Cultivating immortals is a hard job

Chapter 245 Level 4 Formation

After dealing with the battlefield briefly, Mo Xun left the place in a hurry.

It was obvious that the Tiandao League could not go back. The sound transmission note sent by Nan Sanniang before her death completely blocked his way to stay here.

Although he could also make up a reason for Nan Sanniang's death, as the saying goes, a gentleman does not stand under a dangerous wall. If he is found by someone with ulterior motives, it will be a hidden danger.

In addition, there is the aura of Senior Luo on him, and it is hard to guarantee that no one else will notice it.

As for the whereabouts of the blood soul, he can only wait for another opportunity in the future.

Thinking of this, Mo Xun sighed secretly. It seems that he will have to change his appearance in the future if he wants to travel in the five countries of Southern Xinjiang.

All the way to the east, Mo Xun flew forward with a sword while playing with a small golden cicada in his hand.

This is a good thing, because it will spit out a drop of liquid every once in a while, called golden marrow liquid, which is an auxiliary elixir for tempering spiritual consciousness.

Mo Xun wanted to buy one after solving the problem of the technique, but he didn't expect it to be so easy to get.

Moreover, he found a small bottle of gold marrow liquid in Nan Sanniang's storage bag, which was a pleasant surprise!

There were some other small gains in her storage bag, but with Mo Xun's current wealth, he didn't care much about it.

Half a month later, he came to Baiguang City under the jurisdiction of Lingshou Mountain. After a little disguise outside the city, he went straight to the market in the city.

Lingshou Mountain is good at taming beasts, so there are naturally more shops selling spirit beasts here than other places.

Mo Xun first went to several pill shops and bought several spirit beast pill recipes. Bai Ze, the little guy, has a little anorexia recently, and he doesn't eat the spirit beast pills he used to eat. In addition, Mo Xun's habit is that every time he arrives at a place, he will definitely search the city for rare spiritual medicines.

He now has so many spirit stones that he is afraid of having nowhere to spend them. After experiencing all kinds of cruelty in the world of immortal cultivation, he deeply realized that only by improving his own strength can he survive in this environment.

Another option is to try his luck and see if he can find a suitable pill recipe for the foundation-building period.

Although the chance of this is very small, he has never missed any opportunity.

After walking around for a whole morning, Mo Xun finally came to a place that specializes in selling formations, which is also the main reason for his visit.

If he wants to plot against Ji Chong, who has the Tianxu root, the safest way is to use the formation.

After all, his consciousness is still too weak. Even if he gets more magic tools, he can't control them. Instead, he will lose more than he gains because of greed!

"Hello, senior!"

The shopkeeper is a middle-aged man in his forties with a peak level of Qi Refining. Mo Xun has no hidden realm. When the other party saw him, he hurriedly clasped his hands to greet him.

The world of immortal cultivation has always respected strength. Yesterday, they might have been peers, but today they had to be treated as juniors.

Most people, even if they work hard for a lifetime, can't get past the Qi Refining Stage.

Mo Xun nodded lightly, and the shopkeeper said respectfully: "Senior, please go directly to the second floor, there are other seniors up there to serve you."

Mo Xun knew that this kind of larger shop was divided into levels, and at the bottom, all the items in the Qi Refining Stage were placed. He just glanced at it and followed the shopkeeper's instructions to go up the wooden steps on the side.

Between the stairs, because of the prohibition of isolating the spiritual consciousness, he couldn't spy on the situation on the second floor, but since he could open such a large shop, he didn't have to worry about any danger.

"Daoyou, please take a seat!"

When he arrived at the second floor, there was already a young cultivator in the early stage of foundation building, who seemed to have been waiting for him for a long time and was waiting at the stairs early.

There was a chessboard on the table, and the black and white twins seemed to be fighting hard, but Mo Xun, who had no hobbies, knew nothing about this.

Mo Xun clasped his fists and bowed, and sat down in the direction of the other party's finger.

"Daoyou, you are so elegant!"

"I'm just bored. I'm Luo Qing. What's your name?"

"My last name is Su!" Mo Xun nodded calmly, his eyes falling on the magic tools placed around.

It seems that this place is indeed used to receive foundation-building monks. Although there are not many things, each one is of high quality, and the grade is at least above the middle level.

And there are many kinds of things with strange shapes.

Although Mo Xun is wealthy, he is very ignorant in this area, and he was dazzled for a while.

Seeing Mo Xun's expression, Luo Qing's mouth curled up slightly. The business on the second floor has always been difficult to do. After all, there are far fewer foundation-building monks than Qi-refining monks!

"Fellow Daoist Su looks unfamiliar, but is this your first time in our store?"

Mo Xun nodded, not very interested in this forced politeness, and went straight to the point and said: "Fellow Daoist, do you have a more powerful formation here?"

"Of course there is, I wonder if there are any specific requirements?"

To be honest, Mo Xun is really not very good at this.

"Fellow Daoist, can you introduce one or two?"

Luo Qing sent a Taoist note downstairs, bought a cup of tea for the two, and said with a smile: "In the field of formation, if our store admits to being second in this city, no one dares to claim to be the first. Let's not talk about the low-level formation, Daoist, I'm sure you won't look down on it..."

Listening to Luo Qing talking, Mo Xun didn't interrupt. He had bought things so many times, and almost every shopkeeper had such a good eloquence.

It's just that when he was at a low level, the people he dealt with were all in the Qi Refining Stage. I didn't expect that even if the merchant was in the Foundation Establishment Stage, he couldn't change his attitude.

"Wait, fellow Daoist, are you saying that you have a fourth-level formation here?"

Mo Xun quickly interrupted him, with a bit of surprise on his face.

According to the division of the Immortal Cultivation World of the Five Southern Border Countries, a person who can refine a fourth-level formation can be called half a formation master!

After all, the goalkeeping formations of ordinary small sects are only at level five.

The mountain-protecting formations of large sects like Gu Yue Sect are only level seven!

But don't underestimate this seven-level formation. If all of them are activated, it can withstand the full blow of the Nascent Soul monk. Like the Dan formation monk, there is no way to think about it without more than a dozen people jointly breaking the formation.

At this time, let alone the fourth level, Mo Xun had never seen even the third level formation.

But he was not sure whether he could host such a grand formation in his current state.

Although he had no idea about the power of the fourth-level formation, he thought it was far enough to deal with monks in the middle stage of foundation building.

Seeing the change in Mo Xun's expression, Luo Qing said quickly: "With such a big business in our store, we naturally won't talk nonsense. If fellow Taoist is interested, you can hand over a hundred spirit stones in advance and I will get them for you right now. "

Hearing this, Mo Xundang frowned. This was the first time he encountered such a situation. He had to pay before he even saw the thing.

"Fellow Taoist, don't get me wrong. After all, this kind of thing is the treasure of our store. Under normal circumstances, we will not show it to others easily. Of course, if you don't like it, you should return these spiritual stones."

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