Cultivating immortals is a hard job

Chapter 238 Qingshui Biluo Gong

But before he could recover from this joy, his eyes suddenly froze. Next to the pile of spiritual stones, there was a white jade token as big as the palm of his hand.

"Heavenly Order!"

Mo Xun's head suddenly buzzed. Even though he had never seen this thing before, he had heard it countless times since he joined the Demon War for more than a year.

This thing is the command token issued by the Tiandao Alliance to all the alchemy monks. Why does it appear here?

Could it be that the person last night was Senior Luo?

To be honest, he had only heard of the name of Senior Luo, but had never seen him in person.

At this moment, on the one hand, he was shocked by this small jade plaque, and on the other hand, he couldn't help but feel scared. He really never dared to think that the person who took away his body was actually a pill-forming monk!

No wonder there are so many spiritual stones in this storage bag!

He felt dazed when he thought that he had destroyed the soul of a pill-forming monk.


He suddenly slapped his forehead. If the other party was an elixir-forming monk, wouldn't it mean that there were still golden elixirs left in the body?

And that extremely valuable inner elixir was actually burned by him!

He really didn't know whether he should be happy about Xuantian Huo's dominance, or regret that he missed a treasure!

Although that thing has no actual value, it must be of great help to his future elixir formation after some research.

It is true that misfortune depends on blessings, and blessings depend on disasters!

Who would have thought that a dignified Jindan monk would die like this in a barren mountain?

But when he thought of the other person taking his body, he was itching with hatred. He didn't care who this person was, as long as he harmed him, he would not be soft-hearted!

After thinking for a moment, he put the jade token into his storage bag, but as soon as he thought about it, he was afraid that this thing had some mark and would be discovered by others, so he threw it into the green gourd, and then he felt relieved.

After counting the spirit stones, he was asked to find several bottles of various elixirs, but most of them were for healing. The only exciting thing was that there was a small half bottle of Void Spirit Pill, which is a kind of foundation-building period to improve cultivation. of conventional elixirs.

I'm afraid it was this Senior Luo who used the rest before forming the elixir!

Pills in the foundation-building stage are not as easy to obtain as in the Qi-refining stage. Almost every pill is extremely precious!

Otherwise, the rewards from the Tiandao Alliance would not be so harsh. You can only obtain such things after killing the foundation-building monks.

But Mo Xun would not be so stupid as to risk his life just for a few pills. For him who has a black soil that defies the sky, he naturally plans to make pills by himself!

But after visiting almost all the markets, he still hasn't found a foundation-building elixir recipe so far.

Even the ancient elixir was cherished by those monks!

In his current state, without any background or support, every step forward is as difficult as reaching the sky!

For example, Senior Luo, who was in the early stage of forming a pill, was already considered to be at a relatively high level among casual cultivators. As for Nascent Soul cultivators, only large sects could afford to train them.

Of course, these are still too far away for him now.

He was grateful for the chance to build the foundation. As for forming the pill, he could only leave it to fate!

But having said that, even if you are a monk in the pill-forming stage, what can you do in this world of immortality where the weak eat the strong?

Isn't Senior Luo's fate the best example?

He couldn't help but shook his head, put away the porcelain bottle, and put these thoughts behind for the time being.

Putting aside the pills, he doesn’t even have the skills to continue practicing at this moment!

Just when he was feeling depressed, a leaf in front of him immediately aroused his interest.

The leaves are long and slender and look green. In addition to some textures, there are also many strange runes engraved on them.

He is no longer a newcomer in the world of immortality, but this is the first time he has seen such a strange magic weapon.

Out of curiosity, he hurriedly picked up the leaves with two fingers and looked up and down in front of his eyes.

Compared to those spiritual stones, he was obviously more pleased with these weird magical weapons. After all, the treasures of the Danjie monks were not something ordinary people could possess.

With a thought, he injected spiritual power into it, but after the leaf flashed with green light, there was no reaction at all.

Mo Xun said softly "Huh" and tried again, but it was still the same.

"Does this thing need a formula?"

As soon as he thought about this, he began to look for any motivational formula with words in the remaining pile of debris.

"Qingshui Biluo Gong"......

Mo Xun took out a yellowed jade slip from his forehead. Inside, it turned out to be a complete water-based skill.

From the Qi refining stage to the Dan-forming stage, there are thousands of words written eloquently!

But this thing is of no use to him, because although he has four spiritual roots, he only lacks the water spiritual root!

However, in terms of value, this thing is probably no less than the tens of thousands of spirit stones. After all, spirit stones are valuable, but high-level techniques are hard to find!

Calculating it this way, it can be called a treasure.

Although he cannot practice, it does not prevent him from learning from it. Many immortal cultivation techniques are similar in some places.

Moreover, water defeats fire. He is most afraid of water in the fire-based skills he practices. Being able to study some water-based spells is also of great benefit.

He looked through several ancient books and jade slips again. There were some exercises with other attributes in them, but most of them were incomplete. They must have been looted from other monks by Senior Luo.

After all, to reach this level, one must have killed many people.

Mo Xun was not very interested in these, but there were a few secret techniques in it, which looked quite novel and could be studied in his spare time.

After sorting out all the clothes, Mo Xun was surprised to find that there were some women's underwear in it, which made people have more thoughts about this senior.

The fireball was thrown out, and the clothes burned, but at the moment when Mo Xun turned around, he caught a glimpse of a green robe, which was shining in the firelight and could actually ward off fire!

Mo Xun made a move, and the green robe flew into his hand, and dusted off the dust. He then noticed that this thing was a robe.

The so-called robe is also a kind of magic weapon, but this kind of thing is quite useless, mostly favored by women, and few male monks will deliberately own it.

After studying for a while, Mo Xun smiled, it was also a pleasant surprise!

After putting the robes into the storage bag, Mo Xun suddenly remembered that since the other party was a Jindan cultivator, he must have a magic weapon.

He hurriedly searched again, but apart from the leaf and the robes, he could not find any spiritual things.

However, magic weapons are usually kept in the body of the cultivator, so who would put them in the storage bag?

But then again, when he set the fire, all three bodies turned into ashes, so where could there be any magic weapons?

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