Mo Xun was also startled. He knew that the other party was using an ice-attributed magic weapon, but he had never thought that this was a rare ice-attributed cultivator.

He couldn't help but think of Li Qingying. The little girl's ice soul body might have the same effect as the ice-attributed spiritual root.

It's just not clear whether the other party has a single spiritual root. You know, the better the spiritual root attribute, not only will it be twice as effective in cultivation, but even the mana in the body will be more condensed than that of ordinary cultivators.

But now thinking about these things is obviously a bit redundant. The arrow is already on the string, can it not be fired?

In Duoxi's contemptuous eyes, the result surprised him!

The golden flame was not blocked by the ice wall as before. There were bursts of crackling sounds around, as if seeing a ghost. The ice was like dry wood, burning and emitting a strange blue flame!

"This is..."

In an instant, Duoxi thought of something.

"What kind of flame is this?"

Mo Xun saw this, and his confidence suddenly rose. It seemed that he had underestimated the power of Xuantian True Fire.

"Your Excellency should go to the underworld to ask!"

After the voice fell, Mo Xun used his power again. The flame in his palm was like a gushing flood. In the blink of an eye, it enveloped the area within a few feet where Duoxi was.

He didn't want to leave any escape route for the other party at all, and was ready to kill him in one battle!

"Even if this is really Xuantian True Fire, what does it matter? Do you think you can do anything to Duo?"

In the golden flames, a "hissing" sound suddenly came. Mo Xun, who was on the periphery, couldn't help but frown. He could faintly feel that the Xuantian True Fire, which was originally in a suppressed situation, seemed to be eaten away by something.

It was just that this fierce fire seemed to burn even the spiritual consciousness, greatly weakening the exploration of the spiritual consciousness.

He could only vaguely see that a layer of silver light shield was lingering on Duoxi's body.

After a dozen breaths, the light shield suddenly flashed and disappeared from the spot.

Mo Xun was surprised and looked around.

Sure enough, a few feet away from him, Duo Xi floated in the air again in the flashing silver light, but the whole person looked a little embarrassed, the hem of his clothes was burned by the fire, and his face was extremely pale. One hand was clenched into a fist, and the other hand was covering his chest and rising and falling slowly.

"I didn't expect that you have such a good opportunity. You actually have such a flame, but your Taoism seems to be a little shallow!"

Duo Xi's words are not wrong. Although Xuantian True Fire exists as an independent body, it is ultimately subject to the control of the master. The depth of the caster's realm naturally determines the power!

To control this kind of flame, Mo Xun's Taoism is indeed a little shallow.

Otherwise, he would not have trapped the other party for so long, not only did he not burn to ashes, but he also escaped.

If you think about it, this is the second time that Mo Xun has used this flame against the enemy.

Last time, when he was still in the Qi Refining Stage, he accidentally controlled the Xuantian True Fire and escaped from Liu Yu's hands. He thought that this thing could play a magical role in defending against the enemy.

Now it seems that he has overestimated this fire.

At this time, Duoxi was in a different state of mind. Thinking of his underestimation of the enemy just now, he was still frightened!

The reason why he was able to escape was actually mainly due to a kind of spiritual insect he raised, called "Ice Borer"!

This thing is born in a cold place. It takes ten years to hatch and a hundred years to become an adult. It is a real rare spiritual thing. Even those old monsters in the Jindan stage may not have many people.

He just got through hundreds of ice borers the size of fingernails to gnaw a narrow passage leading to the outside world in the weak place of the fierce fire, and finally turned into a wisp of green smoke, so that he could escape.

But the price he paid was that most of the spiritual insects he raised over the years were burned to death.

Thinking of this, his heart was like dripping blood. Just a fire almost burned away his years of hard work, and he lost a great weapon that he relied on!

At this moment, he looked at Mo Xun again, and he was no longer calm just now, and there was a strong hatred in his eyes.

Mo Xun, who didn't know how much his mood changed, was still thinking about how the other party escaped.

"You are also very capable!"

Mo Xun made a move with one hand, and all the flames were immersed in his palm again.

At this moment, after failing to hit, he actually had some intention of retreating. It's not that he couldn't use the same trick again, but the other party was on guard, so it was difficult to achieve the unexpected effect just now.

Of course, he was also considering that if he let the tiger go back to the mountain, then the fact that he had the Xuantian True Fire would not be covered up!

If it was leaked out, I'm afraid that not only the Demonic Path, but also the Heavenly Path Alliance would attract many covetous people.

On the one hand, Duo Xi secretly vowed to avenge his spirit insect, and on the other hand, his interest in Mo Xun became stronger and stronger.

Not to mention other treasures, the Xuantian True Fire alone was enough to make him crazy!

After the two stared for a while, Duo Xi finally moved. He was seen holding a gourd in his hand, and a stream of ice crystals suddenly shot out.

Mo Xun moved his feet, dodged, and threw out a ball of hot fire at the same time.

But this time, both of them learned their lesson. With their agility, they had no intention of confronting each other head-on.

Especially Duo Xi, he could no longer bear the second burning of Xuantian True Fire!

He almost concentrated his mind to the extreme, fearing that the damn fire would infect his body.

While dodging, countless flames mixed with ice ignited and froze the flowers, plants and trees within a radius of dozens of feet.

Both of them suffered huge consumption during the fight.

In fact, Duoxi's cultivation should be higher than Moxun, but after experiencing a sea of ​​fire, his mana and body have declined a lot.

But he was not in a hurry. He needed to wait for an opportunity, an opportunity to completely defeat the opponent with one blow.

After fighting for so long, he finally figured out why Moxun led him here.

It was not because there was an ambush here, but because the opponent, like him, had some unknown secrets.

The two fought so fiercely for a stick of incense. Just when their mana was about to run out, Duoxi suddenly covered his abdomen and avoided a ball of fire with a painful face. It was just that the gourd in his hand seemed to be unable to support the body and did not launch an attack in time.

Mo Xun was delighted when he saw this scene. Although he didn't know what happened to the other party, he would never miss this fleeting advantage in this ever-changing battle.

He immediately stepped forward without any evasion, and released a ball of fire from the front. At the same time, he slapped the storage bag on his waist and shot out a handful of silver needles, completely blocking his retreat.

He had forgotten which demon cultivator he had taken this thing from. Although it was only a low-level magic weapon, it was still a good thing to scare people at a critical moment!

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