Cultivating immortals is a hard job

Chapter 224: Murder and Silencing

The moment Mo Xun appeared, the moods of the two people on the field could be described as two extremes.

The man holding the flag immediately guessed the fate of his companions, and the horror in his heart could not be greater.

Others don't know, but he knows very well what Doxi is capable of!

In an instant, he made a decision. Before Mo Xun could stand firm, the man suddenly threw something. Without the other two people seeing it clearly, there was an explosion and roar in the air.

Immediately afterwards, thick gray smoke began to fill a radius of several feet.

Mo Xun suffered a secret loss and immediately took more than ten steps back.

Seeing this, Nan Sanniang calmly took out a palm-sized monkey. The monkey sucked all the smoke and dust into its belly in a few breaths like a whale.

After everything disappears, where can I see the figure of the man holding the flag?

Seeing that Nan Sanniang was still trying to chase her, Mo Xun put away his Qiankun Ring and quickly stopped her.

"Forget it, you and I have almost exhausted our mana, so let's get out of here first!"

Nan Sanniang glanced at Mo Xun, seeming to be very curious about Mo Xun's safety.


After the two of them walked for more than an hour, Nan Sanniang sent a transmission note to the camp, and they temporarily found a hilltop to sit down and restore their mana.

"Fellow Daoist Mo, how did you kill that man?"

Mo Xun glanced at her indifferently. Regardless of whether he would answer such a question, the commanding tone alone made him unhappy.

You must know that there is no affiliation between the two of them. The reason why he came to help was entirely out of reward.

"Nan Xianzi, why don't you first tell me how you got grudged against others?"

Nan Sanniang heard the dissatisfaction in Mo Xun's tone, but she was not angry, but her eyes were a little weird.

She did not answer the other party's question. After a long time, she said: "Thank you so much, fellow Taoist, for this matter. When I find my master, I will be deeply grateful."

Nan Sanniang stood up and moved her hands and feet, and then said, "Fellow Taoist, please wait for a moment while I go change my clothes."

Mo Xun nodded lightly and closed his eyes again, but secretly cursed in his heart that he would never find that Senior Luo even if he spent his whole life looking for him.

Just when he was thinking about how to get Tiansu roots next, he suddenly felt a cold feeling on the back of his head, and a strong gust of wind hit him quickly from behind.

A long sword glowing with light, accompanied by a crisp sound of breaking through the air, instantly pierced his chest.

It's just that the pierced figure didn't make any sound of pain, but was shattered like light and shadow.

A few feet away, Mo Xun's figure regrouped, and it turned out that the light and shadow were just his afterimage.

Fortunately, several assassinations in the past two days made him, who was already surrounded by soldiers, always vigilant about his surroundings even when he was sleeping.

Mo Xun looked at Nan Sanniang in the distance with a gloomy expression, and said coldly: "What does Fairy Nan mean by this? Is it possible that she attacked Mo just for a small reward?"

The surprise on Nan Sanniang's face flashed away. She should have expected it. Since Mo Xun could kill Duo Xi, how could he be the same person as Yi Yu?

I just missed the great opportunity just now. It’s not that easy to succeed again!

"Why did I take action? Why do fellow Taoists ask questions even though they already know it!"

"I really don't understand what the fairy said!"

When he said this, Mo Xun was holding the Qiankun Ring in his hand while condensing his magic power, always guarding against the opponent's sneak attacks.

"I feel my master's aura in you, but my Taoist friend deliberately concealed it. I don't know how to explain it?"

Hearing this, Mo Xun's heart immediately froze, and his expression also changed slightly.

And this change happened to fall in Nan Sanniang's eyes, making her more confident in her guess.

The two looked at each other, and Mo Xun couldn't help but wonder to himself, could it be that after being taken away by Senior Naluo, there was still some aura left in his body?

If this is the case, there will be some trouble.

After all, there was no one to testify for him at the time, and the crime of killing an alchemy monk was not a small one!

As soon as he thought of this, some murderous intent arose in his heart.

Years of experience in the world of immortality have already made him extremely mature. The kind-hearted young man before also understood the dangers of the world after escaping from death countless times.

Of course, such a character does not mean that he has become murderous, but that he knows better what kind of decision to make in the face of his own life and interests.

Everyone grows, and he is no exception!

"It seems that I guessed it right. My Taoist friend has really met my master!"

Mo Xun looked at her quietly, with a chill rising in his eyes!

"Is the master alive or dead now?"

Listening to the other party's commanding tone again, Mo Xun didn't answer a word, and suddenly jumped up high, and the Qiankun Ring flew out of the sky and headed towards Nan Sanniang's head.

Nan Sanniang seemed to be waiting for the other party to attack. She immediately took out a cloth handkerchief from her waist and rotated it in the air to enlarge it.

There was a dazzling golden light all around Bupa, and it violently collided with the Qiankun Ring. After the impact, they bounced back.

Only then did Mo Xun notice that the grade of the magical weapon in the opponent's hand was not low.

But it's normal to think about it. With a master in the alchemy stage, his wealth is naturally not comparable to that of ordinary casual cultivators.

In his mind, Mo Xun wanted to fight quickly, but Nan Sanniang was trying to capture the opponent alive so that he could find out the whereabouts of his master.

Therefore, once they made their move, there was a big gap in their methods.

At least Mo Xun had no scruples, while Nan Sanniang was a little restrained.

Mo Xun took back the Qiankun Ring, and then slapped it with his palm. Xuantian True Fire burst out like burning firewood, and in an instant, it submerged Nan Sanniang in it.

Then there was a shrill scream, and Mo Xun injected almost all of his spiritual power into the fire. Within a few feet, it was immediately covered by the sea of ​​fire.

Perhaps it was because Nan Sanniang was seriously injured before, or her gold-attributed skills were restrained by Mo Xun.

Nan Sanniang did not react to the sudden fire like Duoxi, and she did not even have time to sacrifice some fire-proof magic tools.

The fire lasted for a full cup of tea, until the sound inside became smaller and smaller, and Mo Xun's mana was almost exhausted, and he waved his hand, and all the flames returned to his palm again.

Looking ahead, there was only a scorched earth, and the air was filled with a strong burning smell.

Mo Xun picked up the other party's storage bag. Fortunately, Xuantian True Fire was connected to his mind and soul, so he preserved the item. However, the strange cloth handkerchief had been charred because Nan Sanniang used it as a protective magic weapon.

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