Qin Yi pondered for a moment and then said: "Absolutely. In the past year or two, there have indeed been more conflicts."

Mo Xun couldn't help but have a trace of worry on his face, mainly because he was afraid that this kind of fight among the immortals would affect him.

He was even thinking secretly in his heart that after everything happened here and he was more prepared, he would find an uninhabited place, stay in seclusion for a few years, and survive this catastrophe safely.

Now that he has built the foundation, what he is thinking about is naturally forming the elixir.

Most of the elixir prescriptions collected in the past are no longer useful, and it is time to start collecting elixir prescriptions for the period of elixir formation.

There is also the issue of skills.

His "Fire Fire Sutra" is only enough to practice to the middle stage of foundation building, and the skills in the middle are incomplete.

After building the foundation, he could only practice for a few days because there was no matching technique.

But if you can't find the middle part of the "Fire Fire Sutra", what should you do when you reach the later stage of foundation building?

Although it is said that after the foundation is established, the improvement of each level is many times more difficult than before. Even many people, limited by their qualifications and cultivation resources, often get stuck at the initial bottleneck and are difficult to overcome in their lifetime.

But for his character, even if the chance is only one in a thousand, he still has to give it a try.

I had thought about it before and asked Mr. He about the origin of the article "Fire Fire Jue" in the future.

But because the foundation had not been established at that time, many things were not considered in detail. I wonder if Mr. He, who has disappeared for more than ten years, can still be found.

Furthermore, even if someone is found, it is still unknown whether the complete technique can be assembled.

Recently, he has been thinking about whether to change to a new technique. After all, it is about forming pills and there is nothing to be careless about.

But having said that, the foundation building stage skills also need to match attributes, how can it be so easy to obtain?

I have no choice but to try my luck at the auction!

"Brother Qin, does he know if there is a war in Xiangguo?"


Qin Yi didn't know why Mo Xun asked about such a place. Although he had doubts in his heart, he still replied: "This junior has heard of Xiang Country, but this country is completely a mortal country. There are almost no sects that cultivate immortals. It should be It’s out of reach.”

Mo Xun nodded understandingly, thinking that this was also the case.

"Senior, has he been appointed by the sect to go to Xiangguo to do something?"

In the door?

Mo Xun suddenly realized, shook his head and said with a smile: "I am ashamed to say that I did not enter the Ancient Moon Sect back then, but now I am still a casual cultivator."


Qin Yi opened his mouth in surprise, but did not enter the Ancient Moon Gate. Then how did you build the foundation?

After a moment, he suddenly remembered that Mo Xun had asked him to buy the Foundation Establishment Pill recipe. Could it be that he had refined the Foundation Establishment Pill?

However, in a second thought, he denied this speculation. He had never heard of anyone being able to refine elixirs through ancient elixir recipes.

Maybe it came from some auction!

When he thought about this, he couldn't help but show a bit of envy in his eyes.

You must know that things like Foundation Establishment Pills are not available in all auctions. Even in Blue Sky City, you may only encounter them once in several years.

The other party was able to successfully build the foundation with just one pill. How lucky this must be!

If Qin Yi knew that Mo Xun had used a total of fifteen Foundation Building Pills before and after, he didn't know how shocked he would be.

I'm afraid there aren't many people like Mo Xun who take pills like sugar pills every day in the entire Sheng Kingdom, or even within the five southern Xinjiang kingdoms.

In fact, a few years ago, after completing Qi refining, Qin Yi had built a foundation once, but after three months of seclusion, he had not even touched the threshold of foundation building.

His wife had the same experience as him. After the two of them failed to build a foundation, they stopped thinking about it. Since they had children, they focused on their family.

Their daughter was also extremely outstanding and had twin spiritual roots. As early as a year ago, she was spotted by the deacons and elders of the Gu Yue Sect and became her disciple.

Many people are like this. No matter how talented they are, if they fail to build the foundation for the first time, their Taoist heart will be greatly frustrated, and they will never recover, or even give up on cultivation.

Not everyone has amazing perseverance like Mo Xun.

Sometimes, cultivating the Tao means cultivating the mind. In the world of immortality for millions of years, there are countless people with outstanding talents, but how many people can finally achieve the Tao?

"Senior hasn't entered Gu Yue Sect?"

Mo Xun sighed softly and said with a bit of sadness: "Yes, due to some other reasons, I temporarily withdrew during the sect selection."

Qin Yi originally wanted to ask the reason in detail, but seeing that Mo Xun had no intention of saying more, he stopped talking and asked instead: "Then, senior, have you been practicing in Blue Sky City all these years?"

"I left after the selection of the sect. I have been wandering outside these years. This time I just happened to pass by because of something else!"

"I see!"

The two went on to chat about some old things from the past. After all, they hadn't seen each other for many years. Meeting an old friend in a place like this was a sign of great fate.

To be honest, Qin Yi really helped Mo Xun a lot back then.


"The injuries on Brother Qin and Madam are not serious, right?"

"Thank you for your concern, senior. It's nothing important."

Qin Yi smiled and waved his hand, Mu Zhaoyi also nodded, but the little girl on the side was timidly hiding behind her mother, keeping looking at Mo Xun with her big curious eyes.

Mo Xun then noticed that although the little girl was only seven or eight years old, she already had the fourth level of Qi refining.

"In that case, I'll leave the four men to you. I have something else to do, so I'll leave first!"

"Please wait a moment, senior!"

After saying that, Qin Yi hurriedly took off the storage bag from the four men in black and handed it to Mo Xun respectfully.

"These people were subdued by senior, and I dare not take them for myself."

Mo Xun took it with a smile. In fact, he wanted to refuse. After all, at his current level, he no longer cared about the things of the Qi Refining Stage, but in a moment of thought, he suddenly remembered something.

He quickly used his spiritual sense to search through the four storage bags, then took out two exercises from them and threw the storage bags to Qin Yi.

"I can't use the rest of the things, so I'll give them to you!"

Qin Yi quickly reached out to take it, with a touch of joy on his face.

Just now, he was a little bit painful to hand over the storage bag, but compared to this little thing, the benefits of being able to make friends with a foundation-building cultivator were obviously greater.

Mo Xun glanced at the name of the technique casually and put it away. He was a little curious about the difference between the magic technique and the Tiandao League's technique, and wanted to study it.

"Brother Qin, see you later!"

After saying that, Mo Xun waved his sleeves, and a long sword flew out. He jumped up and flew into the sky. In the respectful eyes of Qin Yi and his wife, he disappeared into the horizon in the blink of an eye.

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