Cultivating immortals is a hard job

Chapter 235: Working without effort

Mo Xun stayed in the green gourd for three days. After he came out, he left the cave again without staying any longer.

But as soon as he stepped forward, he received the summons and hurried to the camp where the commander was.

Since he joined the Demon Taming Army of the Tiandao Alliance, he has been much busier than when he was alone before.

"Fellow Daoist Mo, I have been waiting for you for a long time!"

Mo Xun raised his hands to the two monks in front of him and asked one of the men, "Captain Chu, what happened again?"

This person's name is Chu Wen, and he is in the middle stage of foundation building. Mo Xun is now included in his team.

With a bit of solemnity on Chu Wen's face, he first introduced the strange woman named Nan Sanniang behind him to Mo Xun, and then said: "According to the news from Senior Luo, the Demonic Dao sent a team of people to infiltrate our rear. , Senior Luo has already dealt with them and ordered us to send people to respond. "

When Mo Xun heard this, he immediately frowned.

"Captain Chu, do you want me to go rescue Senior Luo with this fellow Daoist Nan?"

Chu Wen didn't seem to hear the dissatisfaction in Mo Xun's tone at all, and nodded and said: "Exactly, but I just want you two to inquire about the situation first, and wait for the other teammates to arrive before catching up with you."

To be honest, Mo Xun was not only dissatisfied, but also a bit angry.

The senior Luo he mentioned was a pill-forming monk, who was considered the person in charge of the casual cultivators.

Since he can fight with Senior Luo, it means that the other party has at least one alchemy monk. How can low-level monks like them be able to participate in a fighting of this level?

Although it was said that they were going to inquire, it was probably not much different from asking them to seek death.

There were only a dozen foundation-building monks in their team. If it was as he expected, even if they were all gone, they wouldn't be able to help at all.

Nan Sanniang saw Mo Xun's hesitation, curled her lips disdainfully, and sneered: "Isn't Fellow Daoist Mo afraid?"

Only then did Mo Xun look squarely at the woman in front of him. She was about thirty years old, in the early stages of foundation building. She was wearing blue clothes and there was nothing amazing about her appearance.

Mo Xun wanted to say that he was indeed afraid.

To be honest, if he hadn't wanted to find out the whereabouts of Tianhun, he wouldn't have cared at all about who ruled the five southern kingdoms.

As long as it doesn't interfere with his practice, that's fine.

During these days, he also studied some demonic matters.

Speaking of techniques alone, many of them are the same as those from the Tiandao Alliance, with the exception of some more magic techniques and sorcery.

These magic skills can be roughly divided into two categories. Most of them are mainly based on absorbing spiritual energy and converting it into magic energy in the body through certain means.

The reason why it is so troublesome is because the spells cast with demonic energy are more domineering than spiritual energy.

The other part is to directly absorb the demonic energy for cultivation.

He hadn't noticed these things before, just because the demonic energy was relatively sparse in the areas under the jurisdiction of the Tiandao Alliance.

The so-called evil arts are a bit diverse. For example, in Sinan Mountain last time, the Situ family used the method of absorbing other people's magic power to improve their own cultivation. To be honest, it is also a kind of evil arts.

But as far as Mo Xun knew, this kind of technique was actually practiced within the Tiandao Alliance, but it was expressly prohibited.

At this point, the Tiandao Alliance seems to be more righteous than the Demonic Alliance.

"Nan Xianzi was joking. I'm just worried. With the strength of you and me, it would be a waste of time. It's better to wait for the other fellow Taoists to arrive and set off together."

Nan Sanniang glanced at him coldly and said, "Fellow Daoist Mo, you are worrying too much. You and I are just here to support you. Besides, even if there is any danger, it is not our turn to take action."

Even though he said that, Mo Xun didn't believe it at all. Although he had already established the foundation, when facing such a big realm as pill formation, he still felt like he had faced the foundation-building monks in the Qi refining stage.

It's not that he is cautious. In the face of absolute strength, he never believes that he can make up for it through some tricks.

For a moment, he actually had the intention of leaving this place.

However, in a second thought, he rejected such thoughts. If he had not joined the Tiandao Alliance, it would be easier to say something, but if he left now, he might be charged with running away from the battle.

There is really no place for them in the Five Kingdoms of Southern Xinjiang.

"Yes, you two are just here to inquire. If you encounter something that cannot be done, there is no need to fight for it."

Mo Xun sighed softly in his heart, Chu Wen had already said this, what else could he say?

Furthermore, since Nan Sanniang is not afraid of women like him, he has nothing to worry about. He just needs to be careful. If he encounters danger, just apply oil on the soles of his feet.

Even if he is wanted by the Tiandao Alliance, it is better than losing his life.

Thinking of this, he could only nod reluctantly.

Chu Wen twisted his beard and smiled, cupped his hands and said, "Then I'll leave it to you two. Without further ado, you can set off now. Senior Luo has lost contact with us."

Coming out of the camp, Mo Xun followed Nan Sanniang, rose up with his sword, and flew high into the sky.

After walking for a while, Mo Xun suddenly realized that Chu Wen had not informed the two of them of the direction. How did the Nan Fairy know the route?

Coupled with Nan Sanniang's somewhat anxious look, Mo Xun's heart moved and he couldn't help but ask: "Fairy Nan, I wonder what your relationship is with Senior Luo?"

"It's the master!"

Hearing these words, Mo Xun almost vomited blood. No wonder he was so active. It turned out that he was going to save his master.

What's going on with him?

What does it matter to him whether the so-called Senior Luo is dead or alive?

Thinking of this, Mo Xun felt like he had eaten a fly. He just swallowed it. It was really disgusting, but it was stuck in his throat and he couldn't spit it out.

Anyway, he had made up his mind that if there was any danger, he would run away as soon as possible.

The two of them rushed on in silence for a whole day. In Mo Xun's opinion, after wasting so much time, Senior Luo might have been dead or alive.

But what he didn't know was that Nan Sanniang had a green jade pendant in her hand, which was always flashing with a faint fluorescence.

The two landed near a cliff. The surroundings were filled with the smell of scorched earth. Flowers, plants and trees were razed to the ground in large areas, and even the cliffs several feet in size were cut in half.

All kinds of devastation revealed the war that had just happened here.

"Friend Mo Dao, let's look for it separately. This is a sound transmission talisman. If there are any clues, don't act rashly."

Mo Xun put away the sound transmission talisman. A white light flashed in front of him, and Nan Sanniang had disappeared.

Mo Xun shook his head helplessly, and then went in the opposite direction, muttering to himself, anyway, it was just a job without any effort, so he just dealt with it casually.

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