The two ran and chased each other for about seven or eight miles, and came to a valley. Mo Xun felt that it was almost time, so he stopped in mid-air and looked at the man holding the gourd behind him with a cold look.

"What, you can't run anymore?"

Although there was a bit of teasing in his tone, this man was not careless at all. His vigilant eyes kept wandering around, always keeping a distance of more than ten feet from Mo Xun, holding the gourd tightly in his hand, ready for unknown sneak attacks at any time.

From the beginning, he guessed that Mo Xun must have deliberately led him here. The reason why he was fooled was mainly because of his high skills and courage, and at the same time, he relied on this strange magic weapon in his hand.

When Mo Xun took out the Qiankun Ring just now, he recognized it at first sight, and then he became very interested in Mo Xun's wealth.

High-level magic weapons are not something that ordinary cultivators in the early stage of foundation building can own!

Therefore, why didn't he willingly fall into the trap?

As the saying goes, wealth and honor are sought in danger. Even if there are any traps in this place, he thinks that he can deal with them with his own ability.

Moreover, even if the other party has other means, doesn't he have a backup plan?

Mo Xun naturally doesn't know what this person is thinking. He came here simply to avoid Nan Sanniang!

Mo Xun smiled slightly, without any intention of taking action, but instead bowed to the distance.

"May I know your name?"

The man holding the gourd frowned. To be honest, he didn't want to talk nonsense with Mo Xun. Under the unclear situation, the longer it dragged on, the more disadvantageous it would be for him. God knows if the other party would have help nearby.

However, his suspicious character made him hesitate for a while. His spiritual sense was slightly stronger, but it could only cover a distance of 20 to 30 feet. He needed some time to carefully observe the movements around him.

Especially looking at Mo Xun's calm expression now, he was more convinced that the other party must have an ambush!


Having been dealing with the magic sect for more than half a year, Mo Xun has seen many strange surnames, so he was not surprised. Instead, he said, "Duo Daoyou, you are polite. My surname is Mo. Before we start, can you help me with something?"

Duoxi also bowed his hands expressionlessly.

"Please go ahead!"

Seeing that the other party agreed, Mo Xun hurriedly asked, "Just now I heard from the fairy Nan that you are from the Tuoluo Gate?"

Duoxi frowned and locked his brows tighter. He pondered for a while and didn't understand the other party's intention.

"Duo Daoyou, don't worry. I have a good friend who is also from your family. I just want to find out a thing or two!"

Duoxi's eyes suddenly became a little weird. Obviously, he didn't believe what Mo Xun said. In his opinion, this might be a delaying tactic of the other party!

"Are you teasing me, Mo Daoyou? You and I belong to different camps and are mortal enemies. How can we say we are friends?"

Mo Xun smiled faintly.

"You are wrong, Daoist friend. Different standpoints do not mean that we cannot get to know each other."

Duo Xi sneered and said, "Then please tell me who your friend is. If I really know him, I will tell you!"

"This person is called Xue Hun. Two years ago, I was friends with Mo in Xiangguo."

Hearing this name, Duo Xi asked with some doubt: "Do you know Xue Hun?"

When Mo Xun saw the other party's expression, he knew that he had asked the right question this time, and he was even more expectant in his heart. The biggest purpose of joining the Tiandao League was to find out the whereabouts of this person.

Duo Xi's excitement at this time, I am afraid only he himself knows.

Because Xue Hun is not someone else, but the apprentice of his master, and as far as he knows, Xue Hun did go out secretly a few years ago on the order of his master.

At that time, he also investigated, but he never found out the whereabouts of his junior brother. He didn't expect that he went to Xiangguo.

From this point of view, the young man in front of him is probably really acquainted with his junior brother.

But why did the other party suddenly mention this?

Could it be that he just wanted to lure him here, establish some relationship with him, and ask him to let him go?

Duoxi suddenly laughed, changed his hostility just now, and said with a bow: "It seems that the flood washed away the Dragon King Temple. I offended you just now. Don't blame me, fellow Taoist!"

"So, you really know fellow Taoist Xuehun?"

"To be honest, Xuehun is my junior brother. Since fellow Taoist knows Xuehun, you are my friend!"

Mo Xun also laughed. He didn't believe that on the battlefield, two people could end the war with just a few words. Regardless of whether the other party was pretending to be polite, as long as he could get what he wanted to know from this person, it would be fine.

"Fellow Taoist, you are polite. I just don't know if fellow Taoist Xuehun is in the tent now?"

"I'm afraid I will disappoint you. Xuehun is not here. As for where he is now, I don't know!"

Mo Xun's face showed some disappointment, but it was obviously enough to get this information!

"That's a pity..."

Mo Xun shook his head, his mouth curled up, and suddenly raised his hand without warning, and a golden long mace flew out of the air, heading straight towards Duo Xi.

However, Duo Xi had obviously been prepared, and immediately raised the gourd in his hand, while releasing the ice crystal, grinning: "I wanted to let you go, but who knew you would not care about your life, then don't blame me!"

The silver ice crystals like buckets shone in the sun, and instantly wrapped the golden mace in it, and Mo Xun's mental connection with it was also cut off at the same time!

But there was not much surprise on his face. The flying sword under his feet suddenly turned into a ray of light. Mo Xun in the air came to the other side of Duo Xi like a gust of wind. He slapped his palm and the Xuantian True Fire in his body gushed out!

At the critical moment of life and death, Mo Xun had no intention of hiding his weakness. He wanted to kill with one blow!

But after seeing the golden fire snake, Duo Xi became even more disdainful.

"You have been fighting with me for so long, but you still don't know that I practice ice-attributed skills. Ice and water are of the same nature. Can they overcome fire?"

Duo Xi then turned the gourd mouth, and countless ice crystals were released. Between the two of them, a thick ice wall was cast.

According to Duo Xi's plan, once he resisted this wave of fire attacks, he would increase his magic power and freeze Mo Xun in the air like the silver ring and the golden mace.

You know, his gourd is different from ordinary high-level magic tools. It was cultivated in Bingpo Pond for thirty years and absorbed most of the cold air in the pond before it was refined.

In terms of value, he might not be willing to exchange it for ten high-level magic tools.

The number of foundation-building cultivators who died under this gourd is at least in the double digits. Even fire-attributed cultivators in the middle stage of foundation-building have not been unheard of by him!


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