Cultivating immortals is a hard job

Chapter 243: Turning defeat into victory

Just where the firelight passed by, there was a flash of rays of light, and Doshi in front of him suddenly turned into a black wooden pile, which was instantly turned into smoke and dust under the fierce flames of Xuanyuan Fire.

Mo Xun felt a chill in his heart and secretly said something bad.

"What kind of magic is this?"

The strangeness in front of him was really beyond his understanding.

But before he could react, a black shadow flashed behind him, and a crystal ice pick stabbed straight into his back.

Doxi's face was a little flushed at the moment, and she didn't know whether it was because of excitement or anger!

What he used just now was not a magic spell, but an extremely precious death talisman. To a certain extent, its value was hardly lower than the Xuanbing Gourd in his hand.

Although this item is a one-time consumable, it can be a real second life at critical moments!

It is the key to turning things around, and it is also the biggest trump card in his hand!

Ever since he got this thing, not even his master had told him about it.

When Mo Xun realized that the danger was approaching, the sharp ice pick was already close to his back, and his heart would be completely pierced in just a moment.

Of course, if he died so easily, he would obviously be a bit sorry for his role as the protagonist!

At this critical moment, a huge circle of silver light suddenly surrounded Mo Xun's body.

When the ice cone collided with the brilliance, it made a harsh metallic sound, and then a large number of light needles shot out from around the brilliance, piercing through Doshi's whole body in an instant.

From head to toe, his entire body was like a sieve, with countless densely packed and dazzling light holes appearing on his body.

A heart-rending roar echoed in the dense forest for a long time. This roar contained endless sadness and deep unwillingness!

At this time, Mo Xun had already retreated more than ten feet away like a frightened bird. While feeling scared in his heart, he looked at the inhuman Duo Xi with a look of astonishment.

With a "thud", Doxi fell heavily to the ground, creating a big deep pit!

Then there was smoke and dust everywhere, and the surrounding became extremely quiet, and the only sound of the heartbeat could be heard!

After a long time, Mo Xun came back to his senses from the shock. He brushed his sleeves and the brilliance around him disappeared. At the same time, a small ring fell on his palm.

It turns out that this thing is exactly the exquisite ring that the Moonflower Fairy lent him in the Soul-Calming Tower under Tianxiang Valley a few years ago!

It is also the second thing he relies on, a real magic weapon!

After getting this thing, it was the first time for him to reveal it to others.

Ever since he had successfully established the foundation, he was barely able to control the magic weapon, and he had also practiced using it in private. But now after using it in actual practice, he truly realized the horror of this thing.

If Qi refining and foundation building are compared to streams and rivers, then the pill formation stage is completely like a river and lake. Just being able to use magic weapons is not something that any foundation building monk can compete with.

Mo Xun secretly wiped his cold sweat and carefully put away the exquisite ring. He would not use this thing unless it was a life-and-death moment.

Just imagine, without this magic weapon, he might have died long ago!

In fact, he had already made complete preparations before luring Duo Xi here, and he never took it out. Maybe he was waiting for an opportunity!

Mo Xun slowly fell from the sky. Although he was 90% sure that Duo Xi would die this time, the wooden stake just now still made him worried.

What kind of magic was that? It could evade his consciousness, escape danger instantly, and move behind him.

It's a bit like the escape technique, but it also seems to have a confusing effect.

When he saw that the ground was riddled with holes and that there was no trace of life left in Doxi, he finally felt relieved.

But it’s also a little regretful that I couldn’t ask the other party what Li Daitao’s stiffness was just now.

Now, we can only look forward to finding some clues from its storage bag.

However, when he searched the opponent's body, he was angry and helpless. Under the surging attack of Linglong Huan, there was no storage bag left.

As expected, it was still a bit reluctant to use the magic weapon during the foundation building period.

If he has the cultivation of pill formation and can cultivate this thing in his body, he can achieve mind-body connection and then control it accurately.

But having said that, this thing has been recognized by Fairy Yuehua for a long time, and it has been cultivated in the body for who knows how many years. Even if he is lucky enough to form a pill in the future, I am afraid it will not be so easy to refine.

Looking at the bloody mess in front of him, Mo Xun sighed depressedly. It seemed that this fight was in vain again!

And he didn't know whether it was because the power of the exquisite ring was too overbearing and directly strangled the opponent's soul, or because he was delayed for a moment and was run away by him. At this moment, even the possibility of collecting the soul in exchange for rewards has come to naught.

But just when he was a little frustrated, a silver light flashed in the corner of his eyes, and he suddenly noticed something seemed to be buried under a pile of soil.

He hurriedly clapped his palm, and a silver gourd flew out from the soil.

Seeing this gourd that made him so embarrassed and even almost killed him, Mo Xun was overjoyed.

With a casual move, the gourd flew into the air and was held in his hand.

This object is about seven or eight inches tall, with a crystal clear appearance and engraved with some strange textural symbols. In the sunlight, it shines with a dazzling silver light.

When you touch it in your hand, it feels even colder.

Mo Xun curiously took off the lid and looked inside the gourd. What he saw was a piece of snow-white, and a trace of cold air kept coming out from it, which made people feel quite uncomfortable.

Mo Xun's current mood, I am afraid only he can understand it, and he can't help but nod repeatedly, finally he has gained something.

If other cultivators of the same level knew how he felt, they would probably be so angry that they would vomit blood!

This thing is a genuine high-level magic weapon. Not to mention the initial stage of foundation building, even the middle-stage cultivators treat it as a treasure. This is not a little gain, it is simply a windfall!

Putting away the Xuanbing gourd, he threw a fireball casually, and Duoxi's body was immediately shrouded in a sea of ​​fire.

Then he picked up his golden mace, ate a few pills to restore his cultivation, and after meditating for a while, he went back to where he came from without stopping.

He was not worried about Nan Sanniang, but his Qiankun Ring was still there!

Not far away, he heard a series of rumbling sounds in the distance. He didn't expect that after so long, the two had not yet decided the winner.

A red light flashed in the air, and Mo Xun's figure appeared at the edge of the battlefield.

The man holding the flag had a round shield floating above his head. He was covered with scars all over his body, and blood was oozing from the corners of his mouth. He dodged with a serious face and used the small flag in his hand to cast spells and attack.

Nan Sanniang's situation at the moment was not much better than that man. Even her sleeves were cut off in the fight, revealing her white arms. Her hair was messy and she looked a little embarrassed.

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