo Xun would ignore him, the man told all his life experience and the details of the other party.

After seeing the man's appearance clearly, Mo Xun couldn't help but touch his chin and smiled... It turned out to be him!

This place belongs to the edge of Gu Yue Sect, and the sect he mentioned is most likely Gu Yue Sect.

Mo Xun then moved his feet, and the flying sword turned a corner in the air and went downward.

In fact, the gray-clothed man was also betting that the passerby was not from the Demon Sect.

After all, it was the sphere of influence of Gu Yue Sect, and the chance of his bet being successful was still very high.

When the flying sword was about to fall, the four men in black had already felt something was wrong, looked at each other, and slowly retreated.

At this time, I don’t know who shouted "retreat", and the four people ran away in four different directions without looking back.

Mo Xun, who was still in the air, smiled coldly, threw the Qiankun Ring in his hand, split into four in the air, and chased the four people like lightning.

In just a breath, everyone had a silver ring on their body. Because they were tied up, the four people stumbled to the ground and groaned a few times.

Mo Xun casually made a Taoist gesture, and the Qiankun Ring shrank rapidly, causing the four people to roll on the ground in pain.

Seeing this, the gray-clothed man did not care about being shocked by Mo Xun's skills, and quickly took out a few immortal chains from the storage bag. In a few seconds, he and the woman knocked the four people unconscious and tied them to one side.

"Thank you for your help, senior. May I ask your name?"

Mo Xun put away his flying sword, and his robe sleeves passed in front of him. The originally ferocious man with long beard and beard suddenly changed into a young smiling face.

"I haven't seen you for many years. Brother Qin doesn't recognize me so soon?"

The moment he saw Mo Xun's true appearance, the man was stunned for a moment, and then a look of surprise appeared on his face.

"Are you... Brother Mo?"

It turned out that this person was Qin Yi, who had a long-term cooperation with Mo Xun in the black market of Blue Sky City.

It's just that the handsome young man in his twenties back then is now a middle-aged man with a mustache and has gained some weight.

Seeing the old man again, Mo Xun felt a little emotional!

"That's right, I didn't expect to meet Brother Qin here."

Qin Yi's mouth was open for a long time and he was stunned for a while.

He really couldn't believe that the casual cultivator who was generous and often asked him to buy spiritual grass seeds back then had already established his foundation.

And the strange thing is that after so many years, the other party's face has hardly changed at all, and he is still so young.

"Husband, what is this?"

It was the woman next to him who woke him up in time.

Qin Yi came back to his senses and hurriedly introduced: "This is my husband's old friend, Mo..."

At this point, Qin Yi looked up at Mo Xun again, and he realized that the identities of the two people at this time were completely different.

"This is Senior Mo!"

Then he introduced to Mo Xun: "This is my wife, Mu Zhaoyi, and my daughter, Qin Xuanrong!"

The woman noticed the strangeness on her husband's face. Although she was suspicious, she knew that this was not the time to ask questions, so she quickly pulled her daughter beside her to bow.

"Junior greets Senior Mo, thank you for saving my life!"

Mo Xun raised his hand to support him, and said with a smile: "Sister-in-law, there is no need to be polite. My husband and I were close friends back then, so you and I can just call each other equals."

"How can this be? Senior, since you have already established your foundation, you should not mess up the Tao."

To be honest, Qin Yi felt a little jealous at the moment. Thinking about the fact that the two were about the same age, he didn't expect that they had gone so far after not seeing each other for so many years.

Although he felt a little unfair in his heart, he didn't dare to show any disrespect on his face.

Especially after seeing Mo Xun's methods just now, it made him unable to feel any slightness.

The strength of the monks in the foundation-building stage is indeed extraordinary. Just now, their family of three was almost unable to survive under the attack of four people. However, Mo Xun managed to kill four late-stage Qi Refining Stage cultivators with just one hand. The monk subdued.

What kind of method is this?

In fact, what he didn't know was that most of the reason why Mo Xun was able to defeat the enemy with one move was due to the high-level magic weapon in his hand.

This kind of thing is not something that just any foundation-building monk can possess.

Speaking of which, the two of them had not seen each other for almost ten years since the last time they saw each other in Blue Sky City.

Mo Xun smiled and shook his head. He did not dwell too much on this issue and instead asked, "Why did Brother Qin come here, and why did he get involved with the Demon Sect?"

Qin Yi sighed softly and explained: "This junior is accompanying my wife to go home to visit her relatives. Unexpectedly, on the way, I accidentally overheard the conversation of these four demon sect monks, which led to this unreasonable disaster. If I hadn't met my senior today, I'm afraid The three of us in the family have to confess here."

As he spoke, Qin Yi held his hand again and expressed his gratitude to Mo Xun.

Mo Xun nodded understandingly and didn't ask any more questions. As for what Qin Yi heard, he wasn't very interested.

"Brother Qin means that the Demon Sect and the Tiandao Alliance have started a full-scale war?"

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