Cultivating immortals is a hard job

Chapter 230: The whole family was brutally murdered

In Huailiu Village, on Xiaoling Mountain, Mo Xun sat cross-legged quietly among the mountains.

Looking far away, at the end of his sight, there was a bright vermilion door lintel.

The original shabby farmyard has now been replaced by a tall courtyard, and a string of houses on the left and right are surrounded by blue bricks and green tiles.

From time to time, a few unfamiliar faces would come in and out, dressed like servants.

Looking through the courtyard wall, there are halls, wing rooms, and stables.

When he saw the two octogenarians being supported, even though he had practiced Taoism for more than ten years, he still had unspeakable fluctuations at this moment.

His parents are old, and his younger brother has also grown a beard. He has become a little fatter after living a life of luxury for these years.

Four or five children playing, chasing and playing in the yard.

Is my younger sister married?

Among these people, there is only my younger sister.

He sat on the top of the mountain for seven days, but his eyes never left the yard.

The road is ruthless, cut off all the worries!

Since I have chosen this road, it is time to make a break with the past years!

In the dark night, the starry sky is clear, the hustle and bustle is gone, there are lights in the village, and occasionally a few dogs bark.

When he bowed his head for the last time, the flying sword soared into the air, leaving a faint trace.


Xunyang County has hardly changed in the past decades. It is nothing more than a group of people replacing another group to continue the prosperity of the past.

This place is his first stop out of the mountain village. Those long-lost teahouses and restaurants still have ancient signs hanging on the door.

Occasionally, I see a few familiar faces setting up stalls in the market, and their faces have aged.

Walking in this familiar street is most likely to make people feel sad. When I was young, those lights and shadows kept appearing in my mind.

Unconsciously, his pace slowed down.

In these years, when has he ever appreciated the scenery along the way like this?

Looking for the world of immortal cultivation, entering a sect, refining pills, drawing talismans, fleeing, building foundations, it seems that every day is tense.

When he saw that the door plaque that should have been written "Su Mansion" was replaced with "Zhou Mansion" not far away, he couldn't help but stand there in a daze.

What's going on?

Did they move?

"Old man, I want to ask you something?" Mo Xun bowed to the vendor selling duck pears on the street.

The old man raised his head and glanced at him lightly, but ignored him.

Mo Xun was not angry either, and then took out a silver ingot and put it in front of the other party.

The old man's eyes lit up, and he hurriedly took the silver, put it to his mouth and bit it, and immediately changed his face to smile.

"Please tell me, young man. I will not lie."

"May I ask what happened to the Zhou Mansion over there? I remember that many years ago, this place was a house of a family surnamed Su."

The old man put away the silver, his face full of cunning and mercenary.

"So this is what you are asking about. That place was indeed the Su family's. After the Su family suddenly disappeared from Xunyang County, the Zhou family moved in, and the plaque was naturally changed."

"Suddenly disappeared, old man, can you tell me in detail?"

"I don't know the specific situation. Some rumors outside only say that someone went to the Su family to seek revenge, and then overnight, the Su family disappeared."

So, this is a family extermination!

Thinking of this, Mo Xun's heart tightened.

As for the rest of the Su family, he didn't care whether they were dead or alive. The only person he cared about was Su Yunshang.

Logically speaking, with Su Yunshang's natural spiritual roots, he should have cultivated to the peak of Qi Refining long ago, and even without the foundation-building pill, he could have built a foundation.

Such a cultivator, how could a mortal warrior in the secular world easily seek revenge?

Disappearing overnight, there can only be one reason, that other cultivators intervened!

And his cultivation is definitely not low, and it is even possible that he is a foundation-building cultivator.

His face has turned livid.

Because there are no large spiritual veins in Xiangguo, there are no immortal sects. He has been here for a year or two and has never seen an immortal cultivator.

But why did something happen two years before he came back?

He suddenly felt a sense of self-blame. Su Yunshang waited for the ten-year agreement, but he did not fulfill it.

If he could have built a foundation a few years earlier, it would not be like this.

Seeing Mo Xun's angry face, the old man felt that breathing became extremely difficult. It seemed that there was an invisible force around him, suppressing him so that he could not move.

"Young man?"

Mo Xun took a deep breath, and without saying a word, he walked towards the "Zhou Mansion".

Until Mo Xun walked away, the old man felt his body lighten, but at this moment, a layer of cold sweat broke out on his back.

When he arrived at the door of the mansion, Mo Xun dodged and went through the door, disappearing on the spot.

The old man in the distance saw this scene, rubbed his wrinkled eyes in disbelief, and then blurted out "Ghost!" and fainted.

The layout of the mansion has been completely renewed, and it is obviously redecorated and renovated.

"Hey, who are you, how did you get in?"

A shout suddenly came from behind, and Mo Xun didn't even turn his head, and the man had already bumped into the door with his robe sleeves, and fainted on the spot.

Such a movement naturally alarmed the guards in the mansion. In a few breaths, more than a dozen strong men with knives surrounded him.

"Who are you, how dare you break into the Zhou family!"

Mo Xun's sharp eyes swept across the front. He didn't want to waste time talking to these people. In an instant, he released all his momentum.

The pressure of the foundation-building cultivator was like the sea water, sweeping around with anger.

Before those people could react, more than a dozen burly masters flew backwards, crashed into the surrounding trees or walls, and spit out blood.

This time, Mo Xun still used some of his remaining strength, otherwise these people would not be just injured.

At the same time, a young woman suddenly flew behind him, holding a long sword in her hand, and stabbed straight at the back of Mo Xun's head.

When he turned around, Mo Xun didn't see any movement, and his body had come to the woman like a ghost.

When she saw Mo Xun's cold face clearly, the woman was immediately shocked, but it was too late. Before she could stop and dodge, a big hand pinched her fair neck.

The entire Zhou family was in chaos, and the servants were panicking and looking for help, shouting.

"Who...are you?"

The woman was wearing a green dress, about fifteen or sixteen years old, and looked at Mo Xun with horror. For some reason, she couldn't use any strength.

"Who are you in the Zhou family?"

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