While searching along the traces left after the battle, Mo Xun unconsciously thought of the Chixiao Seal in his mind.

Originally, he planned to exchange some formations to deal with Ji Chong when he left the cave this time.

His first concern now was whether the effect of the Nianfu Powder would attract other monsters, or other cultivators with anacondas in the magic way.

Therefore, the formation against the enemy must be able to resist cultivators in the middle stage of foundation building at least.

And it was not just an ordinary trapped enemy. If you want to snatch the Tianxu root from the opponent, it will probably be another fierce battle.

In addition, Hongying's concealment made him afraid that this was a trap.

So after the Nianfu Powder was prepared, he did not immediately find Hongying to discuss countermeasures. He needed to think about how to be foolproof.

Because the surrounding situation was unclear, he did not dare to fly blatantly in the sky. On the one hand, he released his spiritual consciousness to be alert to the surroundings, and on the other hand, he used the invisibility technique to slowly search in the forest.

It was called searching, but in fact it was just wandering around aimlessly. He hoped that he would not find any clues. Even if Nan Sanniang sent a distress signal, he would not go there in time.

His current spiritual sense range was only a dozen feet. In an open area, it was probably not as good as the eyes.

However, it could be of great use in the dense forest.

At least behind him, he didn't have to worry about someone attacking him.

Of course, if the attacker was too fast, he might not be able to dodge even if he found out in advance.

After traveling through the mountains for more than an hour, it was about to get dark. Mo Xun was about to send a message to Nan Sanniang to ask about her gains. Suddenly, his spiritual sense in the distance found three monks sitting cross-legged in a cave. He hurriedly held his breath and concentrated, and his face became solemn.

The three sat in the cave motionless, as if they were regulating their breathing, but Mo Xun didn't feel any movement, like dead people.

He couldn't feel any cultivation from the other party, but there was a faint layer of spiritual power.

Mo Xun hesitated for a moment, should he inform Nan Sanniang?

Or should he just leave without any trouble?

However, a little curiosity in his heart still made him stop, and he stood still in the same place, but his consciousness remained in the cave until the moon was high in the sky.

"Could it be dead?"

This was the conclusion Mo Xun came to after observing for a long time.

These three people might be the group that fought with Senior Luo!

Most of them came here after being injured and died!

As for the spiritual energy surrounding them, it was probably because they had just died and the spiritual power in their bodies had not yet dissipated.

Thinking of this, Mo Xun's courage grew a little, and his steps slowly approached.

Just when he walked to the entrance of the cave, he didn't know if it was an illusion, but under the cover of his consciousness, he felt that one of the eyebrows seemed to move slightly.

The bright moonlight had climbed up the branches, and the surroundings were dim. Except for the rustling of insects, the silence was a little panicking.

Especially in this situation, it was clearly determined that the body had no breath, but it suddenly came back to life.

Even though Mo Xun had always been bold, his heartbeat could not help but speed up a bit at this time.

Fortunately, these years of experience have made him alert at all times.

He raised his right hand, and the Qiankun Ring on his fingertips flew out in three parts. Three silver lights flashed away, and in the blink of an eye, they were put on the three people in the cave.

He quickly pinched a Taoist formula in his hand, and the silver ring shrank rapidly, tightly binding the three people.

But at this time, a sudden change occurred, one of them suddenly opened his eyes, and blue light shot out from his eyes, instantly sinking into Mo Xun's brain.

Such a shocking change made him almost unable to react at all, and his head "boomed" as if it exploded.

The only clearness made him immediately understand that someone was taking over his body!

It was not the first time that he had encountered reincarnation through possession of another's body, but it was the first time that it really happened to him.

Ever since Xiao Qian was successfully possessed by Wuji Sanren, he had learned about this unique method in the world of immortal cultivation.

First of all, possession of another's body can only be used on immortal cultivators. Even if mortals have spiritual roots, they cannot be used as objects of possession.

Secondly, if the possessor wants to succeed, his soul power must be stronger than that of the possessed person. Otherwise, he will not only fail to occupy the magpie's nest, but will be backfired and lose the qualification for reincarnation.

So in general, it is high-level cultivators who possess lower-level cultivators.

Finally, no matter how high the cultivation level is, anyone can only possess another person once in his life.

This is another advantage that immortal cultivators have over mortals besides lifespan, which is equivalent to having an extra life.

But when these conditions are met, not all possessions can be successful.

He once read in a book that someone in the world of immortal cultivation had done statistics and the probability of successful possession was only about 30%.

He didn't know where such data came from, but it did reflect the difficulty of possessing a body from the side.

Once failed, the end is the soul torn apart!

As a cultivator, for the sake of the ethereal peak of the avenue, everyone has actually made up their minds to die if they fail when they set foot on this road, and their only hope after death is reincarnation, looking forward to continuing this road in the next life.

Losing reincarnation is not much different from losing life for them!

To perform possession, some other conditions need to be met.

The same spiritual root attribute can greatly increase the success rate. In addition, the best time to seize the body is within seven hours after death.

Because as time goes by, the soul will gradually dissipate. The longer it is delayed, the weaker the soul power.

It can be said that the right time, right place and right people are all indispensable!

In a flash, in Mo Xun's mind, the blue light rushed towards him like a flood.

The severe pain made him roar, and it echoed for a long time in the silent forest, startling countless birds and beasts.

Mo Xun held his head and rolled on the ground with a ferocious face. In a moment, the grass, trees and rocks within a radius of several feet were smashed into a mess by him.

And his body and limbs were already bleeding.

"Who are you, come out!"

Mo Xun kept repeating this question in his mind. If possible, at this moment, he wanted to eat the other party alive!

He could clearly feel that there was an invisible force in his body, constantly eroding his consciousness.

The tearing feeling from the depths of his soul made him faint with a splitting headache, and then wake up again, repeating this process countless times.

In his brain, it seemed as if there was a sharp knife, cutting his soul.

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