Cultivating immortals is a hard job

Chapter 239: Swift Wind Boat

There are probably two reasons for this situation.

Either it was burned by Xuantian True Fire, or it was damaged in a fight with others!

However, the latter possibility is obviously greater. After all, even if Xuantian True Fire is against the sky, it is impossible for it to burn the magic weapon at once.

Thinking carefully, it is no wonder that Senior Luo died in the end. After all, magic weapons are too important for Jindan cultivators.

This thing is nurtured in the body, and it will slowly involve the mind. The longer the time, the closer the connection between the cultivator and the cultivator. Once it is damaged, it is not just the loss of the magic weapon, but also the backlash.

"What a pity!"

He couldn't help shaking his head, secretly sighing that he had no chance to have such a treasure!

The rest, in addition to a little gold and silver, are some spiritual herbs and materials, but the collection of Jindan cultivators is naturally extraordinary.

Many of them are good things that he has only heard of but never seen.

It's just a pity that he has never found a way to use that green leaf.

He suddenly had an idea, and then he remembered that cultivators above the foundation-building stage often have spiritual consciousness on their magic tools because they have spiritual consciousness. Although this spiritual consciousness mark will slowly dissipate with the death of the owner, it needs to be wiped off before others use it.

Ordinary foundation-building cultivators are not so bad, because their magic power is weak, even if they don't wipe off the spiritual consciousness, they can barely drive it with their cultivation.

After all, the low-level magic tools he got from his opponents in recent years were all made in this way.

But Jindan cultivators are different. There is a big realm difference, and even if the opponent's remaining spiritual consciousness is not something he can easily crack.

With this thought, he immediately put the green leaf between his hands, closed his eyes slightly, and invaded the spiritual consciousness into the green leaf bit by bit. After half an hour, he wiped the sweat on his forehead.

Using spiritual consciousness for a long time consumes much more physical strength than simply casting spells.

Then he spent some time to refine it again, and injected spiritual power into it. The green leaf in his hand suddenly disappeared, and a five or six-foot-long dark green boat appeared in front of him, which looked exactly like the green leaf just now.

On the boat, there were three big characters engraved: "Swift Wind Boat"!

Looking at the huge boat in front of him, Mo Xun was immediately overjoyed. Could this thing be the flying magic weapon in the rumors?

Although after building the foundation, you can fly with a sword, but that speed is far worse than that of a special aircraft.

Moreover, the value of this thing is much higher than that of a conventional magic weapon. The reason is that this thing needs to be integrated with some flying monster feathers or rare swift wind materials, which is really hard to come by.

Unable to wait, Mo Xun quickly put away the things on the ground, jumped lightly, and jumped up.

After injecting spiritual power under his feet, the Swift Wind Boat immediately soared into the sky.

Above the nine heavens, Mo Xun put one hand behind his back and clenched the other hand in front of him. His clothes fluttered in the wind. The sound of the wind whistled in his ears, and the clouds and white mist flew behind him like lightning.

Although he was already familiar with the pleasure of flying in the sky, such a speed still made him quite excited.

With a force on his feet, the Swift Wind Boat accelerated again, and disappeared at the end of his sight in the blink of an eye.

If this thing is used well, it can be regarded as a great weapon to save life at the critical moment of life and death.

Although he has not seen the speed of high-level cultivators, he must be not much different at this time.

After experiencing several life and death situations, he has become more and more fond of this kind of escape treasure.

In addition to cultivating elixirs, things like escape talismans of various attributes, invisibility techniques, etc. are all things he is most interested in. Now with this Swift Wind Boat, it is even more powerful.

I just don’t know how much it will cost to control this thing with his current mana.

Thinking of this, he couldn't wait and was ready to try it out. However, at this moment, a sound transmission note was suddenly caught in his hand.

"Friend Mo Dao, I'm in trouble, come and help me!"

Mo Xun suddenly stopped in mid-air, squinting his eyes and looking in a certain direction, his face became solemn for a while.

This sound transmission note was naturally sent by Nan Sanniang, but what made him hesitate was whether to go to rescue.

Since the other party was in danger, it meant that he must have encountered a difficult person. Fairy Nan and he had no relatives or friends, and it was their first meeting. It was not his personality to take risks rashly when the situation was unclear!

Besides, even if he rescued this person, what benefits could he get?

But on the contrary, if he didn't go, what could the other party do to him?

Just when he thought of this, another sound transmission note flew over.

"Friend Mo Dao, if you can help me get out of trouble, I will give you a treasure!"

Mo Xun smiled, this is more like it!

After waiting for a while, he turned the boat around and sped towards the direction where the sound transmission talisman came from.

After flying for an incense stick of time, seeing that he was about to reach the place where Nan Sanniang asked for help, Mo Xun quickly put away the Swift Wind Boat and switched to flying the sword. At the same time, he restrained his breath and was very alert, searching carefully in the dense forest.

It was indeed very fast. If it was at the previous speed, it would probably take half an hour to get here.


A wave of mana in the distance immediately attracted his attention.

Mo Xun quickly landed on the ground and slowly approached.

In a piece of firelight, two men, one holding a gourd and the other holding a green flag.

The gourd continuously released something like ice crystals, and the green flag shot out dazzling green light, hitting the spiritual shield on Nan Sanniang's body.

Both of them had the cultivation of the initial stage of foundation building, and they formed a pincer attack, blocking Nan Sanniang in front of a towering stone wall.

Above Nan Sanniang's head, a red cloth was floating, but under the attack of the two, it seemed shaky, and it was afraid that it would only last for a moment before it would die!

However, Mo Xun was not in a hurry to attack. At such a close distance, he didn't believe that the other party didn't find him.

He also needed to observe the surroundings first to see if there were any ambushes.

But just as he hesitated, Nan Sanniang's voice sounded in his ears again.

"Thank you, Daoyou Mo, for coming to rescue us. These two are the demon cultivators of Tuoluomen. Daoyou only need to entangle one of them, and wait for me to catch my breath. I must not let them run away!"

Mo Xun's eyes suddenly condensed, and hearing the three words Tuoluomen again made him change his original idea immediately.


I have been very busy recently. Many readers have given me encouragement every day. I am very grateful. I have wanted to thank the friends who sent me gifts for a long time, but I always forget after posting a chapter. I would like to thank them here.

Thanks to 92979960, 10983067, Xiaoxuan, 13762369, Jincheng, 16840726, 11146484, 91880981, 16972804, Huang, 96610101, Nan, zzbmars, 44988149, 13982047, 10983067, 17500336, 37379893, Qi for the gifts. Many friends have given me gifts more than once. Thank you for your support!

And the friends who comment and like every day, I am very happy to see your check-in every day. Thank you again......

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