Cultivating immortals is a hard job

Chapter 231 Golden Arrow Gate

"You bold thief, let my young lady go now."

While he was talking, behind Mo Xun, seven or eight people, both men and women, came sparsely, and among them was a graceful and elegant man in his forties.

The man looked at the woman in green being choked, with an annoyed look on his face.

"Who are you and why do you come to my Zhou house?"

Mo Xun glanced at everyone and asked with a chill on his face: "Are you the master here?"

"Yes, I am Zhou Yinghai. I don't know what grudges your Excellency has against my Zhou family, so why did you kill me so painfully?"

After Zhou Yinghai finished speaking, he winked at a monk next to him. The monk immediately understood and wanted to quietly withdraw from the crowd.

As soon as he took a step, he felt his whole body tighten, and his whole body seemed to be fixed in place.

The monk's expression immediately changed, and he looked around again, only to realize that all the people were the same as him, as if someone had cast a restraining spell.

"Master Cangyu, what is this?"

The monk named Cang Yu ignored the panicked Zhou Yinghai, but looked at Mo Xun in shock.

"You are an immortal cultivator!"

Mo Xun sneered.

"It seems you have some knowledge."

The initial pride on the monk's face completely disappeared.

He does have some knowledge. He is well aware that there is a natural gap between secular warriors and immortal cultivators.

Even if he practices his inner strength to the extreme, what can he do?

"Since you are a cultivator of immortality, why do you interfere in mundane matters?"

Although this monk's skills may seem ordinary, his courage is quite awe-inspiring. He can still say such words when others are a swordsman and he is a fish.

"Shut up, everyone. I'm going to ask a few questions. If you can't answer them, don't blame me."

Before the monk could speak, Zhou Yinghai hurriedly said: "Excuse me, Master Zhou. I will tell you everything I know."

This person is quite aware of the current situation. Seeing that even the most powerful monk Cang Yu here is ready to die, what else can he do to struggle?

Mo Xun let go of the woman in green and said straight to the point: "Where is the original Su family here?"

When Zhou Yinghai heard this, his heart immediately relaxed. He thought that the other party was here to seek revenge, but he didn't expect that he would ask this question.

"Reporting to the Immortal, this place was originally the property of the Su family, but Zhou bought it from the Golden Arrow Sect two years ago. As for the whereabouts of the Su family, I really don't know."

Golden Arrow Gate?

After Mo Xun pondered for a moment, he finally remembered the name deep in his memory.

Isn't the head of the Golden Arrow Sect the same Hu Tianming who had a fight with him after he fell into the Su family's conspiracy?

Even the young sect leader Hu Qingyang was acquainted with him once.

I didn't expect that the Su family's affairs would be related to the Golden Arrow Sect.

But having said that, after that incident, the Golden Arrow Sect and the Su family should have had a big feud. How come it has been delayed until now?

When he sent Su Yunshang back, he left in a hurry and didn't have time to ask.

"You mean that the Su family's destruction has nothing to do with you?"

"Exactly, when I first bought this house, it was all empty."

Mo Xun's cold gaze swept across Zhou Yinghai's face, but he didn't see any signs of lying.

"Do you know where the Golden Arrow Gate is?"

Zhou Yinghai hurriedly reported an address, but Mo Xun didn't waste any time. After saying a few words, he stood up with his sword.

"Move out of here within three days, otherwise, stay here forever!"

Hearing this unconcealed threat echoing in their minds, Zhou Yinghai, Cang Yu and others all trembled.


To the east of the county town, in front of a wide black door lintel, a man in black squatted on both sides.

This is the entrance of the Golden Arrow Gate in the county town.

"Boy, what are you doing?" Seeing the unfamiliar face approaching, the two men in black stood up and asked in a bad tone.

Although there was still a distance of two or three feet, Mo Xun's feet quickened and he came to them in the blink of an eye.

Before the two of them could say a word, they fainted from the pain in the back of their heads.

At this moment, he was deliberately restraining his anger. Otherwise, the two of them would not have simply passed out.

Mo Xun kicked the door open and met three strong men in black coming towards them. Naturally, he easily dispatched them.

After walking through a long corridor, what appeared in front of him was a place called "Golden Arrow Hall".

At this moment, twenty or thirty black-clothed men with different weapons jumped out from all directions.

"Where did Xiaoxiao come from? How dare you break into my Golden Arrow Gate."

Mo Xun raised his head. Standing in the middle was a middle-aged man wearing white clothes and a short beard. It was the young sect leader, Hu Qingyang.

"Let Hu Tianming come out to see me!"

Before entering this place, Mo Xun had already used his spiritual consciousness to take in everything here. At this moment, Hu Tianming was sitting in the hall. He was much older than he had been years ago.

Hu Qingyang sneered, a hint of sullenness flashed across his face.

"My father's name is a taboo that a child like you can directly address!"

Speaking of which, Mo Xun's age is actually not much younger than Hu Qingyang's, but after taking the Zhuyan Pill, his face has always retained the look of a twenty-year-old.

"Get this guy down for me. I want to see how courageous he is!"

After the words fell, two strong men jumped out first, each holding a sword.

But before the two of them could make any move, Mo Xun flicked his sleeves, and dozens of people around him were swept by the strong wind and flew backwards. Even Hu Qingyang spat out a mouthful of blood and hit the pillar at the door.

Everyone present immediately showed a look of horror.

Defeating the enemy with one move, and so many people, such a method really exceeded their understanding of martial arts.

Hu Tianming inside also noticed the movement here at the first time, and came to the door in a flash.

After taking a look at his son lying at his feet, Hu Tianming's eyes fell on Mo Xun.

After a moment, Hu Tianming asked solemnly: "Have I met you somewhere?"

Mo Xun's mouth curled up. When he was at the third level of Qi Refining, he barely tied with this man, but after so many years, the strength of the two is no longer comparable.

Mo Xun suddenly raised his hand and grabbed in the distance.

Hu Tianming had been prepared after seeing what Mo Xun had done just now, but as soon as he started to use his energy, he felt his Dantian stagnate and was unable to mobilize his internal Qi.

Then his whole body flew forward.

Hu Tianming was panicked and wanted to untie the sword from his waist, but suddenly found that his hands and feet could not move.

"You are a cultivator!"

After saying this, Mo Xun had already strangled his throat.

Today is just right, let's settle the old and new grudges together!

"Master Hu, I haven't seen you for many years. It seems that you haven't made much progress in martial arts!"

"Who are you?"

For the first time in decades, Hu Tianming felt the approach of death.

Mo Xun's eyes were full of murderous intent.

"I ask you, what's going on with the Su family?"

Hu Tianming's eyes narrowed, and he said with difficulty: "I don't understand what you mean."

Mo Xun smiled and slashed with his palm. Hu Tianming screamed in pain, blood gushed from his shoulder, and his arm fell to the ground.

His face turned pale in an instant.

"Master Hu, I don't have much patience."

"What is the relationship between the Su family... and you?"

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